“Climate Emergency!” says Andrew Dessler (old vinegar in a new bottle)

What an embarrassment … to Texas A&M, the science profession, and himself.

Just Believe and Drought Not

If you read a newspaper or watch or listen to TV or radio news, you have heard that the drought in the State of California is one or more of…

BBC: Kenya’s Ogiek People are Being Evicted for Carbon Credits

More Carbon Credit crimes against humanity?

As The Transition to Green Energy Crumbles, Funding for The Climate Scare Soars

…global spending to fight climate change by environmental groups and other nonprofits reached $8 billion in 2021

ClimateTV – URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT – Dramatic New Findings! 

The Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) has been known for decades, but it is routinely dismissed by climate advocates as being either insignificant or “we adjust for it” when they…

Wrong, Phys.Org, Boreal Forests Are Doing Well Amid Modest Warming

So, amid climate change, tree growth and range expansion across the Earth’s boreal forests exceed tree decline, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Scientists: Nearly 4 Decades of Climate Model Failure Undermines Confidence In Future Predictions

“[I]f these models cannot reproduce past variations, why should we be so confident about their ability to predict the future?”

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