New drought record- no tornadoes so far this year in Oklahoma

Oklahoma tornado drought to start 2018.  By Tom Di Liberto If there is one state in the country that immediately conjures up images of tornadoes, it has to be Oklahoma. After…

Study: Greens Believe they have a "Moral License" to Pollute

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A new study suggests that most greens believe that by virtue of their support for environmental issues they earn the right to ignore their personal…

NASA Mars rocket launch may produce spectacular early morning display over SoCal

Remember this fantastic view from a launch in 2015? We might see one that looks similar this weekend in Southern California. NASA is about to do something it has never…

“Tick and Mosquito Infections Spreading Rapidly”, is not linked to 'climate change' by study, despite what the NYT says

Guest Commentary by Kip Hansen   Science News treated us to an interesting quip on 2 May titled “Tick-borne and mosquito-borne illnesses are on the rise in the United States”…

Friday Funny: European Union's failing grade on CO2 emissions

But, but, THE PARIS ACCORD! BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European Union carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels increased in 2017, statistics office Eurostat said on Friday, indicating that the reduction of…

A look at the workings of 'Climate Propaganda Inc.'

By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: Left and Right in America are in thrall to propaganda. Here is the latest in climate doomsterism. This shows how it…