Ending the year on an up note

I thought about writing a year end recap, but then I saw my traffic count for the month at 00 GMT (4PM PST), and thought that would do just as…

2008 Ends Spotless and with 266 Spotless Days, the #2 Least Active Year Since 1900, Portends Cooling

From ICECAP By Joseph D’Aleo CCM, AMS Fellow 2008 will be coming to a close with yet another spotless days according to the latest solar image. This will bring the…

The Ice in Greenland is Growing

Old Radar Sites In Greenland Show Icecap Growth Over the Years (And let’s not forget what we’ve learned about the temperature reporting from the DEW line Radar Stations – Anthony)…

Met Office recycles last years PR: 2009 to be one of the warmest on record

LONDON (Reuters) – Next year is set to be one of the top-five warmest on record, British climate scientists said on Tuesday. The average global temperature for 2009 is expected…

Temperatures could drop to 50 below zero in parts of Alaska

More anecdotal weather news of a colder and more brutal winter. From the Juneau Empire, Juneau Alaska Bitter cold moves in to Interior – Temperatures could drop to 50 below…

Pielke Sr. takes on the London Times over erroneous climate reporting – says "warming has stopped for at least 4 years"

From the blog of Roger Pielke Sr. http://climatesci.org/ Erroneous News Article In The Times Filed under: Climate Science Reporting — Roger Pielke Sr. @ 7:00 am Thanks to Andrew Forster of…

The Worst Climate Predictions of 2008

And yet to play out, let’s also not forget Al Gore’s 2008 prediction: “Entire north polar ice cap will be gone in 5 years” -Anthony By Dennis Avery  in the Canada…

Christy: Satellite data shows Earth's climate is changing unevenly

From the USA Today Weather Blog This has been in my inbox for a couple of weeks, so on a fairly quiet day for weather, I thought I’d put this…

Don Easterbrook's AGU paper on potential global cooling

Don sent me his AGU paper for publication and discussion here on WUWT, and I’m happy to oblige – Anthony Abstracts of American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco  Dec.,…

NASA's twist on global sea ice loss

NASA’s updated data appears to suggest the annual rate of global polar ice loss has actually decreased Greenland’s Riviera – their green southwest. Will another Maunder minimum grip the region…

Blizzard traps thousands in India

More nasty weather in the northern hemisphere. It seems to be “piling up”.  This event caught many off-guard and unprepared. (h/t to Philip_B) Rescued tourists wait for government vehicles to…

Snowfall immobilizes rural communities in eastern, central Turkey

It appears this winter is rough not only in the USA, but elsewhere,. Significant snowfalls were also seen in 2002 and 2004.  From Today’s Zaman: Snowfall immobilizes rural communities in…

Spotting NOAA's USHCN climate stations with Google Street Level View

When I first started the surfacestations.org project, this Google Street level view tool was just a concept, now I’m actually able to find USHCN stations with it such as this…

Half of the USA is covered in snow

This is something you don’t see every day. We recently heard that Canada had a white Christmas EVERYWHERE, the first time in four decades. Here we see that the USA…

The 12 Days of Global Warming

Courtesy of Minnesotans for Global Warming, this entertaining video for today. Merry Christmas everyone, stay warm!

NSIDC issues documentation corrections – WUWT guest post a catalyst

You may recall the guest post from Jeff Id of the Air Vent I carried about a week ago called Global Sea Ice Trend Since 1979 – surprising In that…

Scientists warn Christmas lights harm the planet

From the “bah humbug department”. I have nothing against energy efficiency, I have LED’s myself and I didn’t even put them up this year. But, timing is everything, and people…

NOAA Determines Ribbon Seals Should Not be Listed as Endangered – say ice will continue to form

(Note: image above and my emphasis added below. What is unlcear is what climate models the reviewed and whether they accepted or rejected it’s results.  – Anthony) Contact:          Sheela McLean                                  …

95,000 Excess U.S. Deaths during the Cold Months Each Year

Guest post by Indur Goklany Now that the cold weather is here, we should remember that more Americans die during the cold months than at any other time of year,…

My first 1/4 mil week

Despite my having to cut back on posting and moderation to nights and weekends in order to devote more time to my livelihood during these economic down times, WUWT continues…

Jim Hansen's AGU presentation: "He's 'nailed' climate forcing for 2x CO2"

I received this presentation of the “Bjerknes Lecture” that Dr. James Hansen gave at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union on December 17th. There are the usual things…

"relatively unknown Maryland scientist" wants to patent the swamp cooler to combat global warming

This just in, (h/t to Sonicfrog) the swamp cooler is being re-invented as a global warming solution. No mention of what the increased global humidity will do for the planet’s…

More Hot Propaganda – this time from Greenpeace

First let me say I apologize to my readers. I’m going to editorialize a bit. Apparently nothing is off limits anymore. Now we can all honestly say that Greenpeace has…

Polar Albedo Feedback

by Steven Goddard Today is a day of note in Antarctic.  The sun has reached it’s highest point in the sky, and never sets.  The amount of incoming solar radiation…

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