Energy Crisis LIES And SOLUTIONS | Alex Epstein

Michael Knowles

Alex Epstein joins the show to discuss his new book Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less. #GlobalWarming #MichaelKnowles #CO2

This can be found on our Videos Page as well.

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August 23, 2022 7:27 pm

Yes, definitely, Michael Mann is a fossil fuel benefit denier.

Reply to  Scissor
August 23, 2022 8:41 pm

I wonder if a generator or alternator could be attached to a hockey stick?

Reply to  Dennis
August 23, 2022 11:03 pm

I wonder if we can get something attached to Michael Mann, like handcuffs. He needs the perp walk and prison time for his malfeasance.

Geoff Sherrington
August 23, 2022 7:56 pm

If you are reading this, are you related to Richard Epstein who was prominent in the Chicago school that included 1991 Nobel Laureate Ronald Class? Richard met with us in Melbourne Aust in the early 1990s.
Geoff S

Geoff Sherrington
Reply to  Geoff Sherrington
August 24, 2022 2:56 pm

Do anticipatory spelling correctors censor the names of famous people?
How did Ronald Coase become Ronald Class?
Geoff S

Rick C
August 23, 2022 8:32 pm

Alex Epstein always does a good job of explaining the issues. I’ve tried to get some of my friends and family to view these, but amazingly after only a few minutes they get mad, say something like he’s just a tool of the oil companies and refuse to watch more. Same goes for many other very clear presentation such as those by Jim Steele, Will Happer, and Anthony. No question that we’re up against a religious movement and no one of scientific reason.

Chris Hanley
Reply to  Rick C
August 23, 2022 9:31 pm

Merely being paid by fossil fuel industry as a motivation for ‘denial’ doesn’t even make sense.
As if those they accuse, usually well-informed and credentialed, would trade the future of humanity or the survival of themselves and their descendants for a few bucks.
That ad hominem argument is merely a way to avoid examining the topic seriously and facing the prospect that their beliefs may be unfounded.

Reply to  Chris Hanley
August 24, 2022 12:55 am

How many people outwardly backing renewables actually also have considerable investments in fossil fuels? I am sure they have a good excuse.

Dave Yaussy
Reply to  Chris Hanley
August 24, 2022 9:21 am

My dad was a Methodist minister that served several churches. He was paid to preach the Gospel. He didn’t preach the Gospel because he was paid. There’s a huge difference.

jeffery P
Reply to  Chris Hanley
August 24, 2022 9:39 am

I’ll just say plenty of people will do things for money. Now I’m not accusing Alex Epstein of anything, just saying many people would gladly be paid supporters or “deniers” (I loathe that word).

American media is full of people paid to say stupid things (look at anyone on MSNBC). Look at former Fox News personalities who now work for other networks. Plenty of opinions for hire.

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  Chris Hanley
August 24, 2022 12:16 pm

Certainly not when, if they instead jumped on the Climate Fascist bandwagon, they would be getting an order of magnitude MORE money, AND wouldn’t have to deal with being vilified to boot.

If the argument is “money corrupts,” then the eco warriors are FAR more corrupt.

Alexy Scherbakoff
Reply to  Rick C
August 23, 2022 10:02 pm

Maybe you are coming across as fanatical with your belief. Maybe they don’t really care much about the issue and are being polite to you by watching your videos, then get bored with it.
Lots of maybes. Maybe I’m wrong.

Reply to  Alexy Scherbakoff
August 24, 2022 8:51 am

Or maybe they can’t face facts that contradict their beliefs?

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  TonyG
August 24, 2022 12:17 pm


Reply to  Rick C
August 23, 2022 10:14 pm

It all stems from the late 20th century belief that humans aren’t natural because they try to change their natural environment from one of hazards and danger to one that is safer and easier to live in. As Alex Epstein explains, in this new religion this is assumed to be evil.

Reply to  Doonman
August 24, 2022 12:27 pm

I’ve always been mildly amused that most of those who claim Man is defiling Nature also will deny that there is God.
If there is no God, then what ever Man does is part of Nature and therefore what he does is, by definition, Natural.
I won’t get into the idea that God values Nature above Man and that it is Man’s duty to preserve Nature at Man’s expense. (John 3:16 and following.)

Reply to  Rick C
August 23, 2022 11:53 pm

Contradiction of the priest doesn’t go over well with the congregation.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Rick C
August 24, 2022 5:12 am

“Alex Epstein always does a good job of explaining the issues. I’ve tried to get some of my friends and family to view these, but amazingly after only a few minutes they get mad, say something like he’s just a tool of the oil companies and refuse to watch more.”

Poople don’t like it when somebody tries to burst their bubble. They think they have things all figured out and then someone tells them they don’t. They don’t like that, and automatically reject anything that questions the reality they live in.

It’s extremely disturbing to realize your world view is wrong. People go to great lengths to avoid this realization.

Reply to  Rick C
August 24, 2022 10:03 pm

Leftists can’t rationally defend their insane CAGW and economic policies so they are relegated to argumentum ad hominem logical fallacies rather than trying to defend their absurd ideas with actual facts and logic, because reality inconveniently disprove their stupid and untenable ideas…

As the saying goes, “if you have the data, pound the facts, if not, pound the table…”

John Raw
August 23, 2022 8:52 pm

A significant part of the blame for the current energy crisis must be attributed to the IPCC which has, over the years, consistently exaggerated the severity of AGW, which has sufficiently discouraged investment in fossil fuel exploration and development that scarcity in fossil fuel energy has resulted with the resulting sky-rocketing prices as the result.

Reply to  John Raw
August 23, 2022 11:13 pm

The IPCC is a group, led by politicians. Sure there are scientists in the background somewhere but they only listen to and report on the ones that follow the political agenda. The politicians are just the useful idiots that promote what they are being paid to promote.

The UN was a grand idea that never stayed true to the ideal. I think it should be abolished or moved off the shores of my country.
Antarctica is a neutral space, they should set up there.

Zig Zag Wanderer
Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 24, 2022 1:08 am

And only travel to and from there by ‘carbon’ free sailboats, and use only renewable energy for heating there.

Bob Close
Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 24, 2022 2:47 am

I agree Brad, the UN has had its day and should be replaced by something more representative of responsible government that is able to effectively mitigate some of the more intractable global problems we have today.
Regarding, climate change, the late Bob Carter (2014) explained this issue “Since 1988, a wide ranging and worldwide propaganda campaign has been conducted to raise public alarm about global warming. Though initially promulgated by environmental organizations, commercial lobbyists…and the financial markets;the bandwagon soon attracted the attention of politicians because of the electoral advantage that it promised, and has all the while been egged on by a ceaselessly alarmist press corps.” 
This is understandable, given the profit motive and the lucrative nature of the current pernicious political cycle. It works like this, climate alarmists, Greens etc, lobby Governments to advance their moral doomsday narrative, the scientifically ignorant and fearful politicians acquiesce, so scientists and research institutions get grants, the green lobby secures investments and subsidies for uneconomic and ineffective technologies, and political candidates embrace the hysteria in exchange for campaign contributions. Everybody is happy, except the long suffering public. At some point, this facade will collapse because of the lack of reality behind it, but not before a lot of global economic damage is done and poor people become poorer, due to green ideology and greed.. 

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Bob Close
August 24, 2022 5:35 am

“At some point, this facade will collapse because of the lack of reality behind it, but not before a lot of global economic damage is done and poor people become poorer, due to green ideology and greed.. ”

Well said.

And some of that damage done is going to be people losing their lives needlessly in the cold because of very bad climate change policy decisions on the part of deluded and/or conniving politicians.

We are at the edge of the cliff now. Our screwball politicians want us to jump off. Are trying to force us to jump off.

One of these crash-test dummies is going to have to crash to wake enough people up, and then maybe we can walk back from the cliff.

There is no evidence that CO2 is causing unprecedented weather on Earth. There is no evidence that CO2 needs regulation. There is no evidence, but our leaders proceed ahead as though there is evidence.

Bob Carter was right when he said: “Since 1988, a wide ranging and worldwide propaganda campaign has been conducted to raise public alarm about global warming.”

We are currently living with the results of this ongoing climate change propaganda campaign. And things are only going to get worse if we continue down this path.

Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 24, 2022 8:53 am

The UN was a grand idea that never stayed true to the ideal.

I’m curious – have there ever been any grand ideas that stayed true?

Reply to  TonyG
August 24, 2022 9:06 am

Can’t think of any that haven’t been corrupted. There are few plain old ideas that have stayed true either, give me a few to think of some that have. 😉

Reply to  John Raw
August 24, 2022 3:20 am

consistently exaggerated the severity

This is what happened when covid first appeared. A top specialist and government advisor in Ireland was warning of the possibility of 80 000 to 120 000 deaths on this small island if we did not have strict lockdowns and a host of regulations. It appears that by the third aniversary of covid we may have 10% of the lower number – i.e. only 3% annually. This specialist is still sticking to his story. NZ which has the same population, despite its even more draconian response, has the number of covid deaths steadily climbing. In a year or two it may look no different from Ireland. The problem is that these alarmists (climate or covid) do not want to engage in open and civil discussion of the subject and of dissenting views.

August 23, 2022 9:38 pm

Excellent interview. Thank you.

August 23, 2022 9:53 pm

The video is worth watching. Alex Epstein dissects and exposes the current reasoning of the green movement as the anti human movement it truly is.

Paul Rossiter
August 23, 2022 10:04 pm

It is a bit disappointing that Epstein doesn’t seem to ask “why” often enough to get to the real root causes of the globalist and technological elite agendas, even though they are repeatedly made clear in their own statements like Agenda 21 and those by the UNFCC and WEF.

Reply to  Paul Rossiter
August 23, 2022 10:57 pm

It may be that the root causes of the global elitist agenda is too horrible for a large fraction of the population to contemplate let alone lecture on.
The prospect of fellow humans hellbent on reducing the number of humans on the planet and ensuring that those elitists have control over everyone that’s left is a daunting and frightening one. It gets put into the conspiracy theory category even though elitist groups actually profess that goal in speeches, books, and lectures on the internet.

When millions of people are hungry and cold this winter, some may wake up to the fact that there are people in the world that only care about themselves and their utopian green world. Unfortunately, those evil people already have a lot of control and want more.

Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 24, 2022 1:28 am

The prospect of fellow humans hellbent on reducing the number of humans on the planet and ensuring that those elitists have control over everyone that’s left is a daunting and frightening one.’

It is also a completely imaginary one.

Reply to  griff
August 24, 2022 4:43 am

Which is wrong? Elitists don’t want a smaller population or don’t want control? Or are both desires wrong?

They don’t say they want control, but they obviously do. It’s on their “Agenda.”

They openly say that overpopulation is a problem to be solved, “solutions” to which they actively promote.

Reply to  griff
August 24, 2022 5:20 am

It is also a completely imaginary one.

Really, Griff?

Attenborough is patron of the optimum trust, a body whose sole purpose is to bring about population reduction

They even leaked a spreadsheet showing where the population needed reduction.

Dave Andrews
Reply to  Redge
August 24, 2022 10:04 am

The Optimum Population Trust prominently displays this from Attenborough on their website. He has been a patron of theirs since April 2009

“All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people and harder – and ultimately impossible – to solve with ever more people”

Reply to  Dave Andrews
August 24, 2022 10:31 am

And here’s the proof:

Optimum Trust Spreadsheet

Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 24, 2022 3:27 am

Brad, notice how the loudest voices tend to come from elite and wealthy people with those idolizing these celebrities cheering them on. Most politicians, who go along with this, probably do so not because of understanding the issues but for what they can get out of the climate ponzi scheme.

Reply to  Paul Rossiter
August 24, 2022 1:27 am

Or in other words his book doesn’t cover imaginary conspiracy theories

Paul Rossiter
Reply to  griff
August 24, 2022 5:36 am

Only a fool would claim them to be “imaginary conspiracy theories” when those very bodies express those self-same goals in public documents and presentations.

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  Paul Rossiter
August 24, 2022 12:25 pm

Self-evident by now in the Griffter’s case, no?

August 24, 2022 12:33 am

Sorry but no.
Don’t ask me why, First Impressions maybe, but I do not ‘like’ this guy.
He is fake.

Even if I did, is he really suggesting that there is an Infinite Amount of Fossil Fuel on the Earth?
On top of which, is he really saying that ‘Calories=Food’ – is really saying that 88% of the US population (rest of world not far behind) with an Incurable ## Metabolic Disorder is ‘good‘ – that all that illness is ‘never better‘?

Mister, wtf the fug are you ‘on’?
Maybe 40 years ago I would have wanted to have some of whatever it is.
Not now. Older=wiser.
I have come to learn what ‘stuff’ does to you and it’s not nice, not nice at all.

When Ehrlich wrote his book, those ‘diseases’ were virtually unknown, they were medical curiosities and little more.
The Prediction did come true. We ran out of Food.
Not calories, we got plenty of them, we ran out of real proper food with trace-elements, micro-nutrients and vitamins in it.
Our brains died as a consequence. We became (swarming) locusts.

Because, Epstein, all you are doing is promoting your silly smiley fake self while digging an ever deeper hole for ever more people to fall into.
Barack Obama and Boris Johnson were bad enough, now follow their lead.


## Those disorders are easily fixable but, we now have a medical profession powered entirely by money money money dollar dollar dollar.
It has Completely Zero Interest in actually curing people – it now only works to make and keep them ill for as long as possible while milking them financially.
Sums up ‘Climate’ nicely doncha think.

Epstein, you are The Face Of Wrong. Retire to Hawaii and don’t come back.

jeffery P
Reply to  Peta of Newark
August 24, 2022 9:41 am

Can someone translate the above into cohert English?

Reply to  jeffery P
August 24, 2022 4:11 pm

I doubt it

August 24, 2022 2:09 am

Re the Climate-related Deaths graph

This clearly shows weather/climate change has not been a growing threat to life over the past century. The enormous benefits of fossil fuels for mankind have completely overshadowed these deaths. My son pointed out to me that climate alarmists will attribute increased deaths – resulting from starvation and the consequences of having totally inadequate fossil fuel energy – to climate change. We need to anticipate their arguments and get ahead of them to show they are being disingenuous and their foolish policies responsible.

Reply to  Michael in Dublin
August 24, 2022 2:45 am

Perhaps we are too late? I just noticed a new article in yesterday’s The Conversation with the headline: Climate change will cause more African children to die from hot weather.

Even a commenter noticed that this article is misleading. The authors say: “The number of child deaths per year due to heat is currently small compared to the number of deaths from diseases such as malaria.” There are, however, many more deaths from malnutrition and chronic diseases. I could not find compative numbers but it appears that “heat” deaths are no more than a few percent of total child deaths.

The graph Alex used resembles this one. Notice the reasons in the caption.

August 24, 2022 5:22 am

EDF says a new package of government support should be accompanied by an aggressive plan to cut consumer demand.

Deplorables everywhere thank you for your magnanimous input most humbly-
Energy supplier calls for bill freeze and VAT cut to ease winter crisis (

Janice Moore
August 24, 2022 10:39 am

Mr. Epstein needs to do more research. This is revealed by his non-data-backed statement at ~4:56:

The cause of global warming is basically our greenhouse gas emissions.

His statement actually is counter to the data:

1) Human CO2 emissions UP greatly, surface temperature, NOT;

2) Total atmospheric CO2 rate of increase data shows it is completely unperturbed by human CO2 emissions.

At least he did couch that statement in terms of opinion: “I believe.”

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 24, 2022 12:28 pm

“Mr. Epstein needs to do more research. This is revealed by his non-data-backed statement at ~4:56:”

It’s the fallback position of all lukewarmists.

It’s a bit like saying, “I don’t believe that out there in the wilds there are ten of thousands of unicorns roaming the land. I think there are only a few unicorns around.”

Janice Moore
August 24, 2022 11:08 am

While it is worthwhile to expose the deceit and ignorance behind the promotion by the cheerleaders for “renewables,” i.e., that we are “saving the planet,” yada ,yada,

the MAIN focus, the ball we need to keep our eyes on is:


Solar and wind and electric vehicles, etc. are making some crooks a lot of money. Those crooks are the ones to expose.

Janice Moore
August 24, 2022 11:11 am

Best Epstein observation, here:

🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇

Solar and wind are parasites.

🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇 🎇


August 24, 2022 8:12 pm


Ulick Stafford
August 25, 2022 12:43 am

Just finished listening to audible version. It is a great book and refreshing approach.
We should always and everywhere call out the fossil fuel opponent as the anti-humans they are because the inevitable result of the successful implementation of net zero policies would be severe energy and food shortages causing famine and death.

August 29, 2022 8:55 am

Epstein vs. Dressler

“Should America Rapidly Eliminate Fossil Fuel Use to Prevent Climate Catastrophe?”