Germany in skeptical turmoil on both Climate and Solar/Windfarms

I have two major stories out of Germany to report, one on the rise of Climate Skepticism into the mainstream, as Germany’s Top Environmentalist Turns Climate Sceptic, saying

“I couldn’t take it any more. I had to write this book.”

Doubt came two years ago when he was an expert reviewer of an IPCC report on renewable energy. “I discovered numerous errors and asked myself if the other IPCC reports on climate were similarly sloppy.”

….and the other major story is on the failure of solar and wind power in Germany. First, the mainstream skepticism:

Body Blow To German Global Warming Movement! Major Media Outlets Unload On “CO2 Lies!”

Excerpts reposted from NoTricksZone by Pierre Gosselin

Today Germany’s national tabloid Bild (which has a whopping circulation of 16 million) devoted half of page 2 on an article called:.

“THE CO2 LIES … pure fear-mongering … should we blindly trust the experts?”

That’s what Germany’s leading daily Bild (see photo) wrote in its print and online editions today, on the very day that renowned publisher Hoffmann & Campe officially released a skeptic book – one written by a prominent socialist and environmental figure.

This is huge. More than I ever could have possibly imagined. And more is coming in the days ahead! The Bild piece was just the first of a series.

Mark this as the date that Germany’s global warming movement took a massive body blow.

Today, not one, but two of Germany’s most widely read news media published comprehensive skeptical climate science articles in their print and online editions, coinciding with the release of a major climate skeptical book, Die kalte Sonne (The Cold Sun).

Germany has now plunged into raucous discord on the heated topic of climate change

What has set it all off? One of the fathers of Germany’s modern green movement, Professor Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, a social democrat and green activist, decided to author a climate science skeptical book together with geologist/paleontologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning. Vahrenholt’s skepticism started when he was asked to review an IPCC report on renewable energy. He found hundreds of errors. When he pointed them out, IPCC officials simply brushed them aside. Stunned, he asked himself, “Is this the way they approached the climate assessment reports?”

Vahrenholt decided to do some digging. His colleague Dr. Lüning also gave him a copy of Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion. He was horrified by the sloppiness and deception he found. Well-connected to Hoffmann & Campe, he and Lüning decided to write the book. Die kalte Sonne cites 800 sources and has over 80 charts and figures. It examines and summarizes the latest science.

Conclusion: climate catastrophe is called off

The science was hyped. The book started hitting the bookshops today and has already hit no. 1 on the list for environment books. Indications show that it will climb very high in the overall bestseller charts. It’s published by a renowned publishing house and is now sending shock waves through the German climate science establishment. The first printing will produce 20,000 copies. I expect they will sell out rather quickly.

Read it all here.


While all that is happening, the wind is going out of the sails in the highly subsidized solar and windfarm business in Germany. Michael Limburg writes from Germany that:

We published this very comprehensive study from our author Dr. Günter Keil titled “ Germany´s Green Energy Supply Transformation Has Already Failed”. (

German version here:

It has won a lot of attention and was published in all german speaking sceptic blogs and is as well most regarded by our politicians.

Since a lot of green zealots in all countries praise Germany as the wonderland of manageable green miracles it might be helpful to show them the reality

I am therefore proud and happy to tell you that we managed to translate this very valuable piece of information which reveals the blindness and fanaticism of our present politicians which destroys willingly the backbone of our economy. Please make best use of it. I am sure you will welcome this information. The full report and the press release are attached.

Here is the English version:

Germany’s Green Energy Supply Transformation Has Already Failed!

Energy expert Dr. Guenter Keil has closely examined Germany’s energy policy of shifting away from nuclear and fossil fuels and over to renewables. What he finds is a bleak picture. Years ago Germany ambitiously embarked on transforming its energy supply system, and hopes to supply at least 80% of its energy needs through renewable energies by 2050, and thus become a moral leader on environmental responsibility for the rest of the world.

To do this, the former Socialist-Green coalition government, led by Gerhard Schröder, enacted the so-called Renewable Energy Feed-In Act (EEG) in 2000. This Feed-In Act requires electric utilities to buy all renewable energies, such as solar and wind power, from all producers at fixed, exorbitant rates and to feed it into the power grid for a period of 20 years. This has led to a boom as thousands of homeowners, businesses, and investors have installed thousands of megawatts of solar and wind power capacity over the years. The current Conservative-Liberal government, not to be outdone by its predecessor, is also gleefully pushing the Feed-In Act to the limit.

Weather-dependent supply wreaking havoc on the power grid

The problem is that these energy sources are weather-dependent and thus their sporadic supply is starting to wreak havoc on Germany’s power grid and is even now threatening to destabilize power grids all across Europe. The other problem: the power grid needed to distribute the decentrally produced green power is simply not there yet. They forgot to build it! So far, after tens of billions of euros spent on renewable energy systems and higher prices for consumers, not a single coal or gas-fired power plant has been taken offline. To the contrary, old inefficient plants have been brought back into service in an effort to stabilize the grid.

In a panic reaction, Germany shut down 8 nuclear power plants

To make matters worse, in a fit of panic and hysteria, the German government shut down 8 of its older 18 nuclear reactors in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, thus removing a very cheap and stable supply of power and further pushing the grid to the limits. Before the shutdown of the nuclear reactors, Germany had been a net power exporter; today it is a net power importer and is at times severely straining neighboring power grids. To compensate for the missing nuclear power, the government is now heavily promoting even more weather-dependent wind power, which is further destabilizing the German and European power grids. A solution to the problem of storing electricity is still at least a generation away.

The question of course is how could such absurd decisions have been made to begin with? Were there no experts involved in the planning of the new power generation infrastructure? The answer obviously is no. Power executives are viewed as evil, dirty and greedy polluters, and thus were never really consulted. They could not be counted on to give the politically correct solutions. Therefore the decision to shut down the German nuclear power plants and to massively support renewables was done unilaterally by the government, without consulting the power executives or even neighboring countries.

Offshore wind parks, but no transmission lines to industrial regions!

Now that the damage is spreading, Germany’s utilities are now struggling to keep the grid stable and to fill in the power gap left by the shut-down of nuclear reactors. To do this the German government has ordered the installation of large-scale wind parks in the North and Baltic seas, in addition to the re-commissioning of mothballed, inefficient coal-fired plants. This overall energy production transition from nuclear and fossils over to “renewables” is dubbed by German officials as the Energy Supply Transformation. Construction of the offshore wind parks is now progressing rapidly. But there’s just one problem: the huge high voltage power transmission lines needed to bring their power to Germany’s industrial heartland to the south are missing! More than 3000 km of these lines are needed, but are nowhere near in sight. The government forgot about those too!

Activists groups blocking grid expansion

Building the power transmission lines quickly across the landscape will be a virtually impossible task. Activist groups have long since organized and are effectively blocking their approval and construction. So far only a measly 214 km have been built. As a result, surplus wind power cannot be delivered to the markets, and thus either has to be destroyed, dumped on the market at “negative prices”, or wind park owners are simply ordered to stop generating. No problem though – paragraph 12 of Germany’s Energy Feed-In Act requires electric utilities to pay for the electricity that they ask not to have produced! Technically, there is an incentive for wind parks to destabilize the grid.

Eventually all these costs add up and in the end they get passed along to the consumer. Under the bottom line, consumers have to pay more and more, and for a lower and lower quality supply. German industry is getting nervous and surveys show that many are leaving Germany, or are planning to do so. They no longer view Germany’s power supply as reliable.

In a death spiral…”will fail spectacularly”

Dr. Guenter Keil’s report focusses in detail on the amazing absurdities of Germany’s Renewable Energy Feed-In Act and the country’s utopian Energy Transformation. The government, through intrusive meddling and ballooning bureaucracy, has maneuvered Germany’s energy supply system into a vicious death spiral: the more the government intervenes, the greater the mess becomes. And the greater the mess becomes, the more the government intervenes! Dr. Keil concludes:

Germany’s energy transformation has already failed. For Germans, the outlook is bleak. …the planned mismanagement is heavily damaging the economy and will fail spectacularly some years later because its economic and social costs will have become unbearable. The question remaining open is how many billions of euros will have to be destroyed before a new energy policy (a new energy transformation?) picks up the shattered pieces.”

So it’s no wonder that according to a survey of experts from 21 national committees by the World Energy Council, 0% said they could imagine their own country completely taking over the German political approach. An equal number believe Germany will reach its stated targets.

Germany’s model will serve as a classic lesson on how not to handle energy production and management.

Michael Limburg; with thanks to Pierre Gosselin from notrickszone for excellent translation support

Dr. Guenter Keil was a scientific employee at the Technical University of Munich / Fraunhofer Society, as well as Project Support at the Federal Research Ministry.

For downloading full undefinedreport & undefinedpress release here or see files attached (remark: Downloads of .doc pressrelease with SAFARI seems not to work, FIRFOX workfs fine)

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February 6, 2012 5:08 pm

Wow, this is pretty big. But on it`s own, it will achieve little, unless more of this happens. One article in one major news item will not reverse the years of brainwashing. People who have been succesfully brainwashed dont just realise the errors of their ways when the facts are presented to them. It can take months or even years for throughly brainwashed subjects to overcome the brainwashing eg. Look at the aftermath of Nazism or Communism. Years of brainwashing left many people clinging on for years. And the same applies to AGW. We`ve now had a good 10 years of constant AGW propganda being thrown at people and one or two stories like this will achieve little unless it continues.with followup stories and more expose’s from other media outlets

February 6, 2012 5:08 pm

Die kalte Sonne cites 800 sources and has over 80 charts and figures. It examines and summarizes the latest science.
Conclusion: climate catastrophe is called off
The science was hyped. The book started hitting the bookshops today and has already hit no. 1 on the list for environment books. Indications show that it will climb very high in the overall bestseller charts.”

OK – I’m wondering if there will be an English translation.

February 6, 2012 5:22 pm

“Technically, there is an incentive for wind parks to destabilize the grid.”
What a brilliant plan! Obviously they built a model and reached a consensus first. 😉

February 6, 2012 5:23 pm

This looks like a top post for some time

February 6, 2012 5:24 pm

Sprechen Sie nicht schlecht über die Toten.

February 6, 2012 5:27 pm

If the German economy crashes, there won’t be any stable economies in the Euro-zone. Look out below.

Lew Skannen
February 6, 2012 5:27 pm

Once the mainstream media get a proper hold of it and the general public realise that they have been duped there will be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I get the impression that the average man in the street has assumed that all the expense is necessary because green energy is somehow ‘good’ and that the CAGW is a genuine problem.
Imagine how annoyed the public will be when those two supports are kicked away.

February 6, 2012 5:29 pm

That’s the way tipping points go – you know one is coming, but don’t know exactly when it will tip. Good for Germany – it appears to have tipped before a major blackout in a cold snap.

February 6, 2012 5:38 pm

gator69 says:
February 6, 2012 at 5:22 pm
““Technically, there is an incentive for wind parks to destabilize the grid.”
What a brilliant plan! Obviously they built a model and reached a consensus first. ;)”
I call wind power and solar power Störgrössen (disturbance sources), not energy sources.
When you think about it, this is applied discordianism; the goddess of Discordia wants to destroy what works; and which political movements want to destroy industries that work – yeah right, socialists and greens; the German energy cross subsidy was invented by – bingo, the red-green coalition of Schröder.
Unfortunately, Germans are still Germans and able to survive under the most unlikely circumstances, so Discordia, once unleashed, proceeded to wreak havoc on all systems in the EU but seems to have had free play in Spain and Portugal instead of in Germany, where the people just cough up the money and continue with their lifes.
Where Discordia reigns, paradoxes are aplenty, and I see great opportunities in fossil fuels – the harder policies promote the Störgrössen, the more sought after and priced will be the last remaining sources of reliable power.

February 6, 2012 5:38 pm

Anybody that works at the “coal face” of the generating industry could see this coming from a mile away. I have been trying to tell the hysterical numpties at The Guardian exactly what Guenter Kiel has said about the instability caused by intermittent renewables.
The reality is, it has been obvious all along. Ask anyone working on despatch at any national grid in the developed world.

February 6, 2012 5:38 pm

Marvellous, all in one headline. The actual use of the word Lies coupled with CO2, and, “pure fear-mongering”, and, asking the question “should we trust the experts” – in case anyone missed the conclusion… 🙂
Love it. We’ll see if this is the beginning of the great retreat in the War against Mother Nature, defeated by snow again…
..shouldn’t have called her life giving sprog a toxic.

February 6, 2012 5:39 pm

Quick! They need the smart grid! Oh… wait?

February 6, 2012 5:43 pm

drip, drip, drip….however, as long as there’s money be be made…
6 Feb: Guardian: John Vidal: Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering
Other wealthy individuals have also funded a series of reports into the future use of technologies to geoengineer the climate
( Ken Caldeira of Stanford) “Every scientist has some conflict of interest, because we would all like to see more resources going to study things that we find interesting,” said Caldeira. “Do I have too much influence? I feel like I have too little. I have been calling for making CO2 emissions illegal for many years, but no one is listening to me. People who disagree with me might feel I have too much influence. The best way to reduce my influence is to have more public research funds available, so that our funds are in the noise. If the federal government played the role it should in this area, there would be no need for money from Gates….

February 6, 2012 5:47 pm

Can we forward a copy to Gov. Jerry Brown? Not that it will actually help. California is in its own reality. It is too deep in red ink to care about science at the moment.
It would be nice if Californians could learn from the German experience. Alas, it will never happen. No, they are too arrogant to believe California can’t do better than Germany.
Although we know the laws of physics, etc., are on our side, logical reasoning is not an option. The people in charge here give us little reason to doubt they are still experiencing flash-backs from the 60s. At this rate, we will have to recreate Cuba on the Pacific before things turn around.

R. Shearer
February 6, 2012 5:48 pm

Was zum …..

Richard M
February 6, 2012 5:50 pm

Heute Deutschland, morgen die ganze Welt …

February 6, 2012 5:50 pm

Start emailing the newsdesks of all the media outlets you know, linking to this WUWT article. They can’t ignore it.
A comment like the following could be added as we nail up the coffin …
The two major errors were
(1) assuming that the Earth’s surface has to radiate like a blackbody and thus would have been -18 degrees C if there were no “greenhouse” gases. But the surface loses thermal energy by diffusion, conduction, convection, evaporation and chemical processes, leaving far less than 50% of the energy to be radiated. So you cannot apply the Stefan-Boltzmann Law as if all energy is radiated.
(2) assuming that radiative flux (energy) from a colder atmosphere can be converted to thermal energy when it strikes a significantly warmer surface.
For more detail see my site

Markus Fitzhenry
February 6, 2012 5:52 pm

Gentlemen, I have it ion very good authority, the date Anthropogenic Global Warming bit the dust was in fact, 23 January 2012.
The the Knowing that I know, a proclamation is made.
Arrhenioushansenous has been slain, by the hand of a man.
Rejoice, for the fear of climate is no more.
The most powerful force in the universe is the reasoning of a man.
Markus Fitzhenry.

David A. Evans
February 6, 2012 5:53 pm

Is there anything in English about the impact the cold is having on modern diesel cars?
I know I could feed my old Peugeot 405 just about anything including vegetable oil with a bit of white spirit to prevent emulsifying.
Best regards.

February 6, 2012 5:58 pm

Activist groups have long since organized and are effectively blocking their approval and construction.

When is it going to dawn on people that these are not “environmental” activists, they are economic sabotage activists. Their root mission is to destroy the economy. They demand that renewable sources be mandated but block any connecting those power sources to the demand. They do the same with nuclear. They prevent recycling of fuel, demand that no new plants be built until the disposal problem can be solved, and then block the disposal site.
These people are NOT “environmental activists”, these people are economic saboteurs. That is their root goal and once it is understood that their real objective is the destruction of “developed” economies, everything else becomes much clearer.

February 6, 2012 5:58 pm

I can hear Wagner playing under this unfolding story!!!

Rhoda Ramirez
February 6, 2012 6:00 pm

‘Sustainable’ must be the new magic word. It has the added advanted of having NO practical meaning, unlike eg. ‘warming’, ‘warmest’, ‘global’, ‘rising sea level’, etc.

February 6, 2012 6:01 pm

Wait…a MSM outlet in Europe tells the truth about CAGW. Why does the ‘something about ships and rats’ come time?

February 6, 2012 6:05 pm

This is old news in Australia. Energy companies have been complaining and instability in the national grid for months.
Some suppliers are even rejecting applications to install solar now as the voltage spikes are tripping solar systems.

February 6, 2012 6:06 pm

Glad to see the Germans coming around! This past November 20th, I had the honor of seeing one of my skeptical posts translated into German then published on a German-skeptic site (see links below). Translation was performed by Chris Frey, and published by Michael Limburg. I have never had a web-post translated and published before, so this was very nice!
The English version is here:
The German version is here:

February 6, 2012 6:09 pm

David A. Evans says:
February 6, 2012 at 5:53 pm
Is there anything in English about the impact the cold is having on modern diesel cars?”
reposting a comment of mine from notrickszone:
Frost in Germany shuts down hundreds of Diesel cars. Fuel filters get clogged by Parafine crystals at temperatures under -22 deg C; and it is not possible to add gasoline to the mix when you have a modern Diesel; they’re too fragile to survive that. (allegedly. I don’t have a Diesel ATM so I can’t run the experiment. Often such statements have more to do with liability than with technology. I’ll ask a colleague, maybe he wants to play. Wonder which subsystems will survive.)
Monday night had temperatures of -28 deg C and colder.

David A. Evans
February 6, 2012 6:09 pm

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” :- Winston Churchill.
I agree with crosspatch. They are not environmentalists but economic saboteurs!

R. Gates
February 6, 2012 6:09 pm

Markus Fitzhenry says:
February 6, 2012 at 5:52 pm
Gentlemen, I have it ion very good authority, the date Anthropogenic Global Warming bit the dust was in fact, 23 January 2012.
This is one of the most humorous things I’ve read all day.

February 6, 2012 6:13 pm

Great news! I know that weather is not climate. But the people are battling severe cold right now in Germany (as well as many other countries). When the weather very strongly reinforces what you read, that is a very powerful one-two punch. (Ask Hansen!)

February 6, 2012 6:16 pm

Rhoda Ramirez says:
” ‘Sustainable’ must be the new magic word.”
It’s unsustainable.☺

February 6, 2012 6:17 pm

Nothing New Under the Sun!
We wrote the following in 2002, a decade ago.
See our point #8:
8. The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.
Skill testing questions:
1. Does #8 sound just like today’s Bild article’s conclusion on the abject failure of green energy?
2. How did we know all this a decade ago?
3. How did we have the confidence to write it down in my professional association’s journal?
4. Given the overwhelming unpopularity of our position, why did we do it?
1. Yes it certainly does.
2. It was the conventional science of the time, and still is.
3. We did our homework well, and we wrote the truth to the best of our abilities.
4. Despite all the criticism we have received over the decade, it was the right thing to do.
In 2002 I co-authored a paper at the request of APEGGA with Dr. Sallie Baliunas, Harvard Astrophysicist, and Dr. Tim Patterson, Carleton Paleoclimatologist, at
We wrote that article as skeptics of alleged catastrophic humanmade global warming, and I think it is clear that we won that debate (Note: NO global warming for a decade!).
Reviewing the eight summary points in our 2002 APEGGA paper, it is clear that our predictive track record is infinitely better than that of the IPCC and the global warming alarmist movement.
Some of our predictions did not fully materialize in Canada, because our country did not adopt all the excesses of the Kyoto Protocol, but those countries that did so, particularly the UK and Western Europe, have experienced all these downsides of global warming fervor.
Here are the eight summary points from our 2002 APEGGA paper:
Kyoto has many fatal flaws, any one of which should cause this treaty to be scrapped.
1. Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.
2. Kyoto focuses primarily on reducing CO2, a relatively harmless gas, and does nothing to control real air pollution like NOx, SO2, and particulates, or serious pollutants in water and soil.
3. Kyoto wastes enormous resources that are urgently needed to solve real environmental and social problems that exist today. For example, the money spent on Kyoto in one year would provide clean drinking water and sanitation for all the people of the developing world in perpetuity.
4. Kyoto will destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs and damage the Canadian economy – the U.S., Canada’s biggest trading partner, will not ratify Kyoto, and developing countries are exempt.
5. Kyoto will actually hurt the global environment – it will cause energy-intensive industries to move to exempted developing countries that do not control even the worst forms of pollution.
6. Kyoto’s CO2 credit trading scheme punishes the most energy efficient countries and rewards the most wasteful. Due to the strange rules of Kyoto, Canada will pay the former Soviet Union billions of dollars per year for CO2 credits.
7. Kyoto will be ineffective – even assuming the overstated pro-Kyoto science is correct, Kyoto will reduce projected warming insignificantly, and it would take as many as 40 such treaties to stop alleged global warming.
8. The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.

David A. Evans
February 6, 2012 6:19 pm

Forgot to mention. As DirkH & Pierre will probably confirm, Germany has more environmentalists per capita than any nation in Europe, (even the UK,) so this has to be good.
I remember well the VW Combis with the CND badge & “AtomWerke Nein Danke” written, (scrawled,) all over them.

Bernd Felsche
February 6, 2012 6:19 pm

It’s easier to bury something with gravel than with boulders.

February 6, 2012 6:29 pm
David A. Evans
February 6, 2012 6:30 pm

Thanks DirkH
I’d seen the comment over at NTZ & hoped maybe you had an English reference as I’ve been unable to find one. I do know often German sites also often have an English zone. Google translate is OK but I was hoping for a better translation.
My Danish is rusty & my German is worse. 🙁

February 6, 2012 6:35 pm

Need more of this. LOTS more….

February 6, 2012 6:40 pm

Bernd Felsche says:
February 6, 2012 at 6:19 pm
Quote of the thread!

February 6, 2012 6:41 pm

Hi Anthony and moderators,
This is OT but is important. (I can’t get Tips & notes to work).
There is a vitally important new post at Climate Audit, 6th February.
Steve is going through all the “hide the key climategate documents thing” that has gone through more than three enquiries so far without outcome.
He has it all laid out, chapter and verse and it is really damning.
David Holland and others have chimed in as well with additional evidence.
The issue is the refusal to properly handle FOI (FOIA) requests.
David Holland is talking appeals to the Tribunal and if necessary court cases as well.
This needs every honest seeker after the truth to lend full support.
Now is the time!
The URL is

Ursus Augustus
February 6, 2012 6:45 pm

Who’s a “denialist” now I wonder? Which side of the debate will now shove its shoulders up its own fundament?
I live in Tasmania, Australia, home of the Australian Greens and those arrogant, evangelical creeps will deny reality until it buries them. Fortunately I think it will and sooner rather than later because once the MSM gets the sniff/sight of eco-warrior blood, the hounds will be running and the hunt will be on. There is nothing quite like the tabloids end of the MSM spectrum chasing after a fraud.

February 6, 2012 6:48 pm

Anthony -apologies – I see that you have got this one already – it comes from walking on my head all the time, as i live down under.

February 6, 2012 6:52 pm

R. Gates says:
February 6, 2012 at 6:09 pm
“Markus Fitzhenry says:
February 6, 2012 at 5:52 pm
Gentlemen, I have it ion very good authority, the date Anthropogenic Global Warming bit the dust was in fact, 23 January 2012.
This is one of the most humorous things I’ve read all day.”
R. Gates, despite my best attempts, I could not discern the convenient warming of Longwave Infrared Backradiation from the heavens, even though it was -15 deg C with no winds where I stood; which should have given the flux of quantae a good opportunity to flow my direction. Yes, I do have the feeling it’s dead.

February 6, 2012 6:55 pm

David A. Evans says:
February 6, 2012 at 6:19 pm
“Forgot to mention. As DirkH & Pierre will probably confirm, Germany has more environmentalists per capita than any nation in Europe, (even the UK,) so this has to be good.”
It has historic roots and makes for strange bedfellows.
Germans cherish their forests as if it were something holy. They forget that 90% of our forests are basically tree plantations, optimized for high wood productions and constantly maintained. There’s not much reason to be romantic about it.

jonathan frodsham
February 6, 2012 7:01 pm

It must be difficult to lose face. Losing face is a big thing in Asia, I should know I live there. I suspect that it is the same all over the world. But some people have no face to lose. Maybe saving face is one of the reasons for the religious fever attached to people who believe that CAGW is the new holy gospel. Who knows? I have never managed to understand fanaticism and properly never will. Now very importantly on that point of face: All the scandals and this fantastic new development from Germany have now given the people who more or less believed in CAGW a way out. “Without losing face”. Think about that for a minute. I predict that this day is the turning point in history, even more than the previous gates. I call this one achtungate.

TG McCoy (Douglas DC)
February 6, 2012 7:12 pm

I will buy the English edition. We are about to have the same problem in the Pac.NW.
USA too many wind mills…

David A. Evans
February 6, 2012 7:13 pm

The article DirkH referenced translated via Google
It has trouble with a word, “versultzen” which I think may mean “emulsified”.

February 6, 2012 7:19 pm

The windmills have moved beyond striking birds and are now beginning to strike excrement.

February 6, 2012 7:31 pm

This is AWESOME!!!

February 6, 2012 7:41 pm

David A. Evans says:
February 6, 2012 at 7:13 pm
“The article DirkH referenced translated via Google
It has trouble with a word, “versultzen” which I think may mean “emulsified”.”
Yeah, a funny word, but you’re right.

Kevin J Klees
February 6, 2012 7:43 pm

Wow, those Germans always where a smart bunch of folks, i.e.; the jet engine, optics, and the ever present ball bearing are just a few examples. I’m surprised it took so long. Hopefully this will catch on !!!!
Of course, they did take a little unfortunate side trip back in the 1930’s and 40’s.
FYI, the vast majority of ball bearings are still to this day made in metric sizes. This is because the Germans perfected the machines that manufacture said bearings. And the machines came pre-programmed (in a mechanical sense, not a computer software sense) to make metric sizes.
Disclaimer, as an American I do in fact have a family history based on German immigrants that came here before the US Revolution. So I am at least a little bit of a “German-American” although I consider myself 100% American, with interests in the ways of my forbearers.
Cheers, Kevin.

Steve from Rockwood
February 6, 2012 7:44 pm

I knew when the Chinese refused to make square blades for the German wind turbines, it was just a matter of time.

February 6, 2012 7:44 pm

And, according to Michael Mann, “For climate change not not even be *mentioned* in a story on “Year Without a Winter”…is simply journalistic malpractice”.
Ok, so in this story, climate change WAS mentioned.
Wonder if he’s happy about this one…

DD More
February 6, 2012 7:47 pm

To do this, the former Socialist-Green coalition government, led by Gerhard Schröder, enacted the so-called Renewable Energy Feed-In Act (EEG) in 2000.
A little cross nomenclature – An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. So there wasn’t much activity with their Act.

February 6, 2012 7:48 pm

Tataouine, the Setting of Star Wars, Covered in Snow
Tataouine is located in southern Tunisia, in the Sahara Desert. I’ve been in the Sahara in summer, and have experienced +50C in the shade. It is difficult to imagines that now there is snow, but look at the photos in the article.
Snow in the Sahara desert. Picture courtesy of Tourisme Tataouine Facebook Page (
Tataouine, the Setting of Star Wars, Covered in Snow
Houda Mzioudet | 06 February 2012
Residents of the southern Tunisian towns of Tataouine and Matmata, small desert cities that furnished the setting for Star Wars movies, woke up to an unusual sight today: snow.
The snow started to fall overnight from Sunday to Monday, leaving a thin layer that was enough to transform the landscape from an arid desert to a glistening-white tundra.
The Sahara desert, particularly the region of Remada and the neighboring area of El Borma in the governorate of Tataouine, also saw snow falling near the oil fields of El Borma. Oil fields workers were thrilled at the sight of snow, a rare sight for them in the region.
The town of Matmata, home to traditional underground “troglodyte” structures inhabited by the indigenous North Africans, the Amazighs, has not witnessed snow fall since 1962, according to Radio Tataouine.
Tunisia has witnessed a cold snap since last week, in the north west of the country. Heavy snow in the northern towns of Thala and Kef left transport paralyzed due to blocked roads. In the town of Aïn Draham, in the governorate of Jendouba, snow reached 80 cm.

February 6, 2012 7:49 pm

The only solution, temporarily, will be rationing. Each section of the nation is divied up with rolling brown-black outs rolliing along throughout the day and night. If the Germans still retain their former legendary efficiencies, they’ll do it precisely to the second and engineer great switching systems. How long they have to do this depends on their lead times. History may very likely determine the financial insanity of the Euro masked the even worse situation of their power systems. For sure, energy is life, cheap energy is prosperity. One supposes Germany will lead Europe back into the third world.
Of course, they could build some synfuel plants close to the where the renewables are located and produce clean hydrocarbon fuels. At least they’d get something. Sadly, the carbon hatred seems to run so deep that they’ll freeze to death before they do something pragmatic.

Jon Jermey
February 6, 2012 7:51 pm

Meanwhile, in Moree (NSW)…
Solar project rethink a blow to government
David Wroe
February 7, 2012 – 2:42PM
Read later
Two major projects awarded a total of $750 million in the first round of the government’s Solar Flagships funding are struggling to secure private investment. The federal government has been forced to rethink its $300 million support for a massive solar power station after the project failed to attract private financing.
In an embarrassing blow to the government’s clean energy efforts, Energy Minister Martin Ferguson has re-opened the bidding on a $306 million grant under the government’s Solar Flagship scheme, which aims to encourage investment in large-scale solar projects.

February 6, 2012 7:56 pm

The tipping point will come when people realize that “green” energy, by its insane cost, is nothing more than white-collar theft from the middle class, concentrating power and wealth in the hands of the governing elite. Why else do you suppose so many politicians continue to push it, even as popular support plummets?

February 6, 2012 7:57 pm

the correct saying is:
“Von den Toten sprich nichts außer Gutes”

Alan Clark of Dirty Oil-berta
February 6, 2012 8:02 pm

I have to wonder if any of the world’s “climate scientists” have ever studied “cause and effect”. Surely, it must have occurred to one of them that industry funds government and science. When industry suffers, government will have less money and science will have less money and the world will have fewer scientists.

Former Forecaster
February 6, 2012 8:02 pm

There may come a time in the foreseeable future, when Big Climate will no longer hold sway over policies of nations. It will take a while, though, because policy-makers are so in love with raising taxes for any reason, and Big Climate allows for a an excuse to raise taxes by amounts and to levels unheard of, except during the wonderful monarchies of centuries past.

Bill Illis
February 6, 2012 8:05 pm

Just think how cold Germany would be right now if not for the increased CO2 we have added.
It is hard to be a warmer when temperatures are the coldest in 50 years.

February 6, 2012 8:05 pm

So this is a book and page 2 article in a large circulation daily. Good start and it will get people talking but the $64,000.00 question (or is that 64 billion? what’s a few zeros between friends?) is will this translate into the German government following Canada in saying “see ya”?
The next few months in Germany will be quite interesting. If the industrial powerhouse of Europe calls it quits on unstorable (aka renewable) energy then game over for good.
I’ve often said you have to figure out storage. If you can’t store it then you still need the old base load sources (coal, gas, nuclear, hydro). As long as you are not replacing it outright there is no savings.

February 6, 2012 8:09 pm

cedarhill says:
February 6, 2012 at 7:49 pm
“Of course, they could build some synfuel plants close to the where the renewables are located and produce clean hydrocarbon fuels. At least they’d get something. Sadly, the carbon hatred seems to run so deep that they’ll freeze to death before they do something pragmatic.”
We do that, I spare you the links, it’s all pretty obvious, and keeps some researchers busy. It’s one of those inefficiencent follow-up technologies that follow from the initial market disturbance created by price-fixing policies. Ah well, here is one link from klimaretter, a slanderous warmist site on par with Joe Romm, always happy to smear skeptics, and jubilate about any stupid green project.

Howard B
February 6, 2012 8:09 pm

Awesome! What great news.

February 6, 2012 8:10 pm

Thanks for the Dr.Günther Keil, – “Germany’s Energy Supply Transformation Has Already Failed” reference. It caulk full of references.

February 6, 2012 8:12 pm

Ratten entgehen vom sinkenden Schiff.

February 6, 2012 8:14 pm

DirkH says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:09 pm
They mention a pilot plant producing 30 KW’s worth of Methane. Here’s a better link from 2010, from Fraunhofer / IWES in Kassel, mentioning the same pilot plant.Some block diagrams about its process.

Al Gored
February 6, 2012 8:17 pm

Meanwhile, from Richard Black, the BBC’s Head AGW Parrot, comes this backsliding piece of spin:
“Is there or isn’t there a scientific consensus on climate change?
And does it matter?”
After ranting on endlessly about the authority of The Consensus, now we have this. Too funny.
Does Black’s blog matter? Yes and no. It matters as a sign of the times but, due to its hopeless bias and Black’s role as a useful idiot for the Team, it has long been irrelevant to the dynamics of the debate.
And, besides all this great news on the PR front, the best news from Europe is China’s response to the EU’s carbon tax on airlines… which is, officially, to stuff it. With the EU now on its knees begging for China’s help, I’m guessing that the EU will back down and Carbon Connie will soon reach some kind of tipping point.

February 6, 2012 8:19 pm

The dominoes are falling. If mainstream media in zealously green Germany can publish such an outright condemnation of CAGW then we can expect other media outlets to take note and sooner or later another mainstream media group will break ranks.
Sad to say, none of the “climate scientists” (con artists) nor the media will ever be held accountable by western governments. Perhaps some lawyers will see an opportunity to raise “class action” suits against the UEA, NASA Goddard, NOAA, TERI, IPCC, WWF and other institutions for knowingly committing fraud in order to generate donations, funding and grants.

James Sexton
February 6, 2012 8:20 pm

Well, no one can say they weren’t told. However, if Germany can’t get this turned around, and quickly, there are some very major implications. Germany is propping up the economically weaker EU nations, such as Greece. If/when this stops, and it will as soon as the industrial base starts to move, bad things are going to happen……. world wide. Think nations in default….. Greece, Italy, Spain…… think of the banking strains occurring in an already strained industry. People will yearn for the word “recession”.
This is rather timely, while this was being posted, I was working on a post. For those who don’t understand how renewables make the grid unstable, I’ve got a few of graphics in the post which show Cali’s renewable energy production in action. And, it’s ugly.
For those that don’t understand why industry doesn’t like this, our industrial base operates within production quotas and anticipation. The energy must be available when the need for production occurs. No energy, no production. If they have to wait for the energy to be available, someone else will produce the required goods.

Al Gored
February 6, 2012 8:21 pm

Somehow I see Carbon Connie hunkered in some Climatebunker, surrounded by the last of the Hansen Youth, drawing up plans for some last Battle of the Bulge type event that will miraculously save their 1000-year plan.

jonathan frodsham
February 6, 2012 8:24 pm

Man oh Man Michael Mann will be spewing on this one!

February 6, 2012 8:30 pm

On another forum someone called this an obvious plant.
Well the “plant” (or whatever it is) has sprouted 16 million seeds – and that’s just the start.
Expect to see this series of articles (and the new book released today) both translated into English etc etc and reaching hundreds of millions real soon now.
Keep a brave face all ye who propagate AGW garbage! The last nail in the coffin is looking up at a rather big hammer.

Beth Cooper
February 6, 2012 8:34 pm

The cold winds of reality doth blow.
They blow through chinks in crumbling walls,
They blow through cracks beneath the doors,
Draft protection will not avail,
The winds of reality are becoming a gale!

Tilo Reber
February 6, 2012 8:37 pm

As a German I have always been a little disconcerted by how unquestioning of authority most Germans have always been. So seeing something like this come out is especially heartening for me.

February 6, 2012 8:40 pm

Ursus Augustus says:
February 6, 2012 at 6:45 pm
Well I’ve sent a link to this WUWT article to most mainland Aussie newspapers, so how about you doing so in Tassie.
Nice place, BTW. Did you get snow there (like Victoria) this summer?
Anyway, enjoy my pics

kbray in california
February 6, 2012 8:51 pm

Wahrheit gewinnt !
Truth wins !
Lies die.

February 6, 2012 8:51 pm

It’s simple really – either he’s gone mad or was bought off by the oil industry…
As long as MSM and MSP(oliticains) praise AGW crowd and villify the sceptics nothing will ever change. We can applaud brave people like this one all we like, the truth of the matter is this is all futile untill the two main instigators of this whole thing I mentioned above change their tune. Every once in a while we see influential people come back on the side of rationality and scientific process, but the amount is not nearly enough.
The way of the world sickens me, and as long as it keeps functioning the way it does, we will never have freedom, principled leaders and all that jazz. Us normal blokes will keep giving money to all those rich [selfsnipped] while us normal joes keep starving and freezing to death.

February 6, 2012 8:56 pm

Doug Cotton says on February 6, 2012 at 5:50 pm

(2) assuming that radiative flux (energy) from a colder atmosphere can be converted to thermal energy when it strikes a significantly warmer surface.
Dougie, have you looked into the basis for Infrared Spectroscopy? A well-established field, I might add.
Have you any concept of how EM (electro-magnetic) waves work?
How energy is exchanged, from propagation in ‘space’ to a molecule – and then re-radiated again?
You don’t, it would appear …
(Can you explain to us all how a CLOUDY night does not cool off near as much as a clear-sky night? What are the ‘cloud’ temperatures again? Can you say REFLECTOR? Or, in the case of CO2, H20, CH4: “Infrared re-radiator”.)
No one should listen to this man; he would appear to be on some other planet, physics-speaking.

michael hart
February 6, 2012 8:57 pm

Roger Sowell
Re: Your post above.
Are you sure you are “a good engineer, and a lawyer” with “chemical engineering background” as your linked article claims (twice)? I don’t think so. Your quoted absolute humidity level [for 90% relative humidity at 80 degrees Fahrenheit] is about 10 times too big. Have a look at the chart
Your article does read even remotely like what a lawyer or chemical engineer might write. You don’t do sceptics any favours by making such claims. Please just try to be honest about what you do know.

February 6, 2012 8:58 pm

Mods – previous post was muffed; this is the replacement. TIA _Jim

Doug Cotton says on February 6, 2012 at 5:50 pm

(2) assuming that radiative flux (energy) from a colder atmosphere can be converted to thermal energy when it strikes a significantly warmer surface.

Dougie, have you looked into the basis for Infrared Spectroscopy? A well-established field, I might add.
Have you any concept of how EM (electro-magnetic) waves work?
How energy is exchanged, from propagation in ‘space’ to a molecule – and then re-radiated again?
You don’t, it would appear …
(Can you explain to us all how a CLOUDY night does not cool off near as much as a clear-sky night? What are the ‘cloud’ temperatures again? Can you say REFLECTOR? Or, in the case of CO2, H20, CH4: “Infrared re-radiator”.)
No one should listen to this man; he would appear to be on some other planet, physics-speaking.

michael hart
February 6, 2012 9:00 pm

oops typo,
2nd last sentence should read:
“Your article does NOT read even remotely like what a lawyer or chemical engineer might write.”

Rob Potter
February 6, 2012 9:00 pm

The energy crisis in Europe is really showing up in the current cold snap. The weather is not the issue (with regard to the deaths), but the reduction in gas flows from Russia is crippling electricity producion. ENEA (I think) in Italy is being sued for basically turning off power to some towns because they haven’t got gas to run the generation plants. Ukraine and Poland have had to ration power for the same reason.
Bottom-line: people are dying in Europe not because of the cold, but because governments have drunk the kool-aid (the sickest of sick puns).

February 6, 2012 9:02 pm

Anybody know if Michael Man ‘tweeted’ on the atrocity this represents?

February 6, 2012 9:08 pm

Germany disappoints. – gavin

February 6, 2012 9:13 pm

They must do Green differently in Germany. It’s surprising that a long time green activist would be surprised to learn the movement, globally at least, is beset by crap.

February 6, 2012 9:14 pm

Hi Anthony,
I think it is time for leading sceptics and honest climate scientists to consider issueing a warning to the world about the dawn of massive global cooling over the next decades, after the Met Office failed to do so. At minimum, the disturbing climatic history of the little ice age should kick off a sincere effort to check the facts.
The Met Office recently published a statement, that the sun will shortly enter a Dalton type minimum with 92% probability. However, they said, the temperature effect would be neglible.
What is hardly known even among the sceptical community and mainstream scientists anyways, is, that quality temperature reconstructions of the last few thousand years exist, that proxies are consistent on a global scale and correlated amazingly with solar output.
These correlations are far superior to Mannian type proxies and speak for themselves.
As multiple temperature peaks and valleys match in the Alps, North Atlantic, Troja, China, Chile and match as well with solar output data, the only plausible explanation is, (1) that these temperature reconstructions are correct and (2) that temperatures were mainly driven by the sun.
Having said that, the very likely coming Dalton type minimum will very likely let temperatures plunge by about two degrees in Europe and similarly elsewhere. This will massively deteriorate agriculture, particularly in Europe, the US and China and make growing impossible in parts of Canada and Russia.
The world will be taken off guard and unprepared for such a food and energy crisis.
This alarm is in no way comparable to the global warming alarm. It is based only on data and a degree of correlation that requires causation. It is not based on climate models, assumptions, exclusions and projections.
Worse, as the recent warming cycle since the little ice age had been strongly correlated with increased solar activity, greenhouse gases may be a much less powerful climate driver as assumed or even negligible. There may be no offset of the cooling.
There are only a few years left to prepare adaption.

February 6, 2012 9:20 pm

“Ratten entgehen vom sinkenden Schiff.”
(The rats departing from the sinking ship)
Indeed! The MSM (Including Bild) have been supporting the IPCC ‘scientists’ with their fraud. They have been very vocal in smearing reputable and proper scientists and now they sense a turn in public opinion they suddenly pretend they have never supported the “Anthropogenic CO2 is a greenhouse gas that is the cause of global warming”.
It is time to get the tar and feathers out and name and shame the pseudo-scientists, ‘environmental’ profiteers and organisations, Newspapers, politicians and political parties (Icluding and especially the corrupt UN) that have been party to this scam.
Don’t let them get away with it!

February 6, 2012 9:26 pm

_Jim says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:56 pm
When you produce some worldwide study that shows what you treat as a fact “that a cloudy night does not cool off near as much as a clear sky night” and that evidence also has details regarding temperatures of the clouds and the surface, as well as the humidity (which affects the lapse rate)then I will give you an explanation of the results, bearing in mind the slight overlap of the frequency distributions of the not-so-significantly different temperatures involved. My intuition tells me there could be some correlation between cloud cover and humidity, but I would not be attributing any “backradiation” warming to water vapour, just a different lapse rate, which might lead to your head not feeling much cooler than your toes.
I have repeatedly asked for empirical evidence of cooler emitters warming significantly warmer surfaces, but neither you nor anyone else has provided such. Maybe you’d like to be the first in the world to prove Claes Johnson (Professor of Applied Mathematics) wrong
Now you mention IR spectroscopy which does in fact provide evidence for my point. You will find it common knowledge that a gas will not been seen to be absorbing radiation from a cooler emitter when the radiation is analysed by spectroscopy. It is only when the emitter is warmed and its temperature starts to exceed that of the gas that we do in fact start to see absorption lines.
By all means don’t listen to me, Claes Johnson or a host of physicists, though I hardly think it your prerogative to instruct others not to.

Claude Harvey
February 6, 2012 9:28 pm

The mystery is why it has taken so long for the news media and at least some government officials to acknowledge what energy experts like me (I actually am an expert with a long list of credentials) have been telling them for years. Other than in certain narrowly defined, niche markets and applications, renewable energy in most of its forms is economically ruinous. Pathetic energy density and capacity factors doom both wind a solar, even at their theoretical conversion efficiency limits.
Anyone with a journeyman understanding of electric power generation/distribution and in possession of a hand-held calculator could have and should have long ago reached the above mentioned conclusion. That many of those who could have done so did not is a testament to the power of political correctness, fashion and vested interests of our times to bury simple truth under a pile of noble-sounding environmental proclamations.
The front page of today’s Los Angeles Times features a solar article covering what I would describe as an “environmental hangover”. In it, representatives of various environmental protection groups bemoan the pain of having sacrificed (in their view) trainloads irreplaceable desert critters and fauna to the latest rush of federally promoted, commercial solar monsters in exchange for the greater good of preventing global warming calamity. The irony is that the AGW alter on which they’ve made that sacrifice is fraudulent on its face and the resulting solar power plants are unlikely to last past the five years it takes to drain off all the federal tax benefits to private investors hooked up with the current political administration. At that point, horrendous economics is likely to leave U.S. tax payers holding the bag for $ billions in loan guarantees and a lawyer field day will begin over who should be responsible for cleaning up the physical mess left behind out in the desert.

common sense
February 6, 2012 9:33 pm

The Caveat: The assumption that those in control wish to continue the same output or allow growth.
Remember, it’s called “sustainable” for a reason. It is also UNDEFINED for a reason.

Claude Harvey
February 6, 2012 9:38 pm

For whatever reason, the following comment failed to post. I’ll try again.
The mystery is why it has taken so long for the news media and at least some government officials to acknowledge what energy experts like me (I actually am an expert with a long list of credentials) have been telling them for years. Other than in certain narrowly defined, niche markets and applications, renewable energy in most of its forms is economically ruinous. Pathetic energy density and capacity factors doom both wind a solar, even at their theoretical conversion efficiency limits.
Anyone with a journeyman understanding of electric power generation/distribution and in possession of a hand-held calculator could have and should have long ago reached the above mentioned conclusion. That many of those who could have done so did not is a testament to the power of political correctness, fashion and vested interests of our times to bury simple truth under a pile of noble-sounding environmental proclamations.
The front page of today’s Los Angeles Times features a solar article covering what I would describe as an “environmental hangover”. In it, representatives of various environmental protection groups bemoan the pain of having sacrificed (in their view) trainloads irreplaceable desert critters and fauna to the latest rush of federally promoted, commercial solar monsters in exchange for the greater good of preventing global warming calamity. The irony is that the AGW alter on which they’ve made that sacrifice is fraudulent on its face and the resulting solar power plants are unlikely to last past the five years it takes to drain off all the federal tax benefits to private investors hooked up with the current political administration. At that point, horrendous economics is likely to leave U.S. tax payers holding the bag for $ billions in loan guarantees and a lawyer field day will begin over who should be responsible for cleaning up the physical mess left behind out in the desert.

February 6, 2012 9:40 pm

Manfred says:
February 6, 2012 at 9:14 pm
I think it is time for leading sceptics and honest climate scientists to consider issueing a warning to the world about the dawn of massive global cooling over the next decades.
Even though, as most here know, I strongly believe that there is absolutely no warming effect due to carbon dioxide, my analysis of past climate cycles does not indicate another Little Ice Age for at least 550 years.
Yes there will be slight cooling in the near future until about 2028, but we should still expect another 0.4 to 0.8 degree rise in the long-term trend before it passes a maximum some time in the next 50 to 200 years. Let’s not be accused of alarmist claims ourselves.

February 6, 2012 10:09 pm

The whole AGW house of cards seems to be starting to crumble.
I only hope major media outlets around the world will cover this story of a prominent IPCC expert reviewer having the courage to speak out against the flawed science and flawed peer-review process which exists at the IPCC.
Not to diminish the courage of these scientists speaking out against CAGW theory, but I find it interesting that so many stepped “out of the closet” just after it was announced that solar cycle 25 will most likely be the weakest since the Maunder Minimum 300 years ago.
Regardless, I think of the growing number of CAGW “deniers” as early adopters. Pretty soon, the anti-CAGW sentiment will reach critical mass in the scientific community and scientists will be stepping over each other to be the first in their departments to “see the light” and express their “concerns” over the many failures of CAGW theory….
I must caution myself not become too optimistic, as I felt the same sentiment during and after Climategates 1.0 and 2.0, but it somehow feels different this time…
And so it goes……until it doesn’t…..

John F. Hultquist
February 6, 2012 10:11 pm

Reading the (now 88) comments, I notice an almost jubilant feeling from many with expressions of the tipping point, death spiral, dominoes falling and so on as far as CAGW is concerned. For me, there is too much of an expression of hope therein, and hope is not a plan.
I remind you that an entire generation is steeped in the guilt of environmental destruction. Folks I know express this when making statements in support of subsidies for “green” energy and cars. Guilt is a feeling of having violated a moral position and can involve significant responsibility for correcting the issue. Reason, logic, and science did not create this generation of guilt and will have little success in producing change. There is much that could be said about why and how this has come to be (it has been discussed elsewhere), and I do not want to have this post go off in that direction. So don’t go there. (Even though I just did!)

February 6, 2012 10:17 pm

Jeremy says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:19 pm
“Sad to say, none of the “climate scientists” (con artists) nor the media will ever be held accountable by western governments.”
Jeremy, CAGW was always in the interest of these governments; they MADE it. It was always the intent to use this or any other scientific concern to raise new taxes. The Kyoto treaty is a near-verbatim copy of a template penned by a commission of the German parliament. CAGW scientists have always worked in the name of the government. That also explains why the science is so crappy.

February 6, 2012 10:21 pm

Alexander Feht says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:12 pm
“Ratten entgehen vom sinkenden Schiff.”
Nearly. Die Ratten verlassen das sinkende Schiff is the correct saying.

February 6, 2012 10:33 pm

_Jim says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Doug Cotton says on February 6, 2012 at 5:50 pm
Have you any concept of how … energy is exchanged, from propagation in ‘space’ to a molecule – and then re-radiated again?”,
Yes, coherent radiated energy is indeed converted to incoherent thermal energy when the peak frequency of the incident radiation exceeds the peak frequency of the recipient body, such peak frequencies being determined by Wien’s Displacement Law.
The earth’s surface converts incident high frequency solar radiation to thermal energy, which can subsequently be diffused to the surface by molecular collision, or transferred by evaporation or chemical processes or, if the adjoining atmosphere is cooler, the remaining energy will be radiated to such atmosphere with a one-way transfer of thermal energy from the warmer surface to the cooler atmosphere or directly to space. .
Radiation is also generated in the atmosphere from thermal energy which is absorbed in a variety of ways including absorption of both surface and solar radiation, molecular collision and phase change. Any such radiation which meets a (significantly) warmer surface will be scattered and not converted to thermal energy.
Spectroscopy demonstrates this quite clearly for gases which only show absorption lines when the emitting source is warmer than such gases.
I hope that helps you to understand, but if you need mathematical proof visit

Geoff Sherrington
February 6, 2012 10:47 pm

This was written months ago. Looks like it was reasonably accurate.

John F. Hultquist
February 6, 2012 10:50 pm

Here is the link regarding Kyoto I expected DirkH to include:

February 6, 2012 10:58 pm

The timing is excellent! Just when Europe is going through a prolonged cold snap, people will both realise the winters are not getting warmer, and that they really do need stable power sources.
It is not the end, but it is the beginning of the end. The thin end of the wedge.
As for an English translation, I think they would be crazy not to go for it if it sells out in the first few weeks, which I suspect it will.

February 6, 2012 11:01 pm

Reblogged this on Xylance's Blog.

February 6, 2012 11:07 pm

Hello Anthony,
I agree with Manfred, and have repeated a similar message many times.
Natural global cooling, which we predicted in 2002, has a much greater likelihood of causing great human suffering than alleged manmade global warming.
This severe cooling threat is real – it has a significant probability of occurring, but not a certainty.
To be effective, a call to action requires your support and that of the climate realist community.
Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss further – I believe you have my email address.
Further comments in CAPS below.
Best regards, Allan
Manfred says: February 6, 2012 at 9:14 pm
Hi Anthony,
I think it is time for leading skeptics and honest climate scientists to consider issuing a warning to the world about the dawn of massive global cooling over the next decades, after the Met Office failed to do so. At minimum, the disturbing climatic history of the little ice age should kick off a sincere effort to check the facts. AGREE
The Met Office recently published a statement, that the sun will shortly enter a Dalton type minimum with 92% probability. However, they said, the temperature effect would be negligible. RE TIMING: NOT SURE IF THE SOLAR MINIMUM WILL BE IN SC24 OR 25 – WE ASSUMED SC 25 IN OUR 2002 PREDICTION, BASED IN PART ON NASA’S NOW-OBSOLETE PREDICTION THAT SC24 WOULD BE RELATIVELY STRONG.
What is hardly known even among the skeptical community and mainstream scientists anyways, is, that quality temperature reconstructions of the last few thousand years exist, that proxies are consistent on a global scale and correlated amazingly with solar output. AGREE WITH TECHNICAL POINT. SALLIE, TIM AND I STATED THIS IN 2002. See Fig. 2 in
These correlations are far superior to Mannian type proxies and speak for themselves. AGREE (BUT THEN, ALMOST EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN IS SUPERIOR TO THE HOCKEY STICK – SEE DIVERGENCE PROBLEM, HIDE THE DECLINE, ETC.).
As multiple temperature peaks and valleys match in the Alps, North Atlantic, Troja, China, Chile and match as well with solar output data, the only plausible explanation is, (1) that these temperature reconstructions are correct and (2) that temperatures were mainly driven by the sun. GENERALLY AGREE – BUT HAVE NOT READ ALL THE REFERENCES YOU ALLUDE TO.
Having said that, the very likely coming Dalton type minimum will very likely let temperatures plunge by about two degrees in Europe and similarly elsewhere. This will massively deteriorate agriculture, particularly in Europe, the US and China and make growing impossible in parts of Canada and Russia. THIS IS A REAL POSSIBILITY – HAVE NO STRONG OPINION ON 2 DEGREES C, BUT THE IMPACT OF COOLING ON AGRICULTURE COULD BE SEVERE.
The world will be taken off guard and unprepared for such a food and energy crisis. PROBABLY TRUE, GIVEN OUR GOVERNMENTS’ GROSS MISMANAGEMENT OF THE FALSE GLOBAL WARMING CRISIS.
This alarm is in no way comparable to the global warming alarm. It is based only on data and a degree of correlation that requires causation. It is not based on climate models, assumptions, exclusions and projections. AGREE. THE GLOBAL COOLING CRISIS COULD BE REAL. THE ALLEGED GLOBAL WARMING CRISIS, WHICH I STARTED STUDYING IN ~1985, WAS NEVER BASED ON SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. WE ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS FALSE. NOW, WITH THE CLIMATEGATE1&2 EMAILS, WE KNOW IT WAS FRAUDULENT.
Worse, as the recent warming cycle since the little ice age had been strongly correlated with increased solar activity, greenhouse gases may be a much less powerful climate driver as assumed or even negligible. There may be no offset of the cooling. AGREE, DISCUSSED ABOVE.

February 6, 2012 11:08 pm

_Jim says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Doug Cotton says on February 6, 2012 at 5:50 pm
Have you any concept of how … energy is exchanged, from propagation in ‘space’ to a molecule – and then re-radiated again?”,
Yes, coherent radiated energy is indeed converted to incoherent thermal energy when the peak frequency of the incident radiation exceeds the peak frequency of the recipient body, such peak frequencies being determined by Wien’s Displacement Law and being thus proportional to absolute temperature.
The earth’s surface converts incident high frequency solar radiation to thermal energy, which can subsequently be diffused to the surface by molecular collision, or transferred by evaporation or chemical processes or, if the adjoining atmosphere is cooler, the remaining energy will be radiated to such atmosphere with a one-way transfer of thermal energy from the warmer surface to the cooler atmosphere, or directly to space. .
Radiation is also generated in the atmosphere from thermal energy which is absorbed in a variety of ways including absorption of both surface and solar radiation, molecular collision and phase change. Any such radiation which meets a (significantly) warmer surface will be scattered and not converted to thermal energy. (See link to proof below.)
Spectroscopy demonstrates this quite clearly for gases which only show absorption lines when the emitting source is warmer than such gases.
I hope that helps you to understand, but if you need mathematical proof visit

February 6, 2012 11:22 pm

Wow ! “Turn out the lights, the party is over……..” ..literally !

February 6, 2012 11:24 pm

_Jim says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Can you explain to us all how a CLOUDY night does not cool off near as much as a clear-sky night?
Clouds usually form when the humidity is so high that the atmosphere reaches its dew point. The moist adiabatic lapse rate is lower than the dry adiabatic lapse rate because latent heat is released when water condenses, thus decreasing the rate of temperature drop as altitude increases.

Claude Harvey
February 6, 2012 11:28 pm

Third time’s a charm? This comment keeps disappearing into a black hole. I’m determined. Once again and I’ll think you don’t like me anymore.
The mystery is why it has taken so long for the news media and at least some government officials to acknowledge what energy experts like me (I actually am an expert with a long list of credentials) have been telling them for years. Other than in certain narrowly defined, niche markets and applications, renewable energy in most of its forms is economically ruinous. Pathetic energy density and capacity factors doom both wind a solar, even at their theoretical conversion efficiency limits.
Anyone with a journeyman understanding of electric power generation/distribution and in possession of a hand-held calculator could have and should have long ago reached the above mentioned conclusion. That many of those who could have done so did not is a testament to the power of political correctness, fashion and vested interests of our times to bury simple truth under a pile of noble-sounding environmental proclamations.
The front page of today’s Los Angeles Times features a solar article covering what I would describe as an “environmental hangover”. In it, representatives of various environmental protection groups bemoan the pain of having sacrificed (in their view) trainloads irreplaceable desert critters and fauna to the latest rush of federally promoted, commercial solar monsters in exchange for the greater good of preventing global warming calamity. The irony is that the AGW alter on which they’ve made that sacrifice is fraudulent on its face and the resulting solar power plants are unlikely to last past the five years it takes to drain off all the federal tax benefits to private investors hooked up with the current political administration. At that point, horrendous economics is likely to leave U.S. tax payers holding the bag for $ billions in loan guarantees and a lawyer field day will begin over who should be responsible for cleaning up the physical mess left behind out in the desert.

Eric Anderson
February 6, 2012 11:29 pm

“Doubt came two years ago when he was an expert reviewer of an IPCC report on renewable energy. “I discovered numerous errors and asked myself if the other IPCC reports on climate were similarly sloppy.””
This is a very important point. Google “michael-crichton gell-mann-amnesia” and read the first link. Key psychological insight into why so many otherwise intelligent people can be easily misled. Congratulations to Vahrenholt for being willing to follow the evidence.

Claude Harvey
February 6, 2012 11:30 pm

I guess my question has been answered. You guys don’t like me anymore.
REPLY: Not at all, just the automated spam filter, comments restored – Anthony

February 6, 2012 11:37 pm

__Jim: (continued)
In general, spontaneously emitted radiation has an attenuated frequency distribution with a peak frequency which is proportional to the absolute temperature, quantified in Wien’s Displacement Law. When it strikes another body (eg Earth’s surface) its coherent energy will be converted to incoherent thermal energy only if the surface is emitting (or would emit) at a peak frequency less than that of the radiation. In other words, the surface has to be (significantly) cooler than the source of the radiation, usually the Sun.
So the Earth’s surface converts incident high frequency solar radiation to thermal energy, but reflects or scatters low energy (low frequency) radiation from a cooler atmosphere, the energy therein not being converted to thermal energy and thus not affecting the temperature of the surface.
For mathematical proof see Prof Claes Johnson’s Computational Blackbody Radiation.
You also mentioned IR spectroscopy which does in fact provide evidence for my point. You will find it common knowledge that a gas will not been seen to be absorbing radiation from a cooler emitter when the radiation is analysed by spectroscopy. It is only when the emitter is warmed and its temperature starts to exceed that of the gas that we do in fact start to see absorption lines.

February 6, 2012 11:37 pm

My how this reinforces Donna LaF.’s book, The Delinquent Teenager…

February 6, 2012 11:43 pm

Das is richtig.

February 6, 2012 11:44 pm

RE: “Die Ratten verlassen das sinkende Schiff!”
I stated previously that I have known since 1985, when I first became aware of the alleged global warming crisis, that it was based on false assumptions – e.g.: alleged strong positive feedback of climate to increasing atmospheric CO2, etc.
So how did these “leading environmentalists” achieve their unquestioning, often fanatical support of the discredited global warming crisis?
The evidence was clear that this was a false crisis, unsupported by scientific evidence, more than 25 years ago.
Clearly, these people did not do their homework, or they knowingly embraced a false crisis for political and/or economic gain.
Either way, this recent “road to Damascus” conversion is better late than never, but if one has to question their past motives, one should also question their current ones.
As an analogy, one should not assume that a previously dishonest man is suddenly honest, just because he now agrees with you.
Also, let us not declare victory too soon. It will take some time for all the politicians to admit, at best, that they were easily fooled, and by implication, are indeed fools.

February 6, 2012 11:45 pm

Talking of windfarms, here is John Brogden’s masterful take on Grid Management — never read by politicians —

February 6, 2012 11:53 pm

Doug Cotton says:
February 6, 2012 at 9:40 pm
…Yes there will be slight cooling in the near future until about 2028, but we should still expect another 0.4 to 0.8 degree rise in the long-term trend before it passes a maximum some time in the next 50 to 200 years. Let’s not be accused of alarmist claims ourselves….
Could you elaborate on that or give a link ?
My understanding is – if the cosmic ray link works according to Svensmarks’ theory – that additional clouds would start to form immediately and force cooling.
This may be masked by weather fluctuations or on longer time scales, by ocean oscillations (especially AMO), and the start of overall cooling may be delayed, but either way, that would not match with your projection.

February 6, 2012 11:56 pm

There is a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon where Calvin asks his dad how they know what weight of lorry a bridge can support. His dad tells him they build the bridge, run heavier and heavier lorries across until it collapses. Then they rebuild the bridge now they know the weight limit!
We know of course that architects and engineers know exactly what characteristics a bridge [or any other construction] will have before it is even started.
Renewables seem to follow the same principles related by Calvin’s dad! Germany has spent 100 billion Euros on solar panels, and gives 6 billion a year in subsidies, and they are having problems with the costs. In winter the short days and overcast skies mean they produce almost no energy. The current situation could have been predicted before the first panel was installed, but it is obvious no experts are ever consulted, or certainly not listened to.
There are issues with most ‘green’ solutions. Experts point out that if wind power comprises 20% of the grid the variations in output will destabilise the grid causing blackouts or even damaging the infrastructure, If 15% of cars were electric it would require hundreds of billions spent on upgrading the grid with new power stations and transmission lines. Biodiesel is claimed to produce 4 times as much CO2 as the oil it replaces, and almost a litre of oil is used to produce a litre of biodiesel, plus the destruction of forests for palm plantations. Ethanol has been proved to require 40% more energy to produce than it creates [a green group said they had disproved this but as is often the case I suspect ‘disproved’ should read as ‘ignored’!], and the watts per square metre using corn is abysmal.
It seems that many decisions are made by people who don’t have a clue, surprising when such vast quantities of money are involved. Experts may be consulted but if they give the wrong answer they will be ignored. It is obvious that if Germany continues on the same lines with renewables it will destroy the country’s manufacturing base, and that applies to any country following the same route. It can also be argued that the world would be in a far better financial state if so many trillions had not been wasted on these green delusions.
On the other hand, if you are a green supporter who wants an end to our civilisation then things are going great! Not sure they will like what comes after.

February 6, 2012 11:58 pm

Das ist richtig.

February 7, 2012 12:13 am

Thank you.
I am trying to learn German but, as any other language, it is highly idiomatic.
What I wrote was a verbatim translation of the way Russians say the same thing.
The correct version sounds much better:
Die Ratten verlassen das sinkende Schiff!

February 7, 2012 12:18 am

“or they knowingly embraced a false crisis for political and/or economic gain”
Of course they did. Which is why throughout this whole thing, the “science” has never mattered except insofar as its a useful tool in advancing the cause. And as the science’s credibility gets thinner and thinner – remember, no-one on the ‘progressive’ side was ever expecting it to come under such close scrutiny, go back 10-15 years the press was squared, the middle class quite prepared, the politicians bought, policy was about to flow from the science – so the caravan will move on. Some other mechanism for destroying capitalism as we know it will be dreamed up, and pushed for all its worth by the bien-pensant, who will have a high old time doing so. And their useful idiots, the Jones and Mann’s of this world, will be left high and dry. Tragic.

February 7, 2012 12:19 am

David A. Evans: Our Peugeot 807 has no problems starting even at -32 C, but it has a diesel-driven pre-heater that we start in advance (it can be programmed to start at a given time).

Beth Cooper
February 7, 2012 12:24 am

Alexander Feht at 8.12pm says: RATTEN ENTGEHEN VON SINKENDEN SCHEFF.
If this isn’t a caption for a Josh cartoon, I don’t know what is!

February 7, 2012 12:39 am

Message for Norway: YES!
The Norwegian government is one of the biggest climate hysterics in the world, and they are planning to waste billions of kroner on a virtual problem. The CO2 fear mongering is in all the newspapers and on national TV all the time. The press in Norway is totally brain washed and has no authority when it comes to climate issues. The stupidity has come very far in our oil-rich country.

February 7, 2012 12:44 am

please can some body in germany send the book to Gilliard prime minister of australia

February 7, 2012 12:45 am

Manfred says:
February 6, 2012 at 11:53 pm
Doug Cotton says:
February 6, 2012 at 9:40 pm
…Yes there will be slight cooling in the near future until about 2028, but we should still expect another 0.4 to 0.8 degree rise in the long-term trend before it passes a maximum some time in the next 50 to 200 years. Let’s not be accused of alarmist claims ourselves….
Could you elaborate on that or give a link ?
This has been discussed in previous posts – you should also see the WUWT article by Nicola Scafetta regarding 60 year cycles and the correlation with planetary orbits.
Briefly, there appears to be a ~1,000 year roughly sinusoidal cycle I will call the long-term trend. Yes there is some correlation with Solar activity, but it may be due to a common cause and there does appear to be a lag of about 50 years for Earth’s climate to follow. In the short term the correlation is not strong and the (superimposed) 60 year cycle is observed. This is discussed on my original site
At the foot of the Home page of my newer site is a revealing plot of the gradient of 30 year trends calculated monthly starting Jan 1900-Dec 1930. This shows a rate of increase (green line) of about 0.06 deg.C/decade back then, but this rate has now decreased to about 0.05 deg.C/decade, and, if the trend is sinusoidal and approaching a maximum within 200 years or so, I postulate that the gradient could be down to zero by about then, thus indicating a maximum in the long-term (~1000 year) cycle. Meanwhile, the next maximum in the 60 year cycle is expected in 2058 as it is actually about 59.6 years if caused by the Jupiter/Saturn resonance cycle which has that periodicity.

February 7, 2012 1:01 am

Sorry – he’s been tainted by the evil oil industry – used to work for Shell, according to his CV.

Peter Miller
February 7, 2012 1:17 am

It looks like Europe will now just about survive the current economic crisis caused by fiscally irresponsible politicians throughout the continent, but especialy those in the PIIGS countries..
Now, Europe’s next internally generated crisis (pun intended) is imminent, mostly caused by the same politicians fanatic to impose flawed environmental policies, on their electorates. So called ‘green energy’ would be great if it was economic and reliable, but unfortunately it is not and never will be, unless mankind can find a way of storing electrical energy on a huge scale.
The new crisis for Europe will be one of ensuring reliable, affordable, energy supplies. In this regard, Germany is in the process of committing energy hari-kari, but the UK is not much better having stalled on nuclear power (mostly thanks to the efforts of discredited minister Chris Huhne) in favour of unreliable expensive wind farms and a grid (like Germany’s) which cannot handle the vagaries of renewable energy supplies.
This news from Germany makes Winston Churchill’s famous statement seem doubly appropriate: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”.

February 7, 2012 1:53 am
Solar Energy Row Is an ‘Undignified Spectacle’
SPIEGEL ONLINE – January 20, 2012
Solar Subsidy ‘Insanity’ Will Cost Consumers
SPIEGEL ONLINE – January 18, 2012
Re-Evaluating Germany’s Blind Faith in the Sun
SPIEGEL ONLINE – January 18, 2012

Mike Wryley
February 7, 2012 2:02 am

While there is an endless list of self serving and often well meaning useful idiots providing the energy and infrastructure for the CAGW myth, at the core you will find a cadre of remarkably evil people whose raison d’être seems to be the destruction of western democracy.

A. C. Osborn
February 7, 2012 2:25 am

Kevin J Klees , German jet engines??
Ever heard of Frank Whittle?

wayne Job
February 7, 2012 2:39 am

I do remember some time ago, maybe half a century or so, that it was the dawning of the age of aquarius, and peace and love would rule the planet. I am some what disappointed as we have had war, hatred,shifty politics and AGW.
This is a good step to rid us of AGW, that would rid us of some shifty politics. This may lead to the removal of shifty politicians, and that would be a major step forward.

February 7, 2012 2:41 am

In a paper – edited by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Professor for Theoretical Physics at the University of Potsdam, and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany – one can read:
The ‘‘temperature tracking’’ was implemented through a simple proportional control equation, of the form
E(t) = pk(deltaT^DATA(t) – delta T(t))
where E(t) are CO₂ emissions, and deltaT^DATA (t) – delta T(t) is the error between prescribed and simulated temperature change at a specific time, t.
The proportionality constant pk includes factors converting temperature to CO₂ concentrations (CO₂ concentration divided by climate sensitivity) and CO₂ concentrations to emissions.

This fallacy is also known as: Non causa pro causa.
“The fallacy of Non Causa Pro Causa occurs when something is identified as the cause of an event, but it has not actually been shown to be the cause.
For example: “I took an aspirin and prayed to God, and my headache disappeared. So God cured me of the headache.”

For the brave scientists, who like more than fallacies, study coherence in the solar system, the last UAH global temp. update fits well with the cold sun dancing pattern of some few balls.
It’s not a trick, it’s simple geometry.

Fredrick Lightfoot
February 7, 2012 2:50 am

Driving from Chemnitz , Germany to Hamburg Germany on Sunday night ( 2200 – 0230 hours ) the outside temp. shown in my car was -13 c in Chemnitz a low of -23 c on the trip and a – 12 c in Hamburg, a trip across northern Germany of approx. 450 km

February 7, 2012 3:02 am

DirkH says:
February 6, 2012 at 6:09 pm

David A. Evans says:
February 6, 2012 at 5:53 pm
Is there anything in English about the impact the cold is having on modern diesel cars?”
reposting a comment of mine from notrickszone:
Frost in Germany shuts down hundreds of Diesel cars. Fuel filters get clogged by Parafine crystals at temperatures under -22 deg C; and it is not possible to add gasoline to the mix when you have a modern Diesel; they’re too fragile to survive that. (allegedly. I don’t have a Diesel ATM so I can’t run the experiment. Often such statements have more to do with liability than with technology.

Anyone saying that does not understand the far greater pressures inside a diesel engine. IIRC it is greater than twice that of a petrol engine, possibly more. The only cause of the explosion IS the pressure (no electric spark). The can withstand ether as well, although it is not recommended. I used to use it a lot with my failing engine, but it makes it worse in time.
In the UK it was called ‘Easy Start’. Apparently in Oz it is called ‘Start you bastard!’, which is far more appropriate!

February 7, 2012 3:08 am

cedarhill says:‘…with rolling brown-black outs rolliing along throughout the day and night.’
I guess this will be as a result of ‘Ein Volt’ (Poor attempt at German pun)

February 7, 2012 3:13 am

While power executives are viewed as evil, dirty and greedy polluters, it seems that green power executives should be viewed as evil and greedy. — John M Reynolds

February 7, 2012 3:14 am

I hestitate to rank comments but this for me [see quoted comment] is what it is all about, I just wish someone was listening in the braindead and insensate world of UK politics, boy we sure ‘got the AGW thing’ bad in Britain.

Anybody that works at the “coal face” of the generating industry could see this coming from a mile away. I have been trying to tell the hysterical numpties at The Guardian exactly what Guenter Kiel has said about the instability caused by intermittent renewables.
The reality is, it has been obvious all along. Ask anyone working on despatch at any national grid in the developed world.

Galvanise, thank you, I most whole heartedly concur.

John Marshall
February 7, 2012 3:15 am

The survival of the Euro, the European currency, is dependent on a productive Germany to help the bankrupt southern states, Portugal, Spain Italy, Greece, to survive. Already Hungary is heading the same way, with France close behind, so Germany with a reliably power supply is a must.
Goodbye Euro.

February 7, 2012 3:25 am

Right. Green activist, you say? Vahrenholt was a lobbyist for Shell and responsible for “improving their public image”. He now works for one of the biggest energy companies in Germany.

February 7, 2012 3:51 am

And the Germans want to tell other countries, e.g. Greece, how to run their economies?

February 7, 2012 3:54 am

A colleague of mine here in Germany printed out this article to read it, and discovered that at the end there is an advert for solar panelling! Clearly, computers don’t do irony.
It will be interesting to see if this gets into the rest of the MSM here. So far, only the AGW party line is being followed, far more rigidly than in the Anglo-Saxon world.

February 7, 2012 4:05 am

Wayne Job is hoping for… “the removal of shifty politicians”.
Britain’s Global Warming minister has been charged with perverting the course of justice. I’d charge him with perverting the course of my taxes.

February 7, 2012 4:06 am

When a colleague and I started our climate data web site in 2009 ( we felt that in trying to present a balanced viewpoint we were part of the squeezed middle. Now more-and-more it seems as if we are part of an expanding middle.

February 7, 2012 4:11 am

Thedetroiter~ Then he is moving in the Right direction.

February 7, 2012 4:27 am

Oh, as an addition: even here in Germany we know not to trust anything the BILD writes. Most of you won’t understand the BILDblog, but its mission is to debunk their bullshit.
Before using a BILD article as a basis for an argument, thing again. Next time maybe just enjoy the naked ladies and move on.

February 7, 2012 4:27 am

another warmist regime has fallen – Maldives. Now this doesn’t mean I think much of the old dictator who appears to have clawed back power, but it interesting that one of the biggest clowns in the global warming circus, the man who claimed that the “wealthy” countries of the world need to shower money upon him in order to expiate their sins, has now been chased out of his Presidency by his own army.
this is the guy who organized the underwater cabinet meeting stunt for the cameras. Apparently his global warming shtick was a publicity stunt to try and compensate for mismanagement and unrest with his rule. Oops! Times up!

February 7, 2012 4:32 am

Excellent news!

“THE CO2 LIES … pure fear-mongering … should we blindly trust the experts?”

There are lies, damned lies and IPCC publications for governments.
It seems as if the message is finally getting home, let’s keep hammering, the CO2 SCAM has to be ended as soon as possible before the climate bandits do anymore damage. I expect to see fraud trials this decade.

Stephen Richards
February 7, 2012 4:40 am

thedetroiter says:
February 7, 2012 at 3:25 am
Right. Green activist, you say? Vahrenholt was a lobbyist for Shell and responsible for “improving their public image”. He now works for one of the biggest energy companies in Germany.
And Shell, CNBC, NBC, CNN, Chevron, BP, etc have spent a fortune on “green” conferences, green technology, green fuels and green publicity. You need to get with the real world. Large and small company follow the money, always, as do the “Team”. You have been conned get used to it.

Stephen Richards
February 7, 2012 4:44 am

John Marshall says:
February 7, 2012 at 3:15 am
The survival of the Euro, the European currency, is dependent on a productive Germany to help the bankrupt southern states, Portugal, Spain Italy, Greece, to survive. Already Hungary is heading the same way, with France close behind, so Germany with a reliably power supply is a must.
Goodbye Euro.
You could not be more right. What’s worse is that Hollande, candidat for president here in France, has pledged, to the green party, that he will close 18 nuclear power stations in exchange for their support. The end for Germany and Europe is near but not for the commissars in Brussels. They will continue to spend our money through the raising of their own tax regime over and above those of the member countries.

John Barrett
February 7, 2012 4:52 am
Stern couldn’t help but have a dig at the end :
“Vahrenholt’s employer, RWE, belongs to those energy concerns with the greatest emissions of CO2.”
I really wouldn’t get excited about this. It has not appeared on the TV yet and the “Concensus” is well an truly embedded in the German media. Austria Broadcasting ( ORF) has a themed week “Our Climate” with the usual array of propoganda films all this week.

February 7, 2012 4:52 am

The story is promently published on WeltOnline today:

Fritz Vahrenholt
Geht die Klimakatastrophe an der Erde vorbei?
Will the climate catastrophe pass earth?
For years he was spreading the theses of the IPCC. Now the former senator for environment and manager performs a change of mind (…)
Fritz Vahrenholt: Yes, I was an active supporter of the CO2 theory. But then I had two key moments, that made me reassess my Position (…)

Varenholt says that the first crucial experience he describes was an IPCC meeting about renewable energies, which was, according to Varenholt “anything but scientific”. The report was full of mistakes and the final version was edited by a Greenpeace representative. (This report. Here is a statement from ClimateAudit. )
The second key moment was the findings of a study his company RWE Innogy had carrfied out, in which was found, that natural processes are a main driver of climate change.
…Probably one of the biggest issues every religion has to face from time to time is statements of former believers which have fallen from faith…

February 7, 2012 4:58 am

I dearly hope that the Germans will now turn their wonderful engineering prowess to making nuclear energy acceptable in their own country. If they can do that, they will have a product that will sell all over the world. I for one, am seriously concerned about the influence we are giving the Russians over our energy supply. In choice lies strength.

richard verney
February 7, 2012 4:58 am

This is big news since this is MSM and it is in print not merely online. German politics has been heavily dominated by the Green movement for many decades so this goes right to the heart of political debate in Germany. One should not under-estimate the effect that this breaking news will have in Germany, the shock waves of which will be felt across Europe.
Germany is the industrial power house of Europe. One of the most fundamental resources required by any industry is cheap and reliable energy. In the past, most heavy industry was sited next to coal fields for this very reason.
Germany is therefore an energy intensive user. It is imperative to its continued prosperity that it can draw upon cheap and reliable energy.
As we all know, renewables are heavily subsidised and it is the poor that bear the brunt of this subsidy. On an European scale, it is the poorer nations (the Club Med) who have been effectively subsidising German renewable energy. Germany has been able to run a healthy trade balance surplus, but only because the poorer Club Med nations have been able to afford to buy German products. With the collapse of the economies in the Club Med nations, they will be unable to buy (or at any rate buy as much) German manufactured products. This means that German industry will find it difficult to pass on the high costs associated with green renewable energy to the mass market of the Club Med nations and this will put a severe strain on German industry. For the ordinary Germans, this will be a double whammy since they are already being expected to bail out the Club Med economies but now they will also begin to feel the additional costs associated with green renewables. This is bound to have a serious impact on the German economy and on German politics.
The gut reaction to the Japanese disaster of last year was not well thought through. The closure of so many nuclear power stations (with no proper programme in place for their substitution) was madness. The effect of this madness would have been seen much sooner but for the general economic slow down. It will however be felt since there is no quick fix to mass energy production.
Solar has no place in a country such as German due to its high latitude and because of cloudiness. Wind, as we all know, is far too intermittent to form the base load of an energy supply system. The short coming of both these systems should be obvious to a school child so when the Sh** hits the fan, there will be questions asked as to how the political masters fell for this hype. I think that the public back lash will be severe to such an obviously flawed programme

phinnie the woo
February 7, 2012 5:00 am

the CEOs at RWE and E.ON are like any big company CEOs just paper tigers and clueless politicians really. If they are good at anything it is at playing golf.
That said there areplenty of directors and experts at these companies that know very well the absurdity of windmills.
But guess what? for them the “investment” just means more work more people to be hired more problems to be solved more water to row in. Why would they risk their careers complaining about what is at heart an assault on the purse of the electricity consumer. they all get a stiff bonus at the end of the year instead.

phinnie the woo
February 7, 2012 5:02 am

LEt it all get more and more is better to be a carier of diamonds than a carier of water. Thats the philosophy.
The energy poor will soon need help to pay their heating bills. No problem other people’s money will be used for that.
I do not think that anyone in the brainwashing complex, say the editorial boards of ZDF, Das Zweite Deutsche Funknetz, will suffer financially.

February 7, 2012 5:35 am

OK, I’ll bite. How could this looming catastrophe happen?
Government selling out it’s role in providing critical services (a stable electricity supply is critical). In doing so it loses in-house technical expertise. After some years that then results in an inability to assess and plan and regulate the private sector and so government becomes dependent on consultants and lobbyists. At the fundamental basis of civilisation are critical functions which should not be divested from government: security, energy, clean water, basic health care, basic education, basic insurance and basic social security (there are no doubt others). Not all unconditionally free, but as guaranteed availability for plain vanilla varieties. The free market should be used wherever possible because competition is undoubtedly generally good and can certainly keep government lean and honest. But you can’t ignore the flip side of free enterprise: risk from charlatans and privateers in the form of corner-cutting and even outright exploitation. Situations that are prone to monopolisation need care.
Had more governments been involved in the nuts and bolts of energy production and supply the insanity of subsidisation could never have been considered. Follow the money taxpayers, you’ve been robbed, and in many countries will continue to be robbed for some time to pay for the scam. Yep, I think there will be class actions – in both directions. As always, it’s the lawyers and the banks that really win!

February 7, 2012 5:38 am

R. Gates says:
February 6, 2012 at 6:09 pm

Markus Fitzhenry says:
February 6, 2012 at 5:52 pm
Gentlemen, I have it ion very good authority, the date Anthropogenic Global Warming bit the dust was in fact, 23 January 2012.
This is one of the most humorous things I’ve read all day.

When in reality, R., you’ve broken into a sweat because the Big Scam called Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is about to be exposed EVERYWHERE–from Germany to the rest of Europe, and from there to the rest of the world. Oh, Happy Day!
You really are a slick propagandist, R., just like the Soviet Union and the propaganda they spewed before the inevitable breakup of that BIG LIE. But you only fool yourself–those of us that lived through the Cold War (and now the Warm War of CAGW on the planet’s inhabitants) can see you coming a mile away.
Time to give it up, R. It isn’t working any more! Your side with their incestuous “climate scientists” (“climsci” for short) are losing their fraudulent footing and thinking people (well, and even “useful tools” who looked up to “authority” and “experts”) are finally being told what they’ve felt in their gut all along–that CO2 is NOT the culprit.
But people like you ARE!
Do you really sleep well at night knowing what you know yet keep doing what you do? Only if you don’t have a conscience. (The pay must be pretty good.)

February 7, 2012 5:53 am

Peter Miller says:
February 7, 2012 at 1:17 am

It looks like Europe will now just about survive the current economic crisis caused by fiscally irresponsible politicians throughout the continent, but especialy those in the PIIGS countries.

Speaking of “PIIGS”, the new slogan is now:
Meaning the US of A has now joined the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain–countries with debt/GDB greater than 100%)!

February 7, 2012 5:54 am

looks like google trying to massively supress this story LOL BTW why dont you keep important postings on top based on number of comments etc. It a bit annoying to be involved in a major story and then see it wiped away by a minor one. Just my point of view sorry…

Victor Venema
February 7, 2012 6:03 am

Fritz Vahrenholt could just as well be called a top manager from Shell and RWE (one of the largest electricity firms in Europe). And the Bild Zeitung is something like USA Today, a newspaper for paper who are barely able to read. The headline yesterday was a new diet plan.
A theory that needs such supporters is lying on the ground.
A blog that does not mention such information is not trying to tell you the truth. Please also read alternative information sources if you are interested in the truth.

Michael Reed
February 7, 2012 6:03 am

Regarding German forests. I grew up in West Virginia, surrounded by forests, but then spent two years in Germany. Every time I happened by a forest there (I spent most of my time in cities) I was struck by how neat and orderly everything was. The trees were all in rows, like soldiers in formation, and there was very little undergrowth. I often said to myself, “This ain’t like the woods back home.” I didn’t get it then, but after reading comments by DirkH here, maybe I understand it now.

More Soylent Green!
February 7, 2012 6:10 am

Two US Senators have introduced the Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act, which would end all energy-specific tax credits.
Let’s see if it has any traction.

February 7, 2012 6:23 am


Right. Green activist, you say? Vahrenholt was a lobbyist for Shell and responsible for “improving their public image”. He now works for one of the biggest energy companies in Germany.

Many green activists become lobbyists for big companies in later life. No contradiction there.

February 7, 2012 6:33 am

thedetroiter says:

Oh, as an addition: even here in Germany we know not to trust anything the BILD writes. Most of you won’t understand the BILDblog, but its mission is to debunk their bull[snip].

Bull[snip] such as this?
Translation: “Climate Protection: So it’s up to us Germans to save the world? We mustn’t even use the plane to go on holiday!”
Translation: “Secret Climate Report: We have only 13 years to save the world!”

Before using a BILD article as a basis for an argument, thing again. Next time maybe just enjoy the naked ladies and move on.

The news isn’t so much what’s written in the article. The news is that a mainstream climate alarmist tabloid is changeing sides. It’s a political signal.

Rob Potter
February 7, 2012 6:34 am

The BBC (I know, but this is just a news report) has this on gas supply problems in Italy:
Basically, Russia is reducing supplies to Europe as demand has risen domestically and Italy imports 90% of it’s gas with 30% of that from Russia. Reading a little bit between the lines, the Italians (along with much of Europe) switched oil and coal fired generation to gas and are now struggling when there is high demand. According to ENI (the state electricity generating company) “We won’t have problems until Wednesday,” – what a way to inspire confidence! They are cutting electricity to industry just to try and keep consumers warm.

February 7, 2012 6:36 am

[@moderators: please omit my previous identical post with the non-working image links and use this one instead]
thedetroiter says:
Oh, as an addition: even here in Germany we know not to trust anything the BILD writes. Most of you won’t understand the BILDblog, but its mission is to debunk their bullshit.
Bullshit such as this?
Translation: “Climate Protection: So it’s up to us Germans to save the world? We mustn’t even use the plane to go on holiday!”
Translation: “Secret Climate Report: We have only 13 years to save the world!”
Before using a BILD article as a basis for an argument, thing again. Next time maybe just enjoy the naked ladies and move on.
The news isn’t so much what’s written in the article. The news is that a mainstream climate alarmist tabloid is changeing sides. It’s a political signal.

February 7, 2012 6:51 am

Those who have commented on Bild-Zeitung – yes it’s about as trustworthy as the National Enquirer. But in this case – read the GWPF link! The say that the print edition of Focus also features an article about Die kalte Sonne. I’m neither German nor living in Germany, so I can’t vouch for Focus either, but I certainly regard it as more trustworthy than Bild. In fact, I think I’m going to take a short break and go out and buy a copy of Focus right now…

February 7, 2012 6:57 am

It was the Pommy mainstream media beat them to it-–Cycle-25-need-worry-NASA-scientists-right-Thames-freezing-again.html
Not that that’s anything to brag about given their past record but the snowball is beginning to gather momentum and you get the electric feeling all over that there’s an avalanche of shock and anger building which will sweep all the charlatans and carpet-baggers away. I reckon the angriest will be real scientists who have had to bite their tongues and take a backseat to these political scientists and quacks that have spread like cancer throughout our learning institutions. The signs are everywhere that they’re bloody angry at what’s happened to science and they aren’t going to take it any longer-
This is the breathtaking stuff of the Berlin Wall and Arab dictators collapsing.

February 7, 2012 7:03 am

Victor Venema says:
February 7, 2012 at 6:03 am
Please also read alternative information sources if you are interested in the truth.

February 7, 2012 7:15 am

“thedetroiter says:
February 7, 2012 at 3:25 am
Vahrenholt was a lobbyist for Shell and responsible for “improving their public image””
So is Phil Jones of CRU. Funny that, isn’t it?

February 7, 2012 7:23 am

And to the occupiers of the Fourth Estate, the best advice I can give right now is to earn your bloody paychecks with real research and proper questions you lazy bunch of sycophantic press release and spin regurgitators because you’ve been snowed big time. Not so some intrepid reporters that had their heads screwed on all along-

February 7, 2012 7:28 am

anorak2 says:
February 7, 2012 at 6:36 am
“Before using a BILD article as a basis for an argument, thing again. Next time maybe just enjoy the naked ladies and move on.”
If you think left-of-centre media are more trustworthy (an opinion I don’t share, they just disguise their agenda with some faux intellectuality), just buy the latest Spiegel which has a fair interview with Vahrenholt. Der Spiegel obviously looks for a new narrative, as even they can’t shift units with CAGW anymore.

February 7, 2012 7:39 am

morgo says:
February 7, 2012 at 12:44 am
please can some body in germany send the book to Gilliard prime minister of australia
the daft ***** wouldnt read it anyway, shes pre programmed for destroying our country..its the right thing to do you know…
best use and I hope its big and heavy,,,,would be for whacking her over the head with it!
and flim fannery as well,
I have sent the link to my fave pollie though so lets hope they use it in Q time to embarass the hell outta the greenlabor dipsh*ts

February 7, 2012 7:40 am

Rocky Road says:
Great one.

February 7, 2012 7:41 am

Victor Venema says:
February 7, 2012 at 6:03 am
“Please also read alternative information sources if you are interested in the truth.”
We do (like this most excellent blog) but, from your tone, I doubt that you do regarding your own beliefs. Pot, kettle, black etc., the usual spiel.

February 7, 2012 7:42 am

I have posted a second article on Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, Dr. Sc.
Head of Space Research Laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory,
Head of the Russian/Ukrainian Joint Project Astrometria:
“Bicentennial Decrease of the Total Solar Irradiance Leads to Unbalanced Thermal Budget of the Earth and the Little Ice Age”.
“From early 90s we observe bicentennial decrease in both the TSI and the portion of its energy absorbed by the Earth.
The Earth as a planet will henceforward have negative balance in the energy budget which will result in the temperature drop in approximately 2014.
Due to increase of albedo and decrease of the greenhouse gases atmospheric concentration the absorbed portion of solar energy and the influence of the greenhouse effect will additionally decline.
The influence of the consecutive chain of feedback effects which can lead to additional drop of temperature will surpass the influence of the TSI decrease.
The onset of the deep bicentennial minimum of TSI is expected in 2042±11, that of the 19th Little Ice Age in the past 7500 years – in 2055±11.”

February 7, 2012 7:49 am

Interesting we have people like detroiter and v venema coming here to tell us how absolutely awful Bild is and how much Vahrenholt is in the pockets of Big Oil (yawn) etc etc etc, with nothing to say about the actual issues (so what’s new in that?).
‘Focus’ , oh yes, probably another awful and unreliable source – /sarc, says this about V:
“Doubters like him have been often accused to represent the interests of coal and petroleum industries. This accusation will not bother Vahrenholt. Since 2001 he has worked for companies that earn their money with renewable energy, first for Repower Systems, a leading manufacturer of wind turbines. Since 2008 for Innogy, the largest German investor in renewable energy. The RWE subsidiary invested over one billion Euros annually in CO2-free electricity. Accordingly, it would be in his interest to celebrate the transformation of energy by the Federal Government.
However, he does the opposite.”The promotion of photovoltaics is madness,” he said in Munich. “It is the most uneconomic form of climate protection.” He still considers wind power to be reasonable. But his earlier euphoria was dampened, as he experienced in 2008 and 2009 that the wind sometimes pauses for weeks in Central Europe. He began to learn about cyclical fluctuations in air pressure, which exert a strong influence on the wind patterns and the climate.”
Hmm, sounds like a man who knows what he’s talking about. Hence the panic from the alarmists, no doubt.

John F. Hultquist
February 7, 2012 8:04 am

anticlimactic says:
February 6, 2012 at 11:56 pm
We know of course that architects and engineers know exactly what characteristics a bridge [or any other construction] will have before it is even started.

February 7, 2012 8:24 am

Kevin J Klees says:
February 6, 2012 at 7:43 pm
“Wow, those Germans always where a smart bunch of folks, i.e.;. …Jet Engine…”
You are right about that. But the list is soooo long, that it would take a whole evenings research on coming up with everything they have created.
In a few seconds I came up with my little list;
First Jet fighter in production ( me 262 with the first jet engine in serial production; The Jumo engine), First Rocket Figher ( me 163 with the first liquid propellant rocket, the Walther engine), First cruise missile ( V1 ), first ballistic missile ( V2 ), Fatest propeller figher, ever ( Do 335 ) , first Jet bomber, The printing technique (Gutenberg) , the diesel engine, first four stroke gas engine….and on and on and on.

February 7, 2012 8:27 am

anticlimactic says:
On the other hand, if you are a green supporter who wants an end to our civilisation then things are going great! Not sure they will like what comes after.
In my experience, the “greens” I have known would be totally lost without the benefits of modern civilization. Yet they certainly seem to want to end it.

John F. Hultquist
February 7, 2012 8:29 am

Michael Reed says:
February 7, 2012 at 6:03 am
“Regarding German forests.

Friends from Austria first visited us in 1975 when we lived in northern Idaho. They were astonished at the “wildness” of the nearby forests. Their experience was that a “forest” had a caretaker (my words; I don’t recall theirs) who was responsible for deciding on when and what could be taken from the forest in the manner of limbs and dead wood. Then the caretaker would look at the list and inform the person or family next-in-line to come and harvest their share. In contrast, many forested areas in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington are surrounded by a natural wall of shrubs and small trees (access to sunlight) and internally there is a massive amount of downed trees and limbs. The national and state forest agencies have specialists in “fuel load” and have this mapped so as to better chart the progress of wild fires.

February 7, 2012 8:32 am

@DirkH: I didn’t say that. It’s a quote from “thedetroiter” which I mangled in the posting. 🙂

February 7, 2012 8:57 am

Die Gruene are all like David Thoreau: in the week they are in the log cabin loooking rough, saturday at mommy’s to do the laundry and eat warm apple pie.

February 7, 2012 9:15 am

Dr. Vahrenholt is called here a top environmentalist??
Sorry, but Vahrenholt is CEO of RWE-Innogy. RWE produces electricity mainly with coal, Europe’s biggest CO2 emitter. No, I don’t want to insinuate lobbyism etc., but it’s strange, that Vahrenholt’s former acitivities are mentioned (SPD environment senator in Hamburg, manager in wind industry), but not the background of his present activities.
His coauthor is working for DEA (oil) in africa, also tightly connected to RWE.

Mike Wryley
February 7, 2012 9:37 am

Rocky Road,
You are wasting your time with R. Gates, that is just a computer program that feeds on ad hominim attacks and regurgitates a bunch of canned responses. You won’t be able to change it unless you get the source code.

Henry chance
February 7, 2012 9:58 am

Joe enRomm is blowing a gasket.
I remember his favorite expression is “game changer”

Alexej Buergin
February 7, 2012 10:00 am

“Capo says:
February 7, 2012 at 9:15 am
Sorry, but Vahrenholt is CEO of RWE-Innogy.”
IIRC Innogy is that part of RWE that produces renewable energy. That used to be “green” before Varenholt wrote his book.
Die “Bild” alone sells almost as many copies in Germany as USAToday and WSJ sell in the US together. Die “Welt” is the more “intellectual” sister newspaper at Springer editions. Both are conservative, US-friendly and probably influential.

February 7, 2012 10:18 am

To DirkH– you’ve been posting here for several years, and you have always been a well spoken and thoughtful skeptic. It must have been a lonely and frustrating time being an honest skeptic in the heart of EuroLand. You should take personal pride that fellow Germans/Euros are waking up to the fact that alarmist CAGW is a scam to grab tax money pushed by government bureaucrats and wind/solar manufacturers. Congratulations, keep up the good work, and stay warm until this fierce cold weather ends.

Lars P.
February 7, 2012 10:23 am

Well it is one small step that’s all (but it is one step!). It may take some time until it gets traction and people start to accept the idea that there is no catastrophe awaiting us in the next couple of hundred years due to our CO2 production.
It ends with:
“Der Weg weg von Öl/Gas/Kohle hin zu mehr erneuerbarer Energie ist richtig!”
free translation: – The way away from coal/oil/gas to renewable is still the right thing to do – missing the whole discussion here about grid stability and connectivity.
One step at a time.

dave ward
February 7, 2012 10:35 am

Doug Cotton says:
Start emailing the newsdesks of all the media outlets you know, linking to this WUWT article. They can’t ignore it.

I saw this on NTZ last month. I sent (and had published) a letter linking the story to the Norwich Evening News. I wonder if Phil Jones will see it?
There has been quite a transformation at the 2 local papers over the last couple of years. When Climategate broke there was hardly a mention, but now they publish all my “sceptical” letters, and some from others. Lots of the comments in the online version are very critical of any “renewable energy” projects.

February 7, 2012 11:08 am

ggm says:
February 6, 2012 at 5:08 pm
<"Wow, this is pretty big. But on it`s own, it will achieve little, unless more of this happens.
Only a couple of years ago half my small circle of friends were drinking the CO2 cool aid and accepting the cost of the move to renewables. Since then all have come round to the view that CAGW is hype and they are bitterly opposed to the extra tax being extorted to cover the cost of inefficient green energy and the negative impact of these technologies on the environment.
This is a major blow to the green socialist agenda and the capitalist hangers-on who stand to make a fortune. Great… 🙂

February 7, 2012 11:11 am

Along with these profound articles, we also have the “finding” that wind turbines are bad for whales.

February 7, 2012 11:23 am

Doug Cotton says on February 6, 2012 at 11:24 pm
_Jim says:
February 6, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Can you explain to us all how a CLOUDY night does not cool off near as much as a clear-sky night?
Clouds usually form when the humidity is so high that the …

Fail; you didn’t not answer the question, you don’t understand the physics, you should be totally ignored on this subject, and possibly others given your judgment …
How far down in the sand do you have your head stuck anyway? It’s ppl like yourself, denying the reality of physics, that give this site a ‘bad name’ when others can site instances of your kind of behavior on this site.
Are you really in drag from RC, sent possibly by dhogaza for sinister reasons, to give WUWT a bad name? Or are you just terminally stupid, Doug?

fred houpt
February 7, 2012 11:39 am
Then I see this post over here and scratch my head, wondering if parallel worlds exist right in our back yard?

February 7, 2012 11:49 am

Every time russians cut gas to germans or when they watch their frozen lakes and rivers, no matter how disciplined they are, they are beginning to doubt in Global Warming religion´s dogmas. Their “Grüne Parteigenossen” have become so dead pale white because of cold that they not green anymore.

February 7, 2012 12:02 pm

Well done Germany. From the UK , I am proud to say
today, Ich bin ein Berliner
(as long as that doesnt mean I am a jelly donut)

February 7, 2012 12:18 pm

Victor Venema says
‘Fritz Vahrenholt could just as well be called a top manager from Shell and RWE (one of the largest electricity firms in Europe). And the Bild Zeitung is something like USA Today, a newspaper for paper who are barely able to read. The headline yesterday was a new diet plan.
A theory that needs such supporters is lying on the ground.’
If 80% of the people believed in a mistaken course, for whatever reason, and then some come around to our way of thinking, it is obvious that we are going to find ourselves shoulder to shoulder with people we used to be opposed to.
get used to it

Mac the Knife
February 7, 2012 12:27 pm

R. Gates says:
February 6, 2012 at 6:09 pm
“This is one of the most humorous things I’ve read all day.”
‘Gads, Gates! When I read that line, I had a flash back that made me roar with laughter!
You, Sir, are the Bagdad Bob of AGW advocates.
This is how the world sees your pathetic dissembling efforts:

February 7, 2012 12:32 pm

The death of unsustainable wind and solar power cannot come fast enough.

February 7, 2012 12:39 pm

Final paragraph says:
“For downloading full PDF report … ”
That link is giving me a “not found” error.
Anyone having a good link, please submit it here. Thanks.

February 7, 2012 1:12 pm

The main energy source for the far future, would remain fossils. But…other sources would also are inevitable. Who can deny hydro-electric. There are G20 and more than 170 countries around the world. We cannot say G20 are the only ones that can breathe and live in this world. In Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, India, Australia and many more locations there are various sorts of energies which can be used. The hero energy yes, would be FOSSILS. This view doesn’t mean we have denied fossil performance and or the others are insisting on their global warming theory.

February 7, 2012 1:18 pm

Not an environmenalist?
Name: Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt
Date of birth: 08.05.1949
1968 – 1972 Degree in Chemistry at the University of Münster / Westphalia
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
1972 – 1974 Doctorate in the field of Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.)
1974 – 1975 Research work at the University of Münster and at the Max Planck Institute for Carbon Research, Mülheim
1976 – 1981 Head of the section “Chemical Industry” in the Federal Environmental Agency in Berlin
1981 – 1984 Head of Department of Environmental Policy, Waste Management and Air Pollution Control at the Hessian Ministry of Regional Development, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
1984 – 1990 Deputy Minister in the City of Hamburg Environmental Ministry
1990 – 1991 Head of Chancellery of the City of Hamburg
1991 – 1997 Senator and Principal of the City of Hamburg Environmental Ministry
Supervisory Board Chairman of Hamburgische Elektrizitätswerke HEW AG, Hamburg utility
since 1991 Lecturer at the University of Hamburg (Chemistry Department), since April 1999 Professor of the chemistry department
1998 – 2001 Member of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Shell AG with responsibility for chemicals, renewable energy, public affairs, environment, electricity, 2001 member of the supervisory board
2001-2007 Chief executive of REpower Systems AG, Hamburg
Member of the “sustainability advisory board” to chancellor Schröder and Merkel, Berlin
since 01.02.2008 Chief Executive Officer, RWE Innogy GmbH, Essen
Additional mandates
Member of the supervisory board of Aurubis AG , Hamburg
Member of the supervisory board of Mateco AG, Stuttgart
Chairman of the supervisory board of Rheinkraftwerk Albbruck-Dogern AG, Laufenburg
Member of the board of New York Green Exchange
Member of the “Körber-Stiftung”, Hamburg
Member of the Senate of “Frauenhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.”
Member of the advisory committee of the German “Wildtier Stiftung”
Member of the supervisory board of “Putz & Partner Unternehmensberatungs AG”, Hamburg

February 7, 2012 1:34 pm

fred houpt says:
February 7, 2012 at 11:39 am
Fred, does it seem odd to you that 1/2 a degree C of warming over 130 years is depicted by global map coloring going from deep blue to bright red? Did it hit your alarm button? It was supposed to do that for you.

February 7, 2012 1:51 pm

I think I’ve made a mistake. IIRC, the warming over 130 years was 1.3 degrees C and this website link to NASA shows + .51C since 1950. So is it true that +.79C warming happened between 1880 and 1949? Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m a voter but not a scientist, so I want to know what’s right before I go to the polls.
Still, the Blue to Red global map coloring is impressive, isn’t it?

John West
February 7, 2012 1:58 pm

Samurai says:
“I must caution myself not become too optimistic, as I felt the same sentiment during and after Climategates 1.0 and 2.0, but it somehow feels different this time… ”
Indeed it does. It feels like a mighty step has been taken. One that’s been long-awaited.
In 1994 when I first became professionally obligated to look into the matter, the availability of objective or skeptical information was atrociously scarce thankfully I had kept some of my college books in Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Physics, Geology, Oceanography, World History, etc.; so I immediately noticed the obvious zohnerism and thought:
If they can’t come up with better evidence than that, It’ll never last!
As time went on I noted that my friends and colleagues (Engineers, Chemists, Biologists and Mathematicians) were “skeptics” as well and generally speaking from what I could tell so were Meteorologists and Geologists, and I thought:
If they can’t convince the “working class” of science, It’ll never last!
Around 1997 or so, it was the Y2K bug and global warming was put on the back burner in the MSM and I thought:
If they can’t compete with something as simple as Y2K, it’ll never last!
At this point I lost focus on the issue due to being very busy with career and family and considering the matter a non-problem from my review of the evidence. I was shocked back into the reality that the man-made global warming crisis movement had indeed been building when a local news story proudly proclaimed that a local science teacher had shown “An Inconvenient Truth” as a documentary. I took a quick dive back into the issue before writing an editorial in the local paper. The availability of objective and skeptical information had increased tremendously on the internet with sites such as WUWT and I thought:
If they can’t keep the whole truth from being exposed, it’ll never last!
Then there was Climategate et al and I thought:
If they can’t maintain credibility, it’ll never last!
Then there were a series of scientific publications with skeptical implications such as lower sensitivity and 90% of living plants having the same carbon isotope ratios as fossil fuel emissions, etc. and I thought:
If they can’t maintain their control of “peer-reviewed” publications, it’ll never last!
And now here we are with a major MSM in a CAGW stronghold publishing skeptical articles and I’m thinking:
If they can’t keep the MSM on their side, it’ll never last!
In 2010 I told my boss (non-scientist) that if we made it until 2015 without any major regulation on CO2 that there wouldn’t be any, because by then it would be painfully obvious to everyone except the most deluded that it was all a case of making a mountain out of a mole hill from the beginning. I’m sticking with 2015, it’s taking a while but since they didn’t have very strong evidence to begin with and its evidentiary support has been declining ever since, they can’t convince the “working class” scientists that can keep the whole truth exposed thanks to the internet, which in turn keeps their credibility in question, such that now they’re losing control of peer-reviewed publications as well as the MSM not to mention legislators; it ‘ll never last! Although, I do suspect they won’t go quietly and there will be shrill voices from the true believers well past 2015, they’ll be regarded about the same as the Mayan 2012 doomsayers are today.

February 7, 2012 2:06 pm

To Laurie:
Appreciate for your excellent background from Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt.
GWPF recently stated, he was one of the most important green environmentalists who quit out of his supports to IPCC. The story began 2 years ago. Who is telling the TRUTH!

February 7, 2012 2:08 pm

This has been one hell of a great day for truth and honesty in the area of climate and its determinants. It will be fascinating to see which of the USA’s MSM will be first to give some recognition to these anti-CAGW items.
I, for one, am NOT holding my breath !

February 7, 2012 2:46 pm

The AGW scam has always been a case of “follow the money and you’ll find the crooks.” The complicit media are now going to make money from exposing all of the scandal it conveniently ignored. And we have true journalists to thank for chasing a story no “journolist” wanted to investigate.

February 7, 2012 3:04 pm

Don’t get too excited. The ‘Bild” is a picture newspaper, akin to the British ‘The Sun’, it is little more than an adult comic with lots of celebrity gossip and pictures of minimally clothed young ladies. Both are conservative and nationalist so although this report will be important in getting to the masses – as the Bild is the 6th largest newspaper in the world – it may have little impact on the politicians. Now if the ‘Der Speigel’ has a report like this, it could become more mainstream. The German economy is under pressure to support economic basket cases in the EU and it can hardly absorb spending many more billions and billions to support energy supply policies which are unlikely to be a sustainable solution (oh, the paradox of ‘renewables’ and ‘sustainable’) for the energy demands of modern societies. Their energy policy needs to focus on stable energy supply and preferentially not dependent on sourcing such from external sources, i.e. Russia, as such dependency has been shown to be very bad policy for countries which are dependent for their energy needs outside their borders, i.e. USA.

February 7, 2012 3:06 pm

John West,
Perfect. Your view is showing first of all one main important thing; life goes on, and congratulation that you spent your time with your esteemed family .
The theories we (as a whole) make, and we must do it, are something, and keeping the truth away from interests and conservancy is another thing.
The sound of “global warming finished” these days, is not good although it is admitted by all the scientists at once. There are still up and downs ahead. We have a simple example and it is “the light is linear” and “the light is wave” both are still working at the same time.
EU winter with cold weather made some of the scientists happy, it brought them “the global warming was finished”, we wait and see the next hot summer, again everything starts from the very beginning as a matter of fact. Interesting to say, the governments are following their tax over air travel system by %15, while we are heading towards ICE Age. We know the carbon emission fee. I found something about EV free of tax, and the governor was thinking about who is going to pay the roads maintenance fees. And the cars with compressed air power now how should they include tax for the AIR. We are behind a red light looking at the scientists and governments and of course THE INTERESTS. In this screen, who is telling us the closer to the truth the matters. And we should let the scientists say whatever they understand, this is their job, and we cannot blame them for their mistakes unless when the public interests are no longer considered.
See What Germany is doing:
“In order to anchor future interests institutionally, the Council recommends expanding the parliamentary legislative process with a deliberative ”future chamber”. To avoid interference by interest group and political parties, the composition of this chamber could be determined, for example, by drawing lots.”

February 7, 2012 3:38 pm

Told ya so top post and the Argentina malvinas issue is about guess what OIL! At least it not wind mills! Let us celebrate the end of AGW and I think we should let them all off (Mann Jones Ect)

Richards in Vancouver
February 7, 2012 3:52 pm

The fuel for the Russian T-34 tank was diesel. I have never heard that it had problems during the Russian winters. Can anyone comment on this?
Jerome: I’ve been through cold winters (-40 degrees, where C and F are identical) in northern British Columbia without problem, but only with gasoline engines. A spritz of ether in the carburetor (!) worked for the toughest problems, and a little squirt of methyl hydrate in the gas tank during each fill-up made those problems rare. Can you comment on methyl hydrate for diesel?

February 7, 2012 4:54 pm

Mike Wryley says:
February 7, 2012 at 9:37 am

Rocky Road,
You are wasting your time with R. Gates, that is just a computer program that feeds on ad hominim attacks and regurgitates a bunch of canned responses. You won’t be able to change it unless you get the source code.

Yes, you’re right. However, the casual viewer will now understand how bad the “source code” really is.

February 7, 2012 5:09 pm

Claude Harvey says: February 6, 2012 at 9:28 pm
Pathetic energy density and capacity factors doom both wind a solar, even at their theoretical conversion efficiency limits.
Hi Claude. What is you opinion of solar thermal? Suppose the temperate deserts of the world were covered in them and the power exported. Is this viable? Beyond the up front capitalisation cost, are these expensive to run on an ongoing basis?

Günter Keil
February 7, 2012 5:52 pm

I would like to comment to the blogs about BILD newspaper and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, because there are perhaps some details useful.
anorak2 said: “The news isn´t so much what´s written in the (BILD) article. The news is that a mainstream climate alarmist tabloid is changing sides. It´s a political signal.”
Absolutely ! Not long ago, BILD trumpeted “We have only 13 years” in front of a flaming planet. And all the other media presented the same story. The reason: The editorial staff is mostly green. Skeptical articles are systematically suppressed and the intensity of the brainwashing reminds me of the former communist East Germany. The government fears the media much more than the opposition in the parliament.
And BILD is by far the biggest newspaper. Not green, but without any preference, except scandals. Now they seem to have decided that bashing the AGW-club is interesting news for their readers. And since the author of the book “The cold Sun” is the highly respected Prof. Vahrenholt, the BILD-gunners have the best ammunition.
No matter what their intentions are, what only counts is the attack itself, which is highly unpleasant for Merkel.
Of course many persons will touch BILD only by using a nippers, because of the permanent mixture of blood, sex and gossip. But BILD is mighty.
It should be recognized that this is the first time that a big German newspaper attacks the climate panic group directly. Until now, we had only some articles against wind- and sunpower. So BILD has broken a taboo after all and we wonder if some other media will follow.
The author of “The cold Sun” was called a “Shell lobbyist” by some bloggers. But Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt has a longer course of life:
He studied Chemistry and worked first in the Umweltbundesamt Berlin (the federal environment agency). Between 1984 and 1990 he had a job in the environment agency of the city of Hamburg. From 1991 to 1997 he was senator (equal to a minister in a federal state) of this Hamburg environment agency. And he was a green politician with a high reputation. Then – 1998 – he joined indeed Shell AG, where he was member of the managing board until 2001 – and in 2001 he became member of the Shell supervisory board.
2001 was the year as he became head of the managing board of REpower Systems – an enterprise that constructed, sold and installed Windpower Systems of the megawatt-class.
Since 2007 he is heading RWE Innogy, the “green” branch of energy-giant RWE which produces Windpower-, Waterpower- and Bioenergy-Systems.
This impressive background gives him a high reputation – especially from the greens, who still feel that he is one of them, and right they are – and he is a well-known expert in the energy field and perhaps also the one that is respected most. This makes his attack so dangerous for Merkel.
Of course now his enemies (and earlier friends) will try to glue the stickers “Shell” and “RWE” on him.
The number of books sold will tell everybody whether the opinion in Germany about the climate policy is about to change.
Concerning the rats, which some think that they are leaving the sinking ship: I guess, these rats are already entering a new ship. Only the scientists are still fiddling on the upper deck.

J. Jefferson
February 7, 2012 6:35 pm

Germany’s attempts at central planning of the energy supply are so reminiscent of Soviet central planning of the food supply, Chinese central planning of the steel supply, and so on.
It is painfully laughable to watch the nations of the western world repeat all the mistakes of last century’s communist-bloc countries, based on all the same theoretical fallacies refuted over and over and over again both in theory and practice.
Ludwig von Mises explained why these attempts fail and must fail. Absent the signals of profit and loss, there is no rational connection between the subjective wants that the masses of consumers are trying to satisfy, and the production of goods and services intended to satisfy them.
Since the possibility of free markets is ruled out from the very beginning, the only question becomes what government intervention should there be? But as all of such interventions have in common that their purpose is to displace market decision-making and the operations of profit and loss, the only possible outcome is the planned chaos that we are witnessing. Further government interventions cause further planned chaos, for which the only bruited solution is more interventions, and so on.
Thus we approach closer and closer to the final state of full state ownership and control of the means of production – a.k.a socialism. But, as Mises has shown, socialism is not viable in theory, let alone in practice: “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth”.
Since the final state of socialism is non-viable, and must result in planned chaos, unlimited government, and massive abuses – which we are now witnessing – therefore every step towards that final state can only make matters worse.
The western world is sliding into fascism. Sometimes it seems we have forgotten the very idea of freedom. What will it take before *you* withdraw your consent?
Remember it here:

February 7, 2012 6:51 pm

J. Jefferson says:
February 7, 2012 at 6:35 pm

Germany’s attempts at central planning of the energy supply are so reminiscent of Soviet central planning of the food supply, Chinese central planning of the steel supply, and so on.

The commies of yesteryear have to find employment SOMEWHERE. Unfortunately, they like to think they know how to run things, and they do. Right into the ground.
Maybe people will wake up in time, and maybe they won’t. We’ll keep goading, goading, goading…

February 7, 2012 7:38 pm

Cotton says:
February 6, 2012 at 9:26 pm
Thanks for that reference to Claes Johnson. I had not seen him before, but visiting his web page is a real eye-opener, as he tears into the IPCC and its myrmidons in a variety of ways, slinging some heavy-duty math.
His Computational Blackbody Radiation found here:
seems to answer the question about why “back radiated” LWR won’t heat a warmer surface.
He says we don’t need no stinkin’ photons, the LWR can be dealt with as a wave, and this wave can be dissipated/reflected or otherwise handled by the Earth’s surface without causing it to heat. Now that’s heavy duty! He seasons this piquant discussion with quotes from Planck and Einstein showing that they didn’t really believe in the wave-particle duality of light, either.

February 7, 2012 9:11 pm

@ Günter Keil
Thank you for a most informative and valuable comment about Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt and Bild for those of us who are not familiar with German popular culture. It seems there are, as usual, trolls here who have been trying to confuse the picture.

John Wootton
February 7, 2012 11:57 pm

People elect politicians – democracy is the science of the middle class minority subsidising the “needs” of the majority – this leads to bad government, because those that contribute the least have the most say because they are the majority. Hence the power problems because of the political nature of the elected governments and the priorities they have. Ireland has installed large amounts of wind power which is, as discussed in this article, a fickle power source. Consumers are having to pay supplements on their bills to compensate for the payments to wind generators. What happens when the wind dies? You need traditional power sources, hence the building of a power grid to Britain so that Ireland can take power from Britain when there is no wind, because the authorities have also been very short sighted and have not developed any further coal or oil powered generating stations. They have even de-commissioned existing coal and oil fired generating stations. What happens if the interconnect goes down – big problems!! Lots more gas turbine power generators need to be constructed. Time to install your own diesel generator.

February 8, 2012 12:04 am

@RockyRoad & others: The comparison of green policies, esp. the German model, with a planned economy is valid. But the Greens have nothing at all in common with socialists. Their ideological goal is “nature” or “the planet”, but not the well-being of the people, which, despite all its failure, communism is all about.
Historically, the green elites are middle class Westerners, and the profit models of their lobbies is very capitalistic, albeit not free market. The former communist nomenclatures of eastern Europe have nothing to do with the green movement. Environmentalism is quite weak there.

Brian H
February 8, 2012 6:20 am

ozspeaksup says:
February 7, 2012 at 7:39 am

and flim fannery

Even in Oz that’s gotta be a garbulary. I assume you’re trying to make an activity out of “flim-flam”. So that would be “flim flammery”. I’m slightly curious about what was in your mind when you wrote “fannery”, but please don’t explain.

February 8, 2012 6:31 am

anorak2 says:
February 8, 2012 at 12:04 am

@RockyRoad & others: The comparison of green policies, esp. the German model, with a planned economy is valid. But the Greens have nothing at all in common with socialists. Their ideological goal is “nature” or “the planet”, but not the well-being of the people, which, despite all its failure, communism is all about.

Perhaps I mis-spoke regarding Greens being associated with communism/socialism in Germany (although I’ll bet if you looked really, really close it might surprise you), but here in the US, there is very tight association between the environmental movement and Marxist/Socialist accolytes in our current administration and most bureaucrats are in favor of “The Scam”.
That’s why November, 2012 can’t come soon enough.
(And that’s why any Republican currently running is excoriated for having any past association with “Global Warming”.)

February 8, 2012 9:53 am

The U.S. Democrat Party will use any means to retain power. Power to power their “state” and keep their huge pig snout in the tax payer filled hog trough.
Big lies, no problem. Once this fraud is undone, a new scare lie will be cooked up.
Vote no on them as long as it takes.

Gary Pearse
February 8, 2012 1:57 pm

I was not surprised that the UK, Spain, Denmark and the other socialist countries could get themselves into such a pickle but I was surprised and disappointed that Germany could so completely give themselves and their future well-being over to a non-technical, hysterical mob of environmental activists. Thankfully, this highly technologically literate and pragmatic people have seen the idiocy and dishonesty of it all and with two newspaper articles and a book is turning the whole scam on its ear. There have been both books and newspaper articles in the UK as pointed as these but to very limited effect. The US is somewhere in between. They will get to where Germany is going, just a little slower – they, have had the most books and newspaper artilces to support overturning the despotic green coalition of media, politicians and universities but the consensus still has the upper hand. I was looking to China and India, of all places for saviours but now I believe Germany is going to save us weaker-kneed societies from it all.

February 9, 2012 4:02 pm

Gary Pearse,
Shutting down nuclear power plants did not happened at a night. After Japanese nuke disaster, there were reportedly risks in the heart of Europe about some of the plants, so no way out except stopping production. Germans are doing well. Obviously it is a temporary decision. If you are the decision maker too, you would not accept the responsibility on continuation of high risk power plants, and specially in a country that you know there are applying high standards. Under such a condition and heavy protests against nuke energy, the government should have stop the high risk plants to save the standard plants go on production. This is not a political decision, they understood if they do not mind the high risk plants, then Europe must forget the nuke forever, and who can convince EU to support the nuke.

February 9, 2012 8:54 pm

RockyRoad says:

Perhaps I mis-spoke regarding Greens being associated with communism/socialism in Germany (although I’ll bet if you looked really, really close it might surprise you),

Let me expand:
Socialist policy would be to tax the rich and hand the surplus to the poor through welfare and/or subsidised consumer goods. Another socialist policy is nationalisation of companies.
Green policy in Europe is taxation on the prices of consumer goods thus hurting the poor and middle classes, and hand the surplus to the rich via income tax breaks. Furthermore companies in “green” sectores are shunted from market forces and entrepreneurial risk, but the profits go into private pockets.
It’s true that the green movement of the 1970s and 80s used to be associated with the left wing “counter culture”, but those people have now grown old and are leading middle class lives with middle class ideologies.

Reply to  anorak2
February 10, 2012 6:13 am

1. German media do always say their stories. If the government has to follow up the media, then it means the government. is media, this is not true. In Germany nuke is a problem. That’s why the standards are always under precise research and changes are made as much as it’s possible.
2. German nuke plants are different from Japanese and despite Japan there in Germany is no threat of Tsunami. I had no problem on that.
3. The remained plants under operation as you said are deactivated until 2022 partially. To my poor knowledge It is a must.
4. As discussed, the off plants could not comply with standards. Standards would not remain unchanged. The standards are always modified. The new nuke plants generation are quite different not by definition but because of efficiency and design. Mercedes 1968 and what we have now are not the same, how could we say there are no differences.
5. In high tech plants 10 years ago standard is far away from today’s definitions.
6. the most powerful well defined infrastructure in energy sector are fossils and then nuke. Others like Renewables are not yet capable to give us all our demands at all. This is unforgettable.
7. There are weak points in any design. Before Japanese disaster, some of them in Germany could be neglected but after that neither because of politics nor due to media rushes, but only for the people of Germany, the government had to revise its energy production policy. Please let there be even one small place for the conscience of a responsible body in our minds. Germany became the most powerful economy in EU and one of the most progressive in the world, it did not happen accidentally. You conceded it in your comment.
Any miscalculation could never be forgiven by the nation. The problem is greater enough for everyone, the disasters in Japan and Russia showed how big the tragedies were. Therefore you as a GOVERNMENT (example) cannot say “There is no specific risk”, when new standards reject the old ones. Serious conflicts are there between the old and new standards.
8. What was happened in Russia? No Tsunami, no nothing, only technology and standards as a whole were not working.

February 9, 2012 9:12 pm

acckkii says:

Shutting down nuclear power plants did not happened at a night. After Japanese nuke disaster, there were reportedly risks in the heart of Europe about some of the plants, so no way out except stopping production.

There was no such thing. Nuclear shutdown was essentially the Merkel government’s decision in a hasty reaction to the German media who had run an an almost unanimous anti-nuclear campaign after the Fukushima disaster. Apparently the government felt that the media opinion reflected voters’ opinions. There was no new risk that had become apparent, it was really an emotional reaction.

Germans are doing well.

Germany’s electricity bills are rising fast. They are now the second highest in the EU after Denmark’s, who have an even higher portion of subsidised wind power. Some other next door neighbours of Germany have half the electricity prices of Germany, such as Poland (almost exclusively coal) and France (almost exclusively nuclear).

Obviously it is a temporary decision.

If only. The nuclear shutdown is meant to be permanent. Three days after Fukushima the govermnent announced the shutdown of 8 reactors (out of then 17). The rest are meant to be phased out until 2022. It’s supposed to be permanent.
It is, however, a reversal of a reversal of a reversal of nuclear policy. The red-green government had decided to phase out nuclear in 2000. The conservartive Merkel government had decided to undo this decision in 2010. In 2011 after Fukushima they decided to undo their undo. All bets are open if and when this will be undone again. But so far the decision is to phase out nuclear and to invest into huge offshore wind farms, believe it or not.

If you are the decision maker too, you would not accept the responsibility on continuation of high risk power plants, and specially in a country that you know there are applying high standards.

There is no specific risk, it was all a reaction to a media campaign. Tsunamis are unheard of in Germany, and German nuclear plants have a different design than Fukushima.
However the cost will be enormous. Assets worth many billions have been dumped over night, and we’ll all be made to pay for the loss. THAT is something a decision maker should avoid. The decision was highly irresponsible economically, regardless if you’re pro or anti nuke.

February 10, 2012 4:10 pm

The main problem seems to be the lack of infrastructure to support these wind and solar farms, not the stuff themselves. Norway gets most of its power from hydropower which is from turbines run by ocean waves and tides and does fine! Oil even if abiotic does not replenish fast enough to meet the growing need, and there are political problems with it. Even if global warming is partly a myth, the actions being taken to correct for it are what are needed anyway.

Reply to  Justina
February 11, 2012 5:10 am

Fossil is not fuel and source of energy only, it is infrastructure. As long as there is no infrastructure for other sources of energies, yes it is hard to understand it. Italy never involved in in nuke. France, Germany, The UK, Japan and others made it. Now nuke has got an infrastructure, it is not like solar or wind. There are many people supporting the nuke plants to go on production not shutting down, even with the tragedies happened in Japan and Russia.
I don’t look at the sources of energies as green (+/-) or (yes/no). Unfortunately governments tax policies on energy makes problem and change the matters, therefore many things are forgotten. The reason is clear of course; there is nothing around us that is not involved with energy. Some experts don’t believe implementing tax on energy before it is used in production, this makes exponential problems, and they believe tax could be considered after production not on fuel. As we see energy has the meaning of infrastructure everywhere. As we see if we want to continue these subjects, then we have to give up what we were going to discuss.
Science and technology is quite different from policies. GE 1.5MW wind mill touched the 16000th unit recently. Siemens made the first offshore new version which is suitable for the worst climate in sea conditions. These are worthy things. But we know these all cannot be taken as mass production systems, locally yes they are positive. I call the new energies as “baby energies”, to show they are still young to do what are our demands.
The word “SUSTAINABLE” was under big question mark by well-known well-respected scientists that I also believe in them. They said; nothing is “SUSTAINABLE”. Also there was an article that I liked it very much “R/P ratio” published here in WUWT. In this situation, keeping people’s eyes closed is not a good idea. I prefer to see what sort of energy source can be a good substitute for fossil based fuels in future.
And fortunately let’s say the idea of global warming is no longer untenable. This would make the human get much more time to find the best replacement energy source.