No, Washington Post, Houston’s Mosquito Problem Isn’t New or Driven by Climate Change

This is just another instance of activist journalism at work that is tailored to fit a bought and paid for climate crisis narrative that is so often being pushed today in the…

Wash Post’s ‘climate solutions’ reporter touts taking ‘cold showers’: ‘You should embrace using cold water’ because ‘heating water’ leads to ‘more planet-warming emissions’

“If you’re wasting cold water to get your hot water, then you’re really wasting both water and the energy resources,”

Ryan Maue Embarrasses WAPO

I guess that’s true if you memory hole 1925, 1930s, 1950s, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2012, 2020, etc. and the rest of the almanac.

WaPo’s ‘Journalism’ Has Tipped Toward a B.S. Point

The idea of disastrous “tipping points” may make for good headlines and story ledes, but there is no evidence any exist.

No, WaPo, Climate Change is NOT Fueling More Devastating Rains and Flooding

WaPo did a shameful job of journalism, misleading their readers into thinking something that simply isn’t true.

NO EVIDENCE’: Experts Continue To Debunk WaPo’s Claim About The Shutdown And Weather Forecasts

From The Daily Caller Michael Bastasch | Energy Editor There’s no evidence the government shutdown is making weather forecasts less accurate, according to experts. The Washington Post reported the shutdown…

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