Cold and Warm Bias in a Weather Station

Early on in my project I got complaints like “why don’t you ever show a cooling bias?”. Problem was, there weren’t a lot of cold bias stations to show. Other…

NOAA/NCDC: Jan08 Colder than 20th century average

Let us give NOAA credit for making this release: “The average temperature in January 2008 was 30.5 F. This was -0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average, the…

Kerry Blames Tornado Outbreak on Global Warming

From the Business and Media Institute here is this blundering gem: Kerry appeared on MSNBC on February 6 to discuss storms that have killed at least 50 people throughout the Southeastern…

Help save Windows XP – sign the petition

You probably all know by now how much I dislike despise Windows Vista, even though I’ve been a Microsoft customer and systems integrator for years, this OS is useless for…

UAH Satellite data for Jan08 in agreement with RSS data

University of Alabama, Huntsville (John Christy) just published their UAH lower troposphere data for January 2008. Like the RSS data set, it shows a negative anomaly, and a steep decline…

RSS Satellite data for Jan08: 2nd coldest January for the planet in 15 years

UPDATE – see new graph of global ∆T for the past year below. There has been a global drop in temperature of 0.63 degrees Centigrade in the past 12 months.…

Love those Tatas

Ok, the title is not what you think. Recently Tata Motors of India announced they’d be offering a fuel efficient vehicle (50MPG)  priced at $2500 USD that almost any family…

The best compliment I could be given…

From one of our commenters:  “I really appreciate the sober tone and the reasonable level of discussion in this forum – highly unusual for a climate discussion, my sincere compliments.”…

Arctic sea ice back to its previous level, bears safe; film at 11

In the late summer and early fall of 2007, there were a number of alarming media reports about the arctic sea ice melting. Additionally, there were predictions that it would…

How to tell a good scientist from a bad scientist

Below is an article from TheStatsBlog that I found interesting. Here is what they say about the organization behind it. Since its founding in 1994, the non-profit, non-partisan Statistical Assessment Service (STATS)…

Snow, cold, in Saudi Arabia: "worst in 30 years"

According to wire reports, temperatures reached their lowest point in 30 years, reaching to -2°C in the capital, Riyadh, and to -6°C in mountainous regions blanketed by snow.  At least…

How not to measure temperature, part 50. How to make a rural station "urban"

One of the things that happens when your work becomes well known is that people send you things to look at. Such is the case for today’s subject. Here we…

Increased Nacreous Clouds: A sign of colder upper air temperatures

This from As January comes to an end, sky watchers in Scandinavia are recovering from a veritable storm of nacreous clouds. After mid-month, hardly a night went by without…

Spencer Part2: More CO2 Peculiarities – The C13/C12 Isotope Ratio

NOTE: This post is the second in the series from Dr. Roy Spencer of the National Space Science and Technology Center at University of Alabama, Huntsville. The first, made last Friday,…

How not to measure temperature, part 49. Alaska's COOP Stations

Earlier I wrote up an essay on the NOAA climate station at Cordova, AK. Click thumbnail at left for a larger image.     This station was directly next to the village diesel power plant.…

UPDATED: Roy Spencer on how Oceans are Driving CO2

NOTE: Earlier today I posted a paper from Joe D’Aleo on how he has found strong correlations between the oceans multidecadal oscillations, PDO and AMO, and surface temperature, followed by…

Warming Trend: PDO And Solar Correlate Better Than CO2

Note: This is my analysis of a new paper by Joe D’Aleo, I’ve tried to simplify and explain certain terms where possible so that  it can reach the broadest audience…

How not to measure temperature, part 48. NOAA cites errors with Baltimore's Rooftop USHCN Station

I happened across a NOAA internal training manual a couple of weeks ago that contained a photo of a USHCN official climate station that I thought I’d never get a photo…

Public Service Announcement: Stroke Recognition

A friend from my coffee group sent this about recognizing the signs of a stroke and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I checked it out to…

The Climate Change and Wine Conference

From the days of Wine and Gore department: The Second annual Climate Change and Wine Conference is scheduled for Feburary 15th and 16th in Madrid, Spain. Al Gore will be…

Surprise! There's an active volcano under Antarctic ice

Above: Mt Erebus, which was previously the only active volcano in Antarctica picture by Sean Brocklesby It seems that we still don’t know everything there is to know about our earth-climate…

Guest Weblog: Ben Herman Of The University Of Arizona – Maximum Temperature Trends and the HO83

HO83 ASOS Hygrothermometer (temperature/dewpoint sensor) Note: This was originally posted on Dr. Roger Pielke Sr’s blog Climate Science at I’m reposting it here since we’ve had a number of posts on…

A weeks worth of data from my new MMTS unit

Last week you may recall that I posted about my new self contained MMTS unit that I’m experimenting with as a possible replacement of as a check system for NOAA’s…

How not to measure temperature, part 47

Ajo, AZ USHCN Station photographed by Bob Thompson But wait, theres more: I’ve posted about stations that had proximity to a/c units before, but this one is of particular interest…

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