Glacial Inception: the climatic 'madhouse'

Guest essay by William McClenney Abstract: I used to think there was only one known substitute for intelligence – stupidity. I have since realized that I left out evil (see…

Researcher 'has a problem' with attributing West Antarctic Ice Sheet 'collapse' to human activity

From NASA JPL and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, something that maybe journo-hacktivist Susanne Goldenberg should pay attention to before she writes another screed. Reports that a portion of the West Antarctic…

The Media over-hyped the West Antarctica climate propaganda reporting

Studies do not address sea level rise projections alleged by misleading media headlines Guest essay by Larry Hamlin As seems to always be the case the climate fear propaganda news…

Melting by 2035? Hardly! New study shows most Himalayan Glaciers are stable and in a steady state

WUWT readers may recall that the IPCC famously claimed (using fake data) that Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035. That date later turned out to be a blunder of epic…

Kilimanjaro glaciers just won't die – 'nowhere near extinction'

From the we told you so, time and time again department comes this story about Gore’s buddy, Dr. Lonnie Thompson and his Kilimanjaro glacier that just won’t die like they…

Claim: UCLA study yields more accurate data on thousands of years of climate change

From the University of California – Los Angeles Research also helps unravel the mystery of retreating glaciers in the Pacific Ocean’s western tropics Using a cutting-edge research technique, UCLA researchers…

Pine Island Glacier underwent rapid melt 8000 years ago

Current ice melt rate in Pine Island Glacier may go on for decades From Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory A study of the Pine Island Glacier could provide insight into the…

Glacier in Antarctica does what glaciers do

From NASA, who has moved up from “Manhattans” to quarter states as a scale comparison unit: Antarctic Glacier Calves Iceberg One-Fourth Size of Rhode Island This week a European Earth-observing…

Great News from Greenland

Guest essay by Dr. Patrick J. Michaels I recently returned from a trip to Greenland’s Jokabshavn Glacier, which discharges more ice than any other in the Northern Hemisphere. Our route…

NOAA exaggerates 2012 Greenland Ice Mass Loss by 10x

[UPDATE: Several commenters, including myself, have remarked on a mathematical error in the author’s work. I note this here in the expectation that the author will return to clarify and…

Friday Funny (well maybe not so funny) – XKCD takes on the real climate threat

Sobering graphics to scale: ice sheets 21,000 years ago versus today’s skylines.

Good news: World’s biggest ice sheets likely more stable than previously believed – upsets previous estimates of melting and sea level

Researchers show that high ancient shorelines do not necessarily reflect ice sheet collapse millions of years ago From the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research: For decades, scientists have used ancient…

Is this what the beginning of glaciation looks like?

While ice fishing is still going on in some parts of Minnesota, other parts are having what looks like glacier advance in the back yards that is damaging some homes.…

Weather, not climate, caused the brief surface melt in Greenland last summer

Readers may recall the breathless wailing over a brief period of surface melt detected by satellites last year. The way the media and alarmists who drive the media behaved, you’d…

Unprecedented Glacial Chutzpah – just in time for IPCC AR5

From the European Geosciences Union  comes some unprecedented chutzpah with this statement from one of the authors at the end of the press release: “This study has been conducted with…

Glacially modeled snow job

From the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)  Alarmism, I think maybe they are a bit unclear on the concept of how glaciers work. As snowfall varies with the…

More on noisy Greenland ice loss data from GRACE

Embracing data ‘noise’ brings Greenland’s complex ice melt into focus by Morgan Kelly, Office of Communications, Princeton Universtity An enhanced approach to capturing changes on the Earth’s surface via satellite…

Alaska's Columbia Glacier expected to halt retreat in 2020

From the University of Colorado at Boulder more model output, but at least this is a testable hypothesis in the not too distant future. It also points to the fact…

Glaciergate post script – they'll shrink anyway

From Brigham Young University and the “IPCC, take your 2035 and shove it” department comes this study: Himalayan glaciers will shrink even if temperatures hold steady Come rain or shine,…

Antarctic weight loss seems to be in the eye of the beholder

From Newcastle University New understanding of Antarctic’s weight-loss New data which more accurately measures the rate of ice-melt could help us better understand how Antarctica is changing in the light…

Untested claim: increased CO2 helps glacier ice to crack

From the Institute of Physics , something so overreaching I just can’t believe the Institute of Physics would put out a press release on it.  Where does one start with…

Can we predict the duration of an interglacial?

Perspective by William McClenney on the paper of the same title by: P. C. Tzedakis, E.W. Wolff, L. C. Skinner, V. Brovkin, D. A. Hodell, J. F. McManus, and D.…

Surprise: glaciers in Montana retreated up to 6 times faster during the 1930's and 1940's than today

A new paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews finds that alpine glaciers in Glacier National Park, Montana retreated up to 6 times faster during the 1930’s and 1940’s than over…

Onset of the Next Glaciation

Guest post by David Archibald Baby boomers like me have enjoyed the most benign period in human history. The superpower nuclear standoff gave us fifty years of relative peace, we…