Marcott discovers that “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future” while saying "it's worse than we thought"

The title quote is from the late, great, Yogi Berra, with my sincerest apologies. From the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON and the “doom is the only outcome” department comes this “stunning”… embraces the "cartoon science" of Mann and Marcott

From, making two debunked papers into “cartoon science”, I think Josh could do a better job than this. Mann’s hockey stick is like zombie science, it’s dead, it keeps…

Those who don't learn from Yamal, are condemned to repeat it – Marcott’s YAD061

You’d think academics in the upside down Mann climate proxy world would pay attention, and not repeat the same mistakes of the past. Apparently not. WUWT readers surely recall the…

Marcott – 3 spikes and you are out

Guest post by Nancy Green Tamino claims he has added 3 spikes to the Marcott et al proxy data and the Marcott et al process detects them. Source: This,…

Questions for Marcott et al? – submit them here

Skiphil writes: Andy Revkin of Dot Earth/NY Times blog is inviting questions to be submitted to the authors of Marcott et al. (2013). Since Revkin is one of the only…

Proxy spikes: The missed message in Marcott et al

Story submitted by WUWT reader Nancy Green There is a message in Marcott that I think many have missed. Marcott tells us almost nothing about how the past compares with…

Why the Marcott et al FAQ was published on Easter Sunday

Steve McIntyre explores this question along with the bigger question about the core top redating which created the Marcottian uptick: Q. Why did realclimate publish the Marcott FAQ on Easter…

The Marcott gong show – before in the unquestioning press and after the blogosphere review as told by Ross McKitrick

Just last month, these were the claims: We’re screwed: 11,000 years’ worth of ­climate data prove it.  It’s among the most compelling bits of proof out there that human beings…

Well said – the central issue to Marcott et al

I’m reminded of this quote: “No one is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart: for his purity, by definition, is unassailable.” ― James Baldwin, Nobody Knows…

Quote of the week – 'bad eggs' in the Marcott et al non-stick omelete recipe

This is a scathing and revealing comment from another scientist regarding the Marcott et al affair. The context of it all has an odor of hydrogen sulfide about it.

Marcott issues a FAQ on their paper

This is from Real Climate, who played the “he who must not be named” game again in not pointing out criticisms. Gavin dissapoints. UPDATE: McIntyre responded earlier today with The…

Where's the hockey stick? The 'Marcott 9' show no warming past 1950

More on the Marcott et al “hockey stick”. All of the ‘Marcott 9’ had altered dates. Guest post by John Kehr While it took me a while to get the…

Uh oh, there be grafting in Marcott et al

Skiphil writes in comments: “…there are some interesting developments in the “Marcott curve” which puts more of the circus in jeopardy. In addition to a new post on CA detailing…

Real Climate response to McIntyre's Marcott stick busting

Many people have been wondering what sort of response would be coming now that Steve has conclusively shown that the Marcott et al “hockey stick” is nothing more than an…

McIntyre finds the Marcott 'trick' – How long before Science has to retract Marcott et al?

Steve McIntyre has made what I can only describe as a stunning discovery as to why there is a sharp uptick in the main Marcott et al graph being touted…

Marcott's uptick – a result of proxy sign inconsistency

Shades of upside down Tiljander. McIntyre is delving further into the Marcott proxy issue and it looks almost certain now there’s a statistical processing error (selection bias). Steve McIntyre writes:…

Tick, tick, tick – how long will the new Marcott et al hockey stick survive?

Steve McIntyre writes of the curious uptick in the 20th century, which doesn’t seem to be rooted in reality, or to have been in Marcott’s PhD thesis: While one expects…

Marcott's hockey stick uptick mystery – it didn't used to be there

At Climate Audit, Something odd has been discovered about the provenance of the work associate with the Marcott et al paper. It seems that the sharp uptick wasn’t in the…

Marcott's proxies – 10% fail their own criteria for inclusion

Note: Steve McIntyre is also quite baffled by the Marcott et al paper, finding it currently unreproducible given the current information available. I’ve added some comments from him at the…

Validity of Marcott et al. PART II

Validity of Marcott et al. contention that “Global temperatures are warmer than at any time in at least 4,000 years” and “Global temperature….. has risen from near the coldest to…

A Simple Test of Marcott et al., 2013

Guest Post by David Middleton The Gorebots are all atwitter about this new paper… Science 8 March 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6124 pp. 1198-1201 DOI: 10.1126/science.1228026 A Reconstruction of Regional…

Marcott et al claim of 'unprecedented' warming compared to GISP ice core data

The very first sentence of the Marcott et al (which is getting heavy press) abstract says: Surface temperature reconstructions of the past 1500 years suggest that recent warming is unprecedented…

Anthropocene: The Cockroach of the Geologic Time Scale?

Guest “Roaches check in — but they don’t check out!” by David Middleton Who could ever forget this classic 1980 TV commercial, featuring “the Greatest” Muhammad Ali? As Kip Hansen…

With Tree Rings On Their Fingers

But how do we actually know, and how much do we actually know, about historic and prehistoric temperatures? In this Climate Discussion Nexus “Backgrounder” video John Robson examines the uses,…