Naomi Oreskes Slams Big Oil Climate Change Ads

Naomi Oreskes, who believes that Climate Change is a problem, has written a dramatic expose of old Big Oil ads which actually told the truth about global warming.

Stalagmites as Key Witnesses of the Monsoon

Around 130,000 years ago, Earth experienced the penultimate change from an ice age to a warm period. During this transition, Greenlandic meltwater had a massive impact on the Gulf Stream.

Sea Level Alarmism Unravels As Earth’s Coastlines Are Observed Expanding Since 1984

Claims of dangerously accelerating sea level rise posing an imminent global threat to coasts have once again been challenged by real-world observational evidence.

Chukchi Sea ice that didn’t melt this summer is now 2+m thick between Wrangel Island and the shore

Thick multiyear ice between Wrangel Island and the shore is now more than 2m thick, potentially impacting fall feeding for bears that routinely summer on Wrangel or the north coast of Chukotka.

Heat Waves vs. Observed Data

What is clear is that a distance of approximately 300 miles and an altitude difference of 780 feet has produced very different temperature data in these two locations. The heatwave…

Jailed Insulate Britain protester went globe-trotting in a gas-guzzling 4×4 pick-up truck

Before becoming involved in XR, Smart and her partner, who describe themselves as “valiant adventurers whose dream is to circumnavigate the planet”, drove across Europe, the Western Sahara and central…