“Scientist Rebellion” Protestors Cause Traffic Chaos in Melbourne Australia

Climate protestors once again taking advantage of Melbourne’s soft anti roadblock laws, to mess up everyone elses day – just a week after the last major protest.

Aussie Green Party Leader Used Private Jets, Expensed $1 Million to Taxpayers

Aussie Greens Leader Adam Bandt flew a private jet to give a speech on the evils of fossil fuel.

TOO HOT TO HANDLE: NIWA’s misleading temperature records

“Claimed record after claimed record, there’s evidence that NIWA’s cherrypicked data is being used (and coloured in dark red for the most extreme bits) to bolster the narrative that extreme…

Save the Whales: CFACT calls for banning offshore wind monopiles in favor of suction buckets

Suction bucket technology is simple and elegant.

Climate Model Bias 6: WGII

The IPCC AR6 WGII report examines the impact of climate change but ignores the benefits of warming and additional CO2.

Calls for inquiry into Climate Change Committee

The scandal, published in the Sunday Telegraph, is just the latest of a series of controversies that have dogged the CCC since its inception.

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