My project "down under"

This was forwarded to me by Russ Steele over at NCWatch. Titled: Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause?  It’s a compelling presentation by Bob Carter of the facts of…

Pipe Dream or Viable Energy?

I’m a proponent of alternate energy sources, mostly to get us disengaged from Middle East Oil. Often there are schemes floated to produce alternate energy that just don’t balance out…

Earth's Albedo Tells an Interesting Story

Thanks to one of our commenters (thanks Henry), this unique project called “Earthshine” being done at the Big Bear Solar Observatory has been brought to my attention. The project is…

All Quiet Alert

“All Quiet Alert” – That sounds like an oxymoron, and maybe it is, but the sun is extremely quiet right now, so much in fact that the Solar Influences Data…

BBC Video on False Claims in Gore's Inconvenient Truth

As a followup to my post Et tu, Gorus, here is a BBC News report on the 9 items that a British High Court deemed to be false claims in…

Et tu, Gorus?

Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and even more surprising, the IPCC also shares the award. Why? Why would a committee award such a prestigious prize right on the heels…

USHCN Station Surveys – Completion by State volunteer Gary Boden has provided me an updated version of the Excel speadsheet I use to chart this project. This version calculates the completion of USHCN surveys by state,… updated, now at 800 mark

With 421 stations surveyed, we now stand at 800 stations remaining to be surveyed. The rate of surveying slowed during the month of September, which is to be expected as…

Camille Paglia on "fancy-pants, speculative, climate models"

Camille Paglia is listed as one of the top 100 intellectuals in the world today, in fact she’s at number 20.  So, it is with some surprise that I read her response…

Biofuels hit the wall

Just a short while ago, biofuels seemed like they’d be a great alternative for some petroleum based fuels. But in the last year, we’ve seen the demand for corn skyrocket,…

Gore to share Nobel Peace Prize with Canadian

According to Investors Business Daily, Al Gore will be awarded the Nobel Peace prize and share it with Canadian climate researcher Sheila Watt-Cloutier. IBD writes: “…a couple of global warming…

New milestone at – 309 !

Today, I registered the 309th volunteer observer, Geoff Sherrington,  and over the weekend, we passed the 300 mark of registrants. A couple of people have written in, some worried, that…

California Climate, PDO, LOD, and Sunspot Departure

Above: Length of Day Compared to Global Temperature since 1890 Below is a paper by former California State Climatologist, Jim Goodridge. Jim  has been quietly working on a  number of…

My 20th Anniversary in Chico

Today, October 5th marks my 20th year here in Chico California. What I’ve learned so far: 1- It’s a better place to live than many parts of California 2- People…

Detailed Comments on An Inconvenient Truth

Foreword by the blog moderator: One of the things that often happens once your blog and effort is well known is that people start sending you things to look at and/or…

Arctic Sea ice loss – "it's the wind" says NASA

A science blogger named Tamino, in a post he made here, challenged me to “explain it or shut up” related to the loss of northern hemisphere Arctic ice this season which he…

How Hot IS it? – an article from a Wisconsin Energy COOP

Earlier this summer I was interviewed about my project for this comprehensive article in Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News. I thought you may all find it interesting reading. The article…

My new site is online and ready!

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Science Blogger Blows Gasket as New Ice Records Set

He’re’s a twist; while the north pole ice dwindles to record lows, the south pole ice reaches the maximum extent ever recorded. A fellow who likes variable star research and…

How not to measure temperature, part 32

A common theme with official climate stations of record is their placement with city and county fire stations. The reason? An observer is needed to transfer the data from the…

The Big Blast

You know, for as much as we humans think we really have control over our planet, nature tends to remind us from time to time that we are just flyspecks…

Carbon dioxide did not end the last Ice Age

A new USC study shows that Deep-sea temperatures rose 1,300 years before atmospheric CO2 rose, ruling out the greenhouse gas as driver of meltdown, says a study in Science. Carbon…

NASA GISS and "pesky sunspot correlations continue"

Above: Earth in comparison, size wise to common sunspots The Christion Science Monitor had a detailed article recently that brought in a surprisng source – NASA GISS – an entity…

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