Expert Embarrassment in Climate Change

Guest post by Thomas Fuller The paper ‘Expert Credibility in Climate Change,’ published in PNAS by Anderegg, the late Stephen Schneider, James Prall and Jacob Harold attempts to measure the…

Analysis of NSIDC August 4 News

By Steven Goddard, NSIDC published their sea ice news yesterday, and this one is definitely worth a read. Yesterday I pointed out that the graph below seems to be inconsistent…

DMI polar data shows cooler Arctic temperature since 1958

From Frank Lansner at Hide the Decline From DMI (Danish Meteorological Institute) we learn, that Arctic 80N-90N temperatures in the melt season this year is colder than average. This was…

NOAA Still Expects Active Atlantic Hurricane Season; La Niña Develops

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Chris Vaccaro 202-482-6093 August 5, 2010 NOAA Still Expects Active Atlantic Hurricane Season; La Niña Develops The Atlantic Basin remains on track for an active hurricane…

Why the CO2 increase is man made (part 1)

For a another view on the CO2 issue, please see also the guest post by Tom Vonk: CO2 heats the atmosphere…a counter view -Anthony Guest Post by Ferdinand Engelbeen There have…

CO2 heats the atmosphere…a counter view

Guest post By Tom Vonk (Tom is a physicist and long time poster at many climate blogs. Note also I’ll have another essay coming soon supporting the role of CO2…

Surprise: Fish tolerate 2.5°C temperature shift in 3 years

Tiny fish evolved to tolerate colder temperature in three years: UBC study University of British Columbia researchers have observed one of the fastest evolutionary responses ever recorded in wild populations.…