“Green” Activists Menace Humanity

A thoroughly anti-human philosophy that envisions Earth untouched by people has them blindly adhering to an unscientific theory of a climate emergency.

Just Stop Oil Actually Stopped Oil!

Thanks for saving the planet

Primary School Children Targeted with Green Propaganda by Just Stop Oil Millionaire Funder

Recently, Packham gave his backing to eco-protesters breaking the law and suggested that a “radical flank” could attempt to blow up oil refineries.

Monday Mirthiness

There is not a single photo that sums up just stop oil better than this one

UK Climate Alarmists Debate Violence (hitting bottom?)

Personally , I’ve now reached a point where I believe breaking the law for the climate is the ethically responsible thing to do.” (- Chris Packham, UK Wildlife TV presenter

We Stopped Just Stop Oil

Entertaining, even if the pranksters are true believers.

‘Just Stop Oil’: An Unrealistic Demand Rooted in Fear and Paranoia

Pielke Jr. suggests that this campaign is not just misguided but potentially catastrophic.

Just Stop Oil Donor Received £110 Million in Green Subsidies from Taxpayer

In Vince’s case, over £43 million (pre-tax) from the company in the form of salary, share buybacks, loans and receipts from the sale of a subsidiary.

Liberal Dilemma: “Just Stop Oil” Climate Protestors Disrupt Gay Pride March

Just Stop Oil are upset the London Pride organisers accepted sponsorship from “polluters”.

Watch British Police Protect Road Blocking Climate Protestors

Instead of arresting Just Stop Oil climate protestors, who appear to be maintaining an illegal road block, British police arrested a commuter who lost his temper at police inaction.

JRM & The Nutter From Just Stop Oil

Jacob Rees-Mogg interviews Looby Loo!

More than 100 Lawyers Vow Not to Prosecute Climate Change Protestors

Lawyers backing climate activists are HEROES says Just Stop Oil protester

Former spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion turns on group, now rejects climate doomsday: ‘Climate activism has a cult problem…I used to be one of them’ – ‘I watched people brainwashed’

October 2019 was, for many of us in XR, a turning point.

Schadenfreuday Funny

French and Germans becoming impatient with Climate Limpets

Column: Wealthy Californians “Just Stop Oil” campaign – popular in Europe; has anyone asked, say, Bangladesh?

What is the moral framework by which these activists decide “Developing countries cannot be permitted to source the fuel they need, and we are comfortable enforcing this because we say…

FLASHBACK: Founder of Climate Group Vandalizing Famous Paintings Said Holocaust was ‘Normal Event’

After facing widespread criticism for the comments, Hallam noted the climate crisis was another Holocaust on a “far greater scale.”

British Police Officer Injured in Just Stop Oil Traffic Chaos

Thankfully no serious injury, unlike two unlucky women who died in climate protest traffic chaos a few weeks ago. One of the dead women was a mother of four.

Big Oil heiress funding ‘Just Stop Oil’ group that threw soup on Van Gogh painting

I doubt many art critics will take note.

Fed Up British Drivers Unglue Climate Protestors the Hard Way

Faced with repeated police inaction towards disruptive climate protestors, a handful of British drivers have taken the law into their own hands, dragging “Just Stop Oil” protestors from the streets.

Climate Activist Hypocrisy Example Eleventy Gazillion

Just Stop Oil Protestor Who Pulled ‘Hay Wain’ Painting Stunt Has Racked Up 50,000 Air Miles on Exotic Holidays