Response to the New York Times primer on climate change: ‘Short Answers to Hard Questions About Climate Change’

Guest essay by Lance Wallace For several months, the New York Times has been running a permanent feature on climate change. They direct their readers to this feature with the…

Studies worry: Is Greenland on thin ice?

From the UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT Greenland on thin ice? Two studies in Nature open deep history of Greenland’s ice sheet — and raise new questions about its stability The ice sheet…

Marcott discovers that “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future” while saying "it's worse than we thought"

The title quote is from the late, great, Yogi Berra, with my sincerest apologies. From the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON and the “doom is the only outcome” department comes this “stunning”…

Run Away! The Anthropocene Has Arrived!!!

Guest post by David Middleton (Featured image borrowed from   Unfortunately this article is behind a pay wall. While some of the points in the abstract are reasonable, these two…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #194

The Week That Was: 2015-08-29 (August 29, 2015) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project…

Dueling press releases – one says GHG's 'caused' end of last ice age, other says 'lead factor'

I noticed these press releases for the new “ramp up to Paris” paper at Eurekalert today. One is from Boston College, the other is from Oregon State University. The headlines… embraces the "cartoon science" of Mann and Marcott

From, making two debunked papers into “cartoon science”, I think Josh could do a better job than this. Mann’s hockey stick is like zombie science, it’s dead, it keeps…

Claim: Climate change may bring more kidney stones – but the Tasian et al. paper lacks proper controls

From the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia  Something that I consider to be more than a stretch, and possibly conflated junk science, especially since I’ve suffered kidney stones myself and live…

Climate and Human Civilization over the last 18,000 years

Guest essay by Andy May This document is meant to explain the accompanying poster and expand on the poster’s content. Some references to the images and data shown in the…

The Catastrophic AGW Memeplex; a cultural creature

The hypothesis for a single, simple, scientific explanation underlying the entire complex social phenomenon of CAGW Guest essay by Andy West Whatever is happening in the great outdoors regarding actual…

Meehl et al (2013) Are Also Looking for Trenberth’s Missing Heat

OVERVIEW Rob Painting of SkepticalScience recently published the post A Looming Climate Shift: Will Ocean Heat Come Back to Haunt Us? Many of you will find his post entertaining. But…

FoS CliSci Summary

Climate Science Newsletter Crowd sourcing A unique effort to assemble a large number of paleo-temperature graphs on all time scales was made earlier on the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page and…

The Marcott gong show – before in the unquestioning press and after the blogosphere review as told by Ross McKitrick

Just last month, these were the claims: We’re screwed: 11,000 years’ worth of ­climate data prove it.  It’s among the most compelling bits of proof out there that human beings…

Marcott issues a FAQ on their paper

This is from Real Climate, who played the “he who must not be named” game again in not pointing out criticisms. Gavin dissapoints. UPDATE: McIntyre responded earlier today with The…

Almost Friday Funny – rotten to the core

Josh writes: Apologies for the lack of cartoons this month but I have been snowed under (!) with the day job. Even sadder when the Climate Blogosphere has had so…

Where's the hockey stick? The 'Marcott 9' show no warming past 1950

More on the Marcott et al “hockey stick”. All of the ‘Marcott 9’ had altered dates. Guest post by John Kehr While it took me a while to get the…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

The Week That Was: 2013-03-23 (March 23, 2013) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week: “Most human beings have an…

Real Climate response to McIntyre's Marcott stick busting

Many people have been wondering what sort of response would be coming now that Steve has conclusively shown that the Marcott et al “hockey stick” is nothing more than an…

McIntyre finds the Marcott 'trick' – How long before Science has to retract Marcott et al?

Steve McIntyre has made what I can only describe as a stunning discovery as to why there is a sharp uptick in the main Marcott et al graph being touted…

AGW Proponents Fight Rearguard Action As Political Climate Science Fails

Guest post by Dr. Tim Ball Proponents of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis are cornered. They made a political choice to prove rather than disprove the hypothesis, as the…

A Simple Test of Marcott et al., 2013

Guest Post by David Middleton The Gorebots are all atwitter about this new paper… Science 8 March 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6124 pp. 1198-1201 DOI: 10.1126/science.1228026 A Reconstruction of Regional…

Validity of “A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years”

It seems that Marcott et al isn’t all that it is cracked up to be. Dr. Easterbrook takes a good hard look at the paper. Guest post by Dr. Don…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

The Week That Was: 2013-03-09 (March 9, 2013) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week: “…scientists are neither saints nor…

Another hockey stick – this one billed as 'scarier' than Mann's

I had to chuckle at the cacophony of Twitfests going on today over this new study from Marcott et al. I especially liked the Mother Jones headline being Tweeted: “The…