NASA's Sunspot Prediction Roller Coaster

Guest Posting by Ira Glickstein Santa brought us a new Sunspot prediction to be added to NASA’s incredibly high series of at least five ill-fated predictions starting in 2006. NASA’s…

Piers Corbyn goes global cooling

Piers Corbyn showed up on Fox and Friends this morning to discuss his most accurate prediction of a bone-chillingly cold winter, and throw some ad hominem attacks towards the global…

Just Another East Coast Blizzard

Guest post by John Goetz I read Judah Cohen’s opinion piece in the New York Times yesterday and could not decide if he was being serious or not when he…

An end of an era – the incandescent light bulb

Also, there’s a poll at the end of this article, asking about what you might be doing for the upcoming ban in California. On January 1st, 2011, just a few…

Climate Change and the Corruption of Science: Where did it all go wrong?

Guest post by Bernie Lewin As it is the time of year for reflection, let us consider for a moment the Climate Change scare in the bigger picture. One thing…

How I learned to stop smoking and love Global Warming

Guest post by by Michael A. Lewis, Ph.D. In my work as an archaeologist in Alaska, I spent a good swat of my time hiking through forests along the Yukon…