Canadian Government: "consider the gendered impacts of climate change"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Catherine McKenna, Canadian minister for the Environment and Climate Change is training “woman negotiators” to combat global warming. Canadian Climate Minister Urges Attention to the…

Weird stuff – type VII water ice found inside diamonds

Unique diamond impurities indicate water deep in Earth’s mantle Scientific analysis of diamond impurities — known as inclusions — reveal naturally forming ice crystals and point to water-rich regions deep…

Washington Post: Trump Wants Government Climate Scientists to Stop Being Dramatic

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Government Climate scientists are upset that President Trump wants them to avoid using emotive language in their press releases. Trump official said scientists went ‘beyond…

The Modern Warm Period Delimited

UPDATE: 3/13/18 After review of comments, data sources, and the article itself, I have concluded that because some old and faulty data was used in the article, the premise and conclusions…

Aussie Bureau of Meteorology Staff Accused of Using Work Supercomputers to Mine Cryptocurrencies

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Two IT staff who work for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology are being investigated over allegations they illegally used the bureau’s supercomputers to mine cryptocurrencies.…