Demystifying feedback.

Guest post by Nick Stokes, People outside climate science seem drawn to feedback analogies for climate behaviour. Climate scientists sometimes make use of them too, although they are not part…

Another negative climate feedback: more CO2 = more plants = more aerosols = cooling

Recall a couple of days ago that I posted on the aerosols released by trees: Those dirty trees: why hasn’t the EPA called for trees to be regulated? Now, from…

Dronning Maud Meets the Little Ice Age

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I have to learn to keep my blood pressure down … this new paper, “Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained…

New peer reviewed paper: clouds have large negative cooling effect on Earth's radiation budget

Oh dear, now we have three peer reviewed papers (Lindzen and Choi, Spencer and Braswell, and now Richard P. Allan) based on observations that show a net negative feedback for…