How a lay climate skeptic's view can count on global warming

Putting Sir Isaac Newton on the right path Short story by Christopher Bowring When lay global warming skeptics point out to alarmists that the recent seventeen year period of steady…

Study: lack of cloud physics biased climate models high

The Hockey Schtick brings this to our attention. It seems Dr. Roy Spencer was prescient with his observation: “The most obvious way for warming to be caused naturally is for…

Friday Funny – Sekrit Kidz Science

Today’s Friday Funny  from Josh is a double feature with the SkS kidz and the Royal Society, who seem to be acting like the kids when they demanded a secret…

The Important Difference between Climatology and Climate Science

Why did the Royal Society need secret meetings? Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball Recent events underscore problems with understanding climate and how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…