Putting myths about UAH and RSS satellite data to rest

The NOAA-N Polar Orbiting Weather Satellite There have been some questions posed recently about how the satellite global temperature record is created by UAH and RSS from the MSU (Microwave…

3 of 4 global metrics show nearly flat temperature anomaly in the last decade

It has been 10 years since the super El Niño of 1998 helped to spike global temperatures dramatically. Now since it appears we are in the opposite phase, I thought…

My Glenn Beck Interview

Here is a link to the audio and the transcript of the radio interview I did with Glenn Beck on Monday at the International Conference on Climate Change in New…

Weather Stations Disappearing Worldwide

I know, this sounds like “save the whales”. Amazing as this sounds, weather stations used to monitor near surface temperature for the global climate record are disappearing worldwide at and alarming…

UAH Global temperature data for Feb08: near zero anomaly

Last month I posted the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH) Microwave Sounder Unit (MSU) data for January 2008 with a note that it showed a sharp drop from January 2007…

Twelve Months of Cooling Doesn’t Make A Climate Trend

NOTE: This was posted on ICECAP today, and I’m copying it here. See my further notes below. By Dr. John R. Christy.  I have been flooded this week with calls and…

Back home again

I’ve been traveling, doing presentations, giving interviews, and attending seminars for the last 5 days. Yesterday, thanks to JFK and Delta airlines I spent 16 hours traveling from NYC back…

Day3 of the International Climate Change Conference

This is just a quick note, since I have to check out in a few minutes. Bill Gray delivered a wonderful presentation today at breakfast. Afterwards I was able to…

Day2 of the International Climate Change Conference

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I had a radio interview in the morning that generated so much traffic to my website that it overloaded the server, and I…

Link to weather station photos

Due to extensive traffic today on my main website, which is being deluged and will be taken offline for awhile, I am offering visitors this link to writeups of some USHCN weather…

Day1 of the International Climate Change Conference

I have been invited to give a presentation at the International Climate Change Conference in New York City today. My presentation is titled: A Hands-On Study of Station Siting and Data…

Travel Hockey

I’m travelling the next few days, moderation will be spotty. After tomorrow, you may find that comments may go for 12 -18 hours or more without approval. In the meantime, you…

Interesting plots of temperature trends: the 4 global temperature metrics according to Basil

I don’t have a lot of time today, but I found this interesting. Commenter “Basil” has offered this for discussion. So I’m putting this up without comment on my part.…

Sun blank again

Just two days after sunspot 983 was reported, it has now disappeared. They just aren’t sticking around like they used to. This is yet another indication of the bottomed out solar…

This La Niña Likely to Have Legs

As I mentioned in my post here about one of the satellite data sets (RSS) that showed a marked cooling globally in 2008, La Niña and PDO seem to be drivers of…

A look at temperature anomalies for all 4 global metrics: Part 1

NOTE: Please note that part 2 is now online, please see it here. I recently plotted all four global temperature metrics (GISS, HadCRUT, UAH, RSS) to illustrate the magnitude of…

Frost on Fire and Ice

I found this over on Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor. It seemed fitting given the discussion as of late.  Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.…

Now THIS is interesting: Pielke on Dr. Joanne Simpson

The Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. weblog today includes a letter from Dr. Joanne Simpson, recently retired.  He calls her “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years”. It…

First sunspot in weeks is still related to solar cycle 23

Calling cycle 24, calling cycle 24……where are you?  Image from SOHO, inset added by the author The SIDC in Belgium just issed an end to their “all quiet alert” :Issued:…

Over 500 USHCN Climate Stations Now Surveyed

The survey project continues to move forward, even in these cold and snowy winter months. I’m pleased to announce that we have just passed the 500 mark for surveyed stations.…

Yet another inconvenient story ignored by the MSM.

Mount Kilamanjaro – Tanzania, Africa – still snowy. Photo by Neil Modie, January 2008 Last week, I broke the story of a press release issued by NOAA where they publish…

Big Pacific Storm Headed In: Watch its progress live

Uh oh… You can click on the “animate this image link” under the photo to set it in motion. This photo from last night, the animated loop is current. More at…

NOAA: Hurricane frequency and global warming NOT the cause of increased destruction

From a NOAA press release that came out to me via email just minutes ago: —– Original Message —– From: “NOAA News Releases” <Press.Releases@noaa.gov> To: <awatts@xxxxx_.com> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008…

January 2008 – 4 sources say "globally cooler" in the past 12 months

January 2008 was an exceptional month for our planet, with a significant cooling, especially since January 2007 started out well above normal. January 2008 capped a 12 month period of…

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