NASA satellite offers urban carbon dioxide insights

University of Utah A new NASA/university study of carbon dioxide emissions for 20 major cities around the world provides the first direct, satellite-based evidence that as a city’s population density…

Our Urban “Climate Crisis”

By Jim Steele Published in Pacifica Tribune May 14, 2019 What’s Natural Our Urban “Climate Crisis” Based on a globally averaged statistic, some scientists and several politicians claim we are…

Achoo! Killer AGW pollen attacks

On the plus side, they mention in the press release that CO2 boosts plant growth. A look at tomorrow’s climate: Pollen levels are rising across Europe Bild: istockphoto 16.04.2012, Press releases…

Pielke Sr. on a new paper discussing urban climate issues

New Paper “Climatic Trends In Major U.S. Urban Areas, 1950–2009″ By Mishra and Lettenmaier By Dr. Roger Pielke Senior There is a new paper Mishra, V., and D. P. Lettenmaier (2011),…

Here, let me fix that headline for you

Deadly collision? Really? This must be before they remove all the automobiles from London per the recent edict from the EU/EC. The author must have suffered through too many “BBQ…

3% of Earth's landmass is now urbanized

This study, from 2005, is not one I’ve covered here before, but I thought it was relevant to have a look at as a logical followup to the recent announcement…