Adelie penguin jumping between two ice floes

Attenborough Laments Demise of 800 Penguins “Because Climate Change” – But Fails To Report Discovery of New Colony 1.5 Million Strong



Two gulls eating a baby Adélie penguin alive as a voice over intoned that the animal was the “canary in the coalmine” for climate change. Welcome to the final episode of Frozen Planet II, narrated by Sir David Attenborough – and welcome to the day the much-loved wildlife show, long on life support, finally died, to be replaced by World Economic Forum ‘Great Reset’ green agitprop.

A tearful ecologist, Dr. Bill Fraser, told viewers that four decades ago there were 20,000 Adélie adults on an island in western Antarctica. Now, he said, there are just 400 breeding pairs left; the Adélie penguins are an “indicative species” of climate change, he said. But for some inexplicable reason, neither he nor Attenborough found it relevant to note that, in 2018, satellites had found a new colony of Adélies in a remote part of eastern Antarctica numbering over 1.5 million birds.

According to a report in the New York Times, the Adélies are not recent migrants to their Danger Islands home in eastern Antarctica. Photos taken in 1957 by a seaplane are said to have shown colony boundaries in virtually the same locations. “We are standing here looking at climate change killing off these Adélie penguins,” intoned Fraser. Presumably he would have had to adjust the ‘climate change’ remark if he was fortunate to find himself knee-deep in the little beasties over on the eastern side of the continent.

But all the animals more or less left the Frozen Planet II stage in the final episode, shown last Sunday on BBC One, as Attenborough ran through almost every ice scare in the alarmist book. He said humanity must stick to 1.5°C of warming agreed at COP26, “no matter how challenging it may be”. Stopping the climate, a non-linear system of which we have incomplete and, in parts, negligible information is a ridiculous ask. But Attenborough pronounced: “We can do it, we must do it. Then there will be a future for the planet.”

The programme started with Attenborough’s familiar claim that the ice caps are melting “faster than ever before”. Of course, Attenborough cannot actually know this. For one, the timeline is somewhat imprecise. But as we have seen in numerous Daily Sceptic articles, ice is highly cyclical. Two American glaciologists Laura Larocca and Yarrow Axford recently found that over half of the Arctic’s glaciers and ice caps that exist today, did not exist or were smaller 10,000 to 3,400 years ago. At the time, atmospheric carbon dioxide ranged between 260 to 270 parts per million, compared with the current 410 ppm, so its hard to see how carbon dioxide played a role in making them smaller. The scientists noted that the Arctic’s modern ice extent is “among the largest of the last 10,000 years”.

n episode 2, Attenborough made the incredible claim that all the summer sea ice in the Arctic could be gone by 2035. His claim seems to have been taken from the prediction of a climate model in a 2020 paper written by a group of academics working with the Met Office’s Hadley Centre. But plans for any boating around the North Pole might have to be put on hold. At this year’s September Arctic summer end, the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Center reported that the ice extent was 4.87 million square kilometres, which was 1.54 million sq kms higher than the low point in 2012. Gradual recovery has been evident since the 2012 low point, and this year was the 11th lowest extent in the recent satellite record.

Detachable ice sheets and biblical levels of flooding are old favourites. “Calculations predict nearly half a billion people living in coastal communities around the world will be displaced by flooding by the end of the century,” warned Attenborough. “If the Greenland ice sheet slips into the ocean more rapidly, this flooding could all happen far sooner,” he added. It was likely that Attenborough was citing flood work by computational scientists working at Climate Central, who predicted similar figures in 2019. Under “high emissions” of carbon, models indicate 630 million people live in land below projected annual flood levels for 2100. “High emissions” pathways are often used by catastrophists since they assume global temperatures will rise around 3-4°C this century. Since global temperatures have spent the first two decades of the century plateauing, there would appear to be some way to go.

In 2019 Attenborough narrated a joint World Wildlife Fund-Netflix collaboration featuring walruses falling off a cliff in an episode of Our Planet. Attenborough attributed the horrific scenes on the Russian Arctic Chukchi Sea coast  to “climate change”, despite a pack of nearby polar bears providing a more obvious explanation. Introducing his film to the rich and influential elites gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos that year, Attenborough commented: “If people can truly understand what is at stake, I believe they will give permission to business and governments to get on with practical solutions.” Subsequently, the polar bear expert Dr. Susan Crockford wrote a book about the affair entitled, Fallen Icon: Sir David Attenborough and the Walrus Deception.

 In Frozen Planet II, groups of plump bears are shown wandering  around in large packs on Wrangel Island in the Russian Arctic. Without sea ice, the bears cannot hunt seals it was said, and they find other food including human food supplies. In fact the film shows the bears feasting on a walrus, of which there are thought to be around 100,000 on the island at certain times of the year.

Crockford notes that it is possible to refute the implied narrative of a struggle for survival brought about by human-caused climate change resulting in a sea ice death spiral. In fact Chukchi Sea polar bears are “unexpectedly thriving“, she reports. Sea ice along the coast of Chukotka and Wrangel was “very thick” last summer, and at September 1st this year Wrangel was still surrounded by ice. Although sea ice has recently declined, she goes on to report that more sunlight reaching the open water for longer periods has meant more food for the entire Arctic food chain. More food for fish and seals has meant more food for polar bears in the spring (when the ice is still abundant) and fatter bears means more healthy cubs, she says.

In Crockford’s view, this latest series is “deliberate emotional manipulation” meant to make viewers amenable to taking action on climate change. She is right, of course. The six-part series is primarily a political stunt designed to secure acceptance for the drastic lifestyle and economic changes that will be forced on populations through a command-and-control Net Zero agenda. Little attempt is made to explain that the climate has always changed, sometimes very rapidly, and that natural forces, many of them little understood, are at work. Instead we are led to believe that humans, a latecomer on Planet Earth, have the power to actually stop the climate. Cherry-picking of data is rife – the Adélies penguin story  is an obvious example. Many claims are anecdotal and highly emotional, and don’t stand up to rigorous scientific scrutiny. As Crockford noted, the people involved are not about to let scientific facts get in the way. “This is calculated ‘climate change’ propaganda marketed as entertainment.”

Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor.

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October 18, 2022 2:13 pm

It’s a shame Jeopardy has gone full climate doom. It was one of the last refuges from the woketocracy remaining in Hollywood. But Attenborough was celebrated in a clue yesterday, and there was an unfounded “climate change causes…” clue in the dumbed-down celebrity version on Sunday.

Pretty soon, Ken Jennings is going to have to worry about losing his job to Calamity Greta.

hi inseel
Reply to  Joe Gordon
October 18, 2022 5:01 pm

I’ve noticed quite a few clues that are woke. Promoting vax. Promoting Liberals such as Obama and Clinton. No clues about a Trump era. And yes, climate change lies are promoted.

Reply to  hi inseel
October 19, 2022 8:14 am

I didn’t really watch much but I don’t recall seeing such a trend when Trebek was hosting.

Reply to  Joe Gordon
October 21, 2022 9:09 am

I never watch it any longer but not surprised 1 bit.

Rud Istvan
October 18, 2022 2:21 pm

I wrote about this example in the intro to essay No Bodies in ebook Blowing Smoke.

Both EPA and NatGeo have used the supposed Adele penguins ‘decline’ as evidence of coming climate extinctions because of Adele year round dependence on supposedly diminishing with global warming Antarctic sea ice. There are just two fact problems for both truth challenged entities to which we now add Attenborough and the BBC:

  1. Antarctic sea ice extent reached its highest ever just two years ago. It isn’t declining.
  2. Adele population is also increasing, not decreasing. The reason is simple. Both Adele penguins and Antarctic toothfish (aka Chilean sea bass) feed mainly on krill and silverfish. As the toothfish is overfished by Chile to serve NH ‘sea bass’ markets, there is more Adele food available.

More sea ice, more food, more Adele. Simple facts.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
October 20, 2022 9:29 am

Antarctic sea ice extent reached a record minimum this year, it’s maximum was also low and is currently dropping in about the 2nd lowest for the date.

Reply to  Phil.
October 21, 2022 10:31 am

Oh my, better shut down modern society then.

Ron Long
October 18, 2022 2:25 pm

The only thing “worse than we thought” is the lengths that the CAGW/Green Looney crowd will go to trying to sell their fabricated theme. I’m personally waiting for the next glacial cycle of the Ice Age we live in (at my age I hope it gets going soon). Wait for it.

Reply to  Ron Long
October 18, 2022 11:13 pm

We appear to have dodged the due glaciation as the present Milankovitch wobble is a small one (1 in 5).

October 18, 2022 2:28 pm

An idea conceived by Jeremy Clarkson, he said:

“I’ve turned climate change into a drinking game. Every time it crops up in a David Attenborough doc I have a beer.”


“It’s the only way to make this half-arsed twaddle tolerable.”

Ed Zuiderwijk
Reply to  Climate believer
October 19, 2022 5:43 am

The funny thing is you don’t even have to watch, just listen to the music playing in the background. When the key changes you know that the next snippet of climate change porn is about to begin.

Reply to  Climate believer
October 19, 2022 10:56 am

You may end up with a drinking problem. (sarc)

Reply to  Climate believer
October 21, 2022 10:29 am

Reminds me of ‘Bob and Emily’ game from Bob Newhart!

October 18, 2022 2:28 pm

“We must do it” says Sir David. “We” must include China and India, no? Sorry, Sir David, but “we” are not gonna do it. BTW, what do Leopard Seals snack on?

Gavin Liddiard
October 18, 2022 2:34 pm

I remember as a child watching “LIfe on Earth” which was Sir David Atenborough’s first big series which saw him travelling the planet. I even got the book of the series for christmas.
Now, every time he’s on tv he’s telling us how we are destroying the planet and I just switch off. It’s a shame as he was a really good wildlife presenter and narrator but he seems to have swallowed too much of the climate change poison.

Reply to  Gavin Liddiard
October 18, 2022 11:25 pm

Me too, Gavin.

I lost interest in Attenboroughs twaddle when he became Patron Saint of the misanthropic group The Optimum Trust AKA Population Matters, a group that wants to cull the great unwashed (mostly in black and Asian countries – racist bastards)

Reply to  Gavin Liddiard
October 19, 2022 2:12 am

A fallen idol imho.

Reply to  Gavin Liddiard
October 21, 2022 10:28 am

Yep. 100%. LEFTISTS suck.

October 18, 2022 2:40 pm

How are penguins suffering from climate change, when the whole southern ocean, including the Antarctic, refuses to warm?`One of life’s mysteries..

Reply to  E. Schaffer
October 18, 2022 11:15 pm

Coldest winter on record.

October 18, 2022 3:11 pm

Isn’t that a story from last year ???

John Hultquist
Reply to  Krishna Gans
October 18, 2022 8:16 pm
October 18, 2022 3:12 pm

People are slowly becoming aware of the differences between genuine Nature Reporting and Climate Porn propaganda. You can fool some of the people ….etc.

Carolyn Hill
October 18, 2022 3:13 pm

Loved this
“In 2019 Attenborough narrated a joint World Wildlife Fund-Netflix collaboration featuring walruses falling off a cliff in an episode of Our Planet. Attenborough attributed the horrific scenes on the Russian Arctic Chukchi Sea coast to “climate change”, despite a pack of nearby polar bears providing a more obvious explanation”

it’s amazing what they expect us to swallow …. and how many morons do swallow it. I’m surprised there’s enough ice left for them to make Frozen Planet II, I’m fairly sure the narrative in Frozen Planet I was “it’ll be all gone by Tuesday week if we don’t start sacrificing virgins immediately” yet not once was he able to say “look how much the ice has receded since we filmed the last series”

Reply to  Carolyn Hill
October 18, 2022 11:30 pm

The first Frozen Planet was aired late 2011 and in the episode “On thin ice” starts with him standing at the North Pole telling us that as early as 2020 this could all be gone.

So just over a decade later and the 2022 min Arctic ice extent is the same as it was in 2010.

David?…… David?…… {tumbleweed}

jeffery p
October 18, 2022 3:16 pm

Yes, but what are a few lies when the entire planet is in danger? Do you want the Earth to get so hot it pops like a kernel of corn?

oeman 50
Reply to  jeffery p
October 19, 2022 7:19 am

Sorry, but according to James Hansen we are all going to disappear in a “cloud of blue steam.”

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  oeman 50
October 19, 2022 1:30 pm

Best summation from a geologist (unfortunately not named, because he/she should be given a medal) of the ‘climate’ crap –

“If CO2 could do what they say it can do, then the oceans would have boiled away or frozen over a long time ago.”

Chris Hanley
October 18, 2022 4:16 pm

If the Antarctic is warming due to climate change, i.e. since ~1950 due to human emissions, the the surface observational data does not show it — not yet anyway.

Reply to  Chris Hanley
October 18, 2022 11:16 pm

Coldest winter on record.

October 18, 2022 4:28 pm

In my opinion, penguin counting would be a very difficult job
ha ha

Reply to  Richard Greene
October 19, 2022 6:30 am

There’s probably an app for it (there is one that’s advertised on youtube that claims to automatically count things, although penguins isn’t one of the examples it gives) 🙂

Alexander Menzies
October 18, 2022 5:25 pm

The unctuous Attenborough has lurched from one preposterous claim of “AGW” to the next. When (and it will need to be soon!) are reputable scientists going to call the chappy out? Time after time the public are subject to his unsubstantiated and ratbag assertions, the late HM Queen Elizabeth was a target and now the new Prince of Wales will get more of hands-behind-back- Attenborough disregarding all contrary evidence. He is a disgrace .

Reply to  Alexander Menzies
October 18, 2022 11:16 pm


October 18, 2022 5:31 pm

Educating people to recognize the emotional manipulations which are Attenborough’s bread and butter is necessary to counter the incessant lies. The human failing of allowing emotions to over-ride reason is being used to the fullest extent by the propagandists.

October 18, 2022 5:32 pm

Nice article. Understand I don’t give a damn about titles but I think a serial liar like Attenborough should have his title taken from him. Liars disgust me.

October 18, 2022 8:07 pm

“We can do it, we must do it. Then there will be a future for the planet.”

No one can ever know if there is a future for the planet. All you can know is if there is a present and a past for the planet. We can assume there will be a future or we can assume there won’t. But you can never know. All you can do is hope you wake up for the next day. One day you won’t. And all your future planning means nothing.

Reply to  Doonman
October 18, 2022 9:25 pm

I heard Jacinda Ardern on the radio today blaming the late spring frost that has devastated kiwi fruit and other fruit in New Zealand on global warming.
Every thing out of the ordinary gets blamed on CO2.


AGW is Not Science
Reply to  Graham
October 19, 2022 1:32 pm

Unless it’s GOOD, of course.

Reply to  Graham
October 20, 2022 2:25 pm

Yes, or Covid-19!

Reply to  Graham
October 21, 2022 10:12 am

Oh yes, as a meteorologist I get asked about things weather and climate all the time and do my best to ‘right’ the naive and scientifically inept.

Reply to  Doonman
October 18, 2022 11:30 pm

No one can ever know if there is a future for the planet.

Until our star dies, there’s always a future for the planet, and who knows, maybe there is life after death for our planet/star.

Human life will likely go extinct one day, as most species do.

Phillip Bratby
October 18, 2022 10:56 pm

Thank yu for this. It saved me from having to watch the whole propaganda series.

October 18, 2022 11:15 pm

If only we went net zero yesterday the animals would have survived 🙂

October 19, 2022 1:48 am

When I saw the Adélie penguins on the DA show I had a deja vous moment. A quick bit of research revealed why. Remember the following memes and phrases from a few years back?

They don’t migrate, they just die.
Chris Turney.
Ship of Fools that got stuck in ice that was supposed to have melted.
Chris Turney.
Ice breaker sent to rescue them that itself needed rescuing, after getting stuck in imaginary ice.
Chris Turney.
Where the hell did those 10,000,000 Adelie Penguins come from.
Chris Turney.

No need to look further than Wikipedia…_élie_penguin

John Hultquist
Reply to  DiggerUK
October 19, 2022 10:06 am

Thanks for pointing to the Wili link. It is an interesting and seemingly accurate report.
The part about how the Penguins process salt is fascinating.
Of course, there is also the long migration aspects; the riding along with the ice expansion and reverse.

Campsie Fellow
October 19, 2022 2:35 am

 “Calculations done on the back of an envelope by a monkey predict nearly half a billion people living in coastal communities around the world will be displaced by flooding by the end of the century,” warned Attenborough. 

Ed Zuiderwijk
October 19, 2022 2:54 am

I saw that and for the first time in many years I was screaming my head off at the telly.

BBC = Factory of Falsehoods

Matthew Schumann
October 19, 2022 9:32 am

What about the whole mess of walrus he and his film crew killed? The guy is a “television voice” (which I can’t stand) and that is all, otherwise mostly retarded old pufta.

October 19, 2022 11:42 am

Of course 99.99 percent of his audience will never visit the Arctic or Antarctic, will never see a polar bear or a penguin or a walrus in the wild. Which makes them vulnerable to this kind of disinfotainment. The choice of the polar regions for this disgusting propaganda is quite deliberate.

October 19, 2022 11:54 am

My wife makes me turn over the channel when Attenbore comes on. She can’t tolerate me shouting at the screen.

October 21, 2022 9:07 am

Love the Planet Earth series, detest the politicization of it by DA.