Guardian: Old People Voting Against Climate or Brexit is "Intergenerational Theft"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Oil industry consultant Dana Nuccitelli, writing for the Guardian, has launched yet another green attack on democracy, by suggesting that older people who voted for…

From the Scientific Urban Legend Department: “The little Bramble Cay melomys is likely the first mammal claimed by man-made climate change”

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen The Claim: Bramble Cay melomys (mosaic-tailed rat) is the first mammal to go extinct due to human-induced climate change. Rating: Examples: “A small rodent that…

Hoegh-Guldberg’s Coral Sophistry Triggers Sagan’s Science Baloney Alert!

Guest essay by Jim Steele Director emeritus Sierra Nevada Field Campus, San Francisco State University and author of Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism Recently The Australian…

Newsbytes: Brexit Victory Boosts Climate Sceptics

Britain has just had its Rosa Parks moment. 1) Brexit Victory Boosts Climate Sceptics Toronto Sun, 27 June 2016 Lorrie Goldstein The UK may take a more skeptical approach to…

AMA issues warning about "Energy Efficient" LED Streetlights

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The American Medical Association is concerned that the glare, the high blue light content of “energy efficient” LED streetlights being rolled out across America, might…

Close But No Cigar – NINO3.4 SST Anomalies Are a Tick (0.1 deg C) above La Niña Threshold

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale This is a quick ENSO update. NOAA’s weekly sea surface temperature anomaly data for the NINO regions (based on the original Reynolds OI.v2 data) are…

Hurricane Main Development Region of North Atlantic – Climate Model-Simulated Sea Surface Temperatures Are Too Cool

And Those Too-Cool Surface Temperatures Create Obvious Problems for Researchers Guest Post by Bob Tisdale UPDATE:  The closing has been revised. The sea surface temperatures of the tropical North Atlantic…