‘Grave Threat’: Calls Mount For SCOTUS To Intervene In Key Climate Lawsuit Against Major Energy Companies

“Humans don’t use fossil fuels because of a ‘public relations campaign.’ They use fossil fuels because they are necessary to the technologies that underlay global human prosperity—from synthetic fertilizer, to…

Transparency-In-Government Group Files Amicus Brief Exposing EPA Flouting Doctrine Against Pretextual Rulemaking

To believe the Administrator’s own words, or not to believe—that is the question.

Will “Industrial Wind Knew” replace ”ExxonKnew”?

With industrial wind projects literally engulfing homes and rural areas, there is little or no escape

EU Human Rights Court Rules Governments Must Address Climate Change

Weak Swiss Government climate policies were found to violate the rights of older Swiss women by increasing their risk of dying in heatwaves.

New Paper Challenges Unproven Claims: Effect of Human-Caused Carbon Emissions on Climate is “Non-Discernible”

If Clauser and scientists like Koutsoyiannis are correct, there is no need for the Net Zero global collectivisation.

To Follow or Not to Follow–a report from a climate bedlam

So, my message to the rest of the World must be: Do not regard Denmark as an example to be followed, on the contrary, turn your backs to our antics…

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