West Antarctica Temperature FALLS 2°C in 20 Years

Despite the refusal of Antarctica to show any significant warming, the climate apocalypse circus regularly rides into town to drum up catastrophe business.

Antarctic Ice Shelves Growing

Our observations show that Antarctic ice shelves gained 661 Gt of ice mass over the past decade, whereas the steady-state approach would estimate substantial ice loss over the same period, demonstrating…

New Study Finds East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled By -2.8°C And -1.68°C Since 1979

From 1979-2018 East Antarctica cooled -0.70°C/decade (-2.8°C), West Antarctica cooled -0.42°C/decade (-1.68°C), but the Antarctic Peninsula warmed 0.18°C/decade (0.72°C). Thus, as a whole, the Antarctic continent has cooled by about…

“Terrifying Sea-Level Prediction Now Looks Far Less Likely”… But “marine ice-cliff instability” is “just common sense”

Guest AEUHHH???? by David Middleton A Terrifying Sea-Level Prediction Now Looks Far Less Likely But experts warn that our overall picture of sea-level rise looks far scarier today than it…

New ice core record shows climate variability in West Antarctica

Similar warming and cooling trends occurred in the mid-nineteenth and eighteenth centuries From AGU highlights: A 308-year ice core record provides new data on climate variability in coastal West Antarctica…

Volcano discovered smoldering under a kilometer of ice in West Antarctica

From the Washington University in St. Louis Its heat may increase the rate of ice loss from one of the continent’s major ice streams It wasn’t what they were looking…

More settled science: The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is 20 million years older than thought

From the University of California – Santa Barbara West Antarctica ice sheet existed 20 million years earlier than previously thought (Santa Barbara, Calif.) –– The results of research conducted by…

Claim: CO2 ended the last ice age

From Oregon State University Study explains early warming of West Antarctica at end of last ice age CORVALLIS, Ore. – West Antarctica began emerging from the last ice age about…

Antarctic warming courtesy of Mr. Fix-it

Just a little something he threw together Guest Post by David Middleton First the breath-taking headlines… Scientists Report Faster Warming in Antarctica, New York Times (WUWT commentary) West Antarctic Ice…

New ice loss unit – the New Jersey

From the University of Texas at Austin, an ice shelf as big as New Jersey might collapse, if conditions are right. Tipping points and all that. I suspect this gives…

NASA: Warm Ocean Currents Cause Majority of Ice Loss from Antarctica

Breaking news from NASA and the ICEsat team, that’s their headline, not mine. This really makes all the hype over the now discredited Steig et al. paper, which attempted to…

More crack in the Antarctic

From the European Space Agency (ESA): Satellite observes rapid ice shelf disintegration in Antarctic 5 April 2012 As ESA’s Envisat satellite marks ten years in orbit, it continues to observe…

Crack in the Antarctic!

From the University of Texas at Austin, a press release to tell us the ice shelves in the Antarctic peninsula are losing their grip and cracking a bit. That could…

New paper: A high-resolution surface mass balance map of Antarctica shows "no significant trend in the 1979–2010 ice sheet"

Uh, oh. Another talking point bites the dust. Leif Svalgaard writes in to tell me of a significant new paper. While Gore, Hansen, Branson, and a gaggle of hangers on…

Coffin, meet nail. – more on Steig's reconstruction issues

by Ryan O’Donnell via Climate Audit For those who are not mathematically inclined and did not entirely follow the discussion about Eric’s reconstruction in the previous post, well, a picture…

RC's duplicity prods Jeff Id out of retirement

Jeff asked me to carry this, since his blog is off the radar since he announced his retirement. It took an RC moment to change that. – Anthony Wrong is…