One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet

Readers of WUWT and millions of climate skeptics have read this article before, and in fact it is likely one of the most cited articles ever that illustrates the chutzpah…

A Tale Of Two Convergences

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In the course of doing the research for my previous post on thunderstorm evaporation, I came across something I’d read about but never had seen.…

Climate Science 'jumps the shark' – Sharks hunting ability 'destroyed' due to higher CO2

From the ‘Carbon Dioxide, is there anything it can’t destroy?’ department and the University of Adelaide’s department of science fiction, comes this laughable press release. Let’s see, sharks have been…

'The IPCC does not make recommendations' (©IPCC)

Guest essay by Drieu Godefridi In a message to “Friends of Science” (October-28-15 5:50 am, quoted here. Jonathan Lynn, “Head, Communications and Media Relations” of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…

Micro-critters Rule!

A layman’s musings about ecology, and the possibility that, while man may rule the fate of whooping cranes, far smaller creatures may rule the fate of sea-ice. Guest essay by…