How not to measure temperature (or climate) #97 – California's warming air temperatures are population and site bias related

A couple of days ago, I highlighted a worst of the worst NOAA climate monitoring station in Arizona with the help of a scientist from the University of Washington. My…

How not to measure temperature (or climate change) #96

From the “global warming data looks better with heat-sinks and air conditioners” department. Dr. Mark Albright, of the University of Washington writes: Here is a great example of how NOT…

How not to measure temperature, British facepalm edition

I had to share this “laugh out loud” moment from Bishop Hill and the photo of this weather station. Andrew Montford writes:   Settled science Much amusement is to be…

How not to measure temperature part 95 – New temperature record of 102° in Wichita, but look where they measure it

Over at Weather Underground, they are all excited about a new monthly high temperature record. Christopher Burt writes: Wichita, Kansas Measures May Monthly High Temperature of 102° On Sunday, May…

How not to measure temperature – Part 94 – Maniitsoq, Greenland all time high temperature rescinded?

UPDATE: 7/12/13 1045 PDT DMI concedes the record may not be valid, see here I’ve been working on this one for a week, and I finally confirmed my hunch about…

How not to measure temperature, part 93: the hottest weather station in the UK cited by the BBC has some interesting exposure

Over at Tallbloke’s Talkshop, moderator Tim Channon wondered about this regularly hot station reported in the news: An often appearing name in the BBC news as the hottest place in…

How not to measure temperature in the GHCN, part 1

Yes, it’s back. Dr. Roger Pielke Sr.  and I have started looking at the GHCN to document the siting quality of surface stations that measure climate in the Global Historical…

How not to measure temperature, in the Solomon Islands

People Send me stuff. I get pictures of weather stations from all over the world. Here we have Henderson Field, serving the capital city of Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Hi…

How not to measure temperature, part 92 – surrounded by science

Last week we had quite a row about temperature and temperature adjustments in Wellington New Zealand. One of the stations cited was the Kelburn district of Wellington, NZ. NIWA issued…

How not to measure temperature, part 91: find the official climate thermometer in this photo

It has been awhile since we’ve looked at stations in the United States Historical Climatology Network. Last night I was doing quality control and updates to the database and came…

How not to measure temperature, part 90

People send me stuff. My Inbox bursts daily with ideas, suggestions, papers, and photos. Here is a climate monitoring station in Tremonton Utah. Notice anything peculiar about the placement of…

How not to measure temperature, part 89 – "surface temperature"

The Hillsboro, Ohio USHCN climate station of record, measuring rainfall and the “surface” temperature. Note the MMTS temperature sensor laying flat on the ground.

How not to measure temperature, part 88 – Honolulu's Official Temperature ±2

People send me stuff, some days my email explodes. Today I got all sorts of things about Obama and John Holdren and the new NCDC climate spincycle which Steve McIntyre…

How not to measure temperature, part 87: Grilling in the cornhusker state

One of the common themes seen with the project has been the proximity of BBQ grills to official NOAA thermometers used in the United States Historical Climate Network (USHCN).…

How not to measure temperature, part 86: when in Rome, don't do as the Romans do.

This is a preliminary post to a much more detailed one coming from my friend Paolo Mezzasalma. who is doing a tour of Italy’s weather stations. While there are significant…

How not to measure temperature, part 85: what Katrina did for temperature measurement

Below is a photo of the USHCN climate station of record in Pascagoula Mississippi. Note the location of the MMTS temperature sensor. The phrase “industrial nightmare” comes to mind. But…

How not to measure temperature, part 84: "Pristine" Mohonk Lake USHCN station revisited

As WUWT readers may recall back in September of 2008, the New York Times ran an extensive first hand account of the Mohonk Lake, NY USHCN climate station of record.…

How not to measure temperature, part 83: No smoking please

The USHCN Climate station of record in Milton-Freewater, Oregon. Note the beige smoking stand. The casual way that NOAA treats quality control of the measurement environment of the surface network…

How not to measure temperature, part 82, Friday the 13th: the Temperature Shelter

The surfacestations project has now surveyed over 70% of the USHCN. I keep telling myself that there probably aren’t many surprises left. We’ve seen climate monitoring stations in parking lots,…

How not to measure temperature, part 81 – roofing the past in Columbia

Gary Boden sends word today of finding the weather station at the Colmbia, SC Weather Bureau Office, as shown below: Note the Stevenson Screen on the roof. This is where…

Where Thermometers Go To Die – How not to measure temperature, part 80

In my 30 years in meteorology, I never questioned how NOAA climate monitoring stations were setup. It wasn’t until I stumbled on the Marysville California fire station and its thermometer…

How not to measure temperature, part 79 – could you, would you, with a boat?

Santa Rosa USHCN – click for a much larger image Or maybe with the lack of grass, “goat” might be more appropriate. Every once in awhile (like once a week)…

How not to measure temperature, part 78 – teach the children well

Title with apologies to Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. In my last post, part 77 of “How not to measure temperature” I pointed out that the National Weather Service in…

How not to measure temperature, part 77: Surveying a weather station by watching JEOPARDY!

Yes, you read the title correctly. Sometimes I feel like a strange attractor for weather station chaos. Here I am at home tonight minding my own business, in my home…

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