A birds-eye view of the bird scorching Ivanpah solar electric power plant

At the start of the weekend, and quite by accident, I found myself aloft and looking directly into the glare of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System. I can tell…

Pointless Ohio State study predicts the obvious with models – fish will die as streams dry out

Even more troubling, why does a waste of time study like this get funded by the Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program? I don’t want defense money…

Spot the portion of California drought caused by 'climate change'

From “The Hill”, even California Democrats aren’t buying the climate BS Obama and Holdren are selling on drought: (h/t to WUWT reader “Green Sand”) Voters don’t hear the words “climate…

How the media mis-represents everyday science

Joel O’Bryan writes in WUWT Tips and Notes The LA Times has the follwing lead story on it webpage: “Climate change reflected in altered Missouri River flow, report says” http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-missouri-river-20140817-story.html…

Monday Mirthiness – spot the troll

Josh writes: There’s been a bit of closet trolling recently, a pretence if being polite but blatantly not, and generally trying to derail posts. Fortunately we have a helpful cartoon…

A new low: Joe Romm of Climate Progress exploits the death of Robin Williams for climate propaganda

Story by Eric Worrall In their quest for ever more bizarre reasons why we should care about climate scare stories, alarmists have truly scraped the bottom of the barrel –…

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