More Carbon Dioxide, Please

From the National Review I don’t don’t know about you, but I’m going to crack open a lovely carbonated beverage and raise it in salute to Roy for having the courage…

The pause that cools: No more warming until 2015?

You may recall the previous post where Basil Copeland and I looked at correlations between HadCRUT global temperature anomaly and sunspot numbers. This is similar, but looks at the Pacific…

I hate it when that happens…

I was initially concerned that my stats were down this month, then I remembered that April has 30 days and March has 31. Of course there’s that nice spring weather,…

More on the PDO shift cited by NASA

For now, we have about 1 year of significant cold phase tendency in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), here is the last 108 years of the PDO index, plotted from…

NASA: PDO flip to cool phase confirmed – cooler times ahead for the West Coast?

La Nina and Pacific Decadal Oscillation Cool the Pacific Click here to view full image (228 kb)  “The shift in the PDO can have significant implications for global climate, affecting…

What the modernized USHCN will look like

USHCN-M station at Greensboro, AL While I was at NCDC, Grant Goodge showed and provided me with a PowerPoint presentation about the plan to update the USHCN manual observing network…

Signs of the times

While I was on my week long road trip to survey weather stations and visit the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC last week, I encountered lots of signs. Restaurant…

Fun with Thermometers

A guest post by David Smith Recently I completed my tenth survey for These surveys are fun, almost like treasure hunts where the clues are good but not always great,…

1828 Miles, 20 stations surveyed, out of 21 attempted.

The week was productive, 21 USHCN stations visited, 20 surveyed, one dropped due to access problems (Southport, NC which turned out to be at an Army Depot). My trip odometer…

I love the smell of sewage in the morning

With apologies to Robert Duvall in Apocalypse now- Kilgore: Smell that? You smell that? Lance: What? Kilgore: Sewage, son. Nothing in the world smells like that. [kneels] Kilgore: I love…

Day 2 at NCDC and Press Release: NOAA to modernize USHCN

Click image for a live interactive view of the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC Today started off terrible. I slipped in the bathtub last night at the hotel,…

Road trip Update: Day 1 at NCDC

I felt right at home when I walked into Dr. Bruce Baker’s office for the Climate Reference Network (CRN): Why? Because the first thing they had, front and center, were…

Road Trip Update: What I'm doing Wednesday and Thursday

Having driven just over 800 miles around North Carolina, getting USHCN and GISS stations, like the one in Fayetteville NC yesterday, I’m pretty tired. But I’m at the middle of…

This is why you don't put an official NOAA temperature sensor over concrete

You’d think the answer would be obvious, but here we have a NOAA operated USHCN climate station of record providing a live experiment. It always helps to illustrate with photos. Today…

Road trip update: 5 stations, 376 miles

I surveyed 5 NOAA USHCN stations today, 2 water plants, 1 sewage treatment plant, and two private observers. Total distance traveled: 376 miles. All stations had MMTS, and were CRN…

ABC Poll: GW rates a big fat zero

A non panicked public says “where’s the fire”? Amazingly, “Global Warming” scores a ZERO in the latest ABC News poll. ABC and the Washington Post polled Americans about the most…

Surfacestations Update

I’ve recently updated the website with the latest surveys and numbers. We have 534 stations surveyed. Here is where we stand now with USHCN station surveys: click for a…

Open thread

Behave yourselves. I’ll be checking in from time to time and making reports from the road. Just remember that some comments with links might end up in the spam filter…

How not to measure temperature, part 61 – maintenance optional

Every time I visit NOAA’s USHCN page I cringe when I see this phrase: “The United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) is a high quality, moderate-sized data set of daily…

How not to measure temperature, part 60

A good number of official climate stations of record in the USHCN network used for climate studies are at airports. All have been converted to the automated ASOS systems, and…

How not to measure temperature, part 59

I’ve mentioned this before, but it is worth mentioning again. In the 30 years I’ve been involved in meteorology, I had no idea that water and sewage treatment plants were…

Road Trip

Craig writes: “That painting could use more concrete, a building, and an air conditioner next to the SS, and it would be perfect.” – your wish is my command… Original…

Journalists pan Gore secrecy

Photo: EPFL Security agents were much in evidence as EPFL President Patrick Aebischer welcomes Al Gore to Lausanne. Reporters take exception to a media blackout of the ceremony in the…

Kristen Byrnes interview on NPR

16 year old Kristen Byrnes got some national media exposure today on National Public Radio. You can read the article and listen to the story via MP3 here: You…

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