Blogging from Indianapolis – Technology is amazing

This picture is where I’m blogging from as I write this. The roof of a parking garage in downtown Indianapolis. My laptop in the foreground, the offices of the Indianapolis…

My work featured in The Arizona Republic

Some of the work done by myself and volunteer, Warren Meyer, was featured in an article today in “The Arizona Republic” titled Skeptics raise doubts on global warming. They…

Taurid Meteors tonight

Remember this one on video? The Jackson Lake Fireball of 1972 Since we’ll have a clear evening here in Northern California, I thought I’d mention this. The annual Northern Taurid… News

California nearing completion for USHCN surveys. There are a number of surveys in the que that will soon be online, bringing California’s USHCN network to within half a dozen (or…

Road kit

I just finished testing and putting together my road kit, as seen above. Can anyone guess what it is for? UPDATE: Ok I think I have enough guesses. “Coyote” nailed…

Scientists trace cosmic rays to massive black holes

Above: (artist conception) Astronomers have discovered the biggest black hole orbiting a star 1.8 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia, with a record-setting mass of 24 to 33…

NASA blows wads of cash on celebration parties

From Slashdot: “NASA spends between $400,000 and $1.3 million on a party at every shuttle launch, according to CBS. Select personnel are treated to 5 days at a 4 star…

2007 Weblog awards allows post closing voting

What a mess, the weblogs award has a major screwup, and people can still vote hours after the polls have closed. While my IE6 browser will not allow additional votes,… endorses Climate Audit to win

LAST CHANCE TO VOTE – POLL CLOSES NOV 8th @ 5PM EST junkscience .com endorses Climate Audit to win – see their main page Vote for best science weblog here; and…

Alaska warming from Arctic tundra shrub invasion and soot deposition?

Dr. Roger Pielke forwarded me his latest paper published in the JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, for release. It has quite a different take on the issue of regional warming in Alaska.…

Freeman Dyson on Heretical Thoughts and Climate Change

Previously I wrote about Camille Paglia’s view of “fancy-pants, speculative, climate models”. Like Paglia, Freeman Dyson is listed as one of the top 100 intellectuals in the world today, rated at number…

Vote for the Blog that Changed US Climate History

You may remember reading about my project and the climate monitoring station at Detroit Lakes, MN surveyed by Don Kostuch. There were two air conditioners within feet of the…

Guest Weblog: CO2 variation by Jim Goodridge, former California State Climatologist

Moderators note: This is reposted from an essay that Jim sent to me. Jim was the State Climatologist for California for many years, and still does consilting work for the Californiua Dept.…

Now I've seen everything

Now I’ve seen everything. A house shaped like a toilet, complete with a center opening in the roof. From they write: The house is owned by South Korean sanitation activist…

A Cool and Wet October for California

The month of October has been significantly cooler than normal.  This was seen with average daily maximum and average daily mean temperatures that were below normal for all 9 key cities…

Halloween Weirdness in Space – The Great Pumpkin

I mentioned this a couple of posts back, exploding Comet 17P/Holmes is one of the strangest things in the sky ever but it gets stranger…Last night, astrophotographer Alan Friedman of Buffalo, NY,…

Watching Noel

There is a lot of intense interest out there in watching TS Noel to see if this disorganized system turns into a Hurricane when it hits the warmer waters of…

Upcoming TV special on the Sun – worth watching

  Given that the sun is so quiet lately (click image – no sunspots) and there is talk of an ebb in its next solar cycle 24, it bears looking into the details…

Things that go boom in the sky

Here’s something you don’t see every day; an exploding comet.  In fact the last time this comet did this was in 1892. Comet 17P/Holmes is now larger than Jupiter. Astronomer…

Helio, La Niña, and bad winters, awww nuts!!

While doom and gloom predictions continue about CO2 induced global warming, saying that it now is the largest driver of climate, overwhelming any influences of the suns variation, there appear…

Hurricane season 2007 is near the record low of 1977

Florida State University’s COAPS (Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies) says that hurricane season 2007, which ends November 30th, is looking well below normal, in fact they are calling it “historic…

How Not to Measure Temperature, Part 33

Until now, most of the surface temperature measurement stations I’ve highlighted as substandard locations for measuring temperature accurately have been in the USA. Today, courtesy of Geoff Sherrington, we are treated…

Projects Page Updated

According to my stat counter, the Projects Page tab above has been getting a regular stream of interest, so it has been updated with relevant content as of today 10/22/07

ABC's 20/20 John Stossel on Climate Change "Give me a break!"

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