Canadian Climate Policy: Reasonableness Needed

They exhibit an almost ritualistic narcissism defending their crowning achievement, the Carbon Tax, and treat opposition to its efficacy as malignant, unintelligent treachery while demonstrating hypocrisy in practice.

Brewing Truth: Climate Doomsayers’ Cooked up Coffee Crisis

With the seeming randomness of a capricious roulette wheel, the doomsday clique of the climate world daily selects a fresh topic to sow seeds of anxiety among the populace.

Predictably, the Rush to Electric Cars Is Imploding

Anyone who tells you these power grabs aren’t coming is telling you not to believe your own eyes.

Saving Santa Catalina

“… the Catalina Island Conservancy, in order to conserve the habitat has decreed that all the island’s non-native mule deer are to be shot and killed, from aircraft if necessary. “

The Deadly Geo-engineering Idea which Refuses to Die

Greens seem to have an obsession with dimming the sun, otherwise known as starving plants of sunlight and stripping away our disease resistance.

Munich Record December Snow Depth Shows That Weather Surprises Us Again And Again

It’s snowing a lot in Germany and climate researchers already feel compelled to modify their explanations in an effort to maintain interpretative sovereignty. A brief summary of the contradictions that…

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