NYSERDA Solar Quiz Misinformation

The entire Climate Act legislation and narrative is characterized by black and white cartoon descriptions. 

Crowd-Sourced Experiment During the April 8 Solar Eclipse

My purpose in writing this short post is to encourage as many people as possible to use their phones to gather data during the April 8 solar eclipse with multiple…

New Research Finds that Solar Eclipses are Harder to See Due to Global Warming

The inability to see total eclipses is one of the lesser-known impacts of global warming, but it is areal loss for astronomers and the rest of us. 

Can ‘clean energy’ schemes get any crazier? 

Materials, costs and survivability for wind turbines on massive floating platforms defy reality

The Green Energy Mess That Nobody Will Admit to

Putting green political ambitions before any other practical consideration has made us poorer, and is going to create a problem far worse than climate change. 

Get Ready For Underwater Holidays , Says Dopey Telegraph Reporter

If the Telegraph still wants to be regarded as a serious newspaper, it needs to get rid of the idiots who write this sort of stuff:

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