NASA sends "The Weather Rock" to Mars

When I made a post discussing the weather station on NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander titled “First Weather Station on the Surface of Mars“, I expressed some concern that there might…

First Weather Station on the Surface of Mars

Of course we’ve all heard and seen the fantastic news of NASA’s Phoenix lander making a successful three point landing on the red planet. The primary goal of the Mars…

The parking lot effect: temperature measurement bias of locations

NOTE: David Smith is doing experiments with the portable USB digital thermometers that are available here. This sort of experimentation is easy and inexpensive to do, and makes a great…

Biofuels, BBQ's, and Texas

Corn: it’s-not-what’s-for-dinner. Signs of the times I guess. I saw an odd story yesterday from Armarillo TV station KDFA titled: Barbeque Costs Heating Up Memorial Day cookouts could cost you…

Weather Picture Of The Day – relaunched as a blog

Weather Picture Of The Day is a Website that I started back in the year 2000 as a way to provide interesting weather content for the public. Digital Photography was…

San Francisco approves greenhouse emissions tax on business

From the “pay and your sins shall be forgiven” department… FROM KTVU-TV in Oakland: Officials Approve Controversial Greenhouse Gas Tax SAN FRANCISCO — Air pollution regulators in the San Francisco…

NOAA Predicts a Below-Normal Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season

While the forecast for the Atlantic Hurricane season is active and for 12-16 named storms, the Pacific forecast is just in time to coincide with recent pronouncements of no link between…

A little perspective

I found this image to be compelling because it shows our earth in perspective to some of the more mild activity occuring on the surface of the sun. writes:…

A review of the major global temperature metrics for April 2008: Still globally cooler than 1 year ago

Here is a review of the major global temperature metrics in tabular and graph form. There is a bit of disagreement this month. GISS still comes out the warmest, as it…

The Accidental Tourist (aka The GISS World Tour)

A guest post by: John Goetz, originally posted on Climate Audit. Occasionally I will take a trip after much careful planning and preparation, only to find myself going off into…

Sunspot cycle more dud than radiation flood

Interesting article at the Arizona Daily Star (Tucson, home to Kitt Peak and other observatories). (h/t to Ric Werme) Picture for illustration only – not from article Sunspot cycle more…

The Church of Green

NOTE: This article appeared in the Los Angeles Times today, and given it is generally left leaning, I’m surprised to see it printed there. I have posted an except and…

How not to measure temperature, part 62

One of the key criteria for placement of weather stations in the COOP, and by extension, the subset USHCN network is the requirement for a “warm body” (an observer) to read…

The 31,000 who say "no convincing evidence" for human induced climate change

Of course the alarmists folks will denounce this as they did the last one, and there are bound to be a few unscrupulous types, such M.J. Murphy of Toronto who…

Increased hurricanes to global warming link: blown away

From the “we told you so” department: Study says global warming not worsening hurricanes WASHINGTON (AP) — Global warming isn’t to blame for the recent jump in hurricanes in the…

Help populate the new resources page

I’m finding myself constantly looking for some of the same links over and over again, often due to working form different locations where I don’t always have the same bookmarks.…

Global warming may increase prevalence of kidney stones disease

Pass the water please From the “You’ve got to be freakin kidding me department” comes this proof positive that EVERYTHING is caused by global warming. Yessirree folks, my cat coughed up…

Chaitén volcano still going strong – more ash and aerosols

Click for larger image The Chaitén volcano is maintaining its eruptive activity unabated. Yesterday, the Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (ONEMI) reported that military personnel in Chaitén ‘perceived loud noises coming from the…

I hope Al Gore is hanging his head

REPOSTED FROM THE UK TELEGRAPH BLOG I am ashamed to admit that I had never heard of Irena Sendler, whose obituary appeared in this morning’s paper. Hers is an awesomely…

More Cycle 23 Sunspecks

The sun is active with cycle 23 (near equator) cycle 23 sunspecks. I have decided againts calling them “Tiny Tims” as I think “sunspecks” is more true to the phenonmenon.…

Polar Bears listed as threatened – now comes the lawsuits

Bear down! – Send an ambulance and a lawyer! The big green machine has finally successfully lobbied enough FUD to get the thriving polar bear listed as a threatened species. Never mind the fact…

FTP access for Climate Reference Network Data

The CRN station at Mauna Loa, HI – I’m guessing the concrete pad was needed due to the cinders not being a stable anchoring medium.  So this station gets a…

More Tiny Tims and Cycle 23 solar crackles

The sun recently displayed some impressive prominences, and at the same time produced another “tiny tim” cycle 24 spot that seems to have escaped notice. Michael Ronayne helps with a…

USHCN Version 2 – prelims, expectations, and tests

USHCN2 unadjusted and adjusted CONUS max and min temperatures – click for larger image Background for new readers: The US Historical Climatological Network is a hand picked set of 1221…

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