US Chamber of commerce wants trial on global warming issue. Reader poll inside

Excerpts from  The LA Times story: U.S. Chamber of Commerce seeks trial on global warming By Jim Tankersley August 25, 2009 Reporting from Washington The nation’s largest business lobby wants…

Arctic temperature headed below freezing

There’s a couple of indicators that at least for Arctic temperature, the numbers are headed south. First the weather plot from the drifting buoy that is connected with NOAA’s North…

Atmospheric Temperature and Carbon Dioxide: Feedback or Equilibrium?

R. Taylor writes in to Tips and Notes to WUWT with this. Anthony: If you shift Vostok temperatures by reasonable time lags, and use reasonable parameters for an equilibrium between…

NASA powers up for the next UN IPCC

From NASA,  new fossil fuel powered toys for the boys. Related:  “Giant sucking sound” heard in Greenbelt, MD when the switch was thrown. Remember the day you got a brand-new…

Warming could cause tilt in Earth's axis

As if we didn’t already have enough to worry about…. Earth’s axial tilt (or obliquity) and its relation to the rotation axis and plane of orbit. Image from Wikipedia. Excerpts…