Czech Extreme Weather Fatalities Study Finds “Statistically Significant Falling Trend”…Most Related To Cold!

A study of Czech extreme weather fatalities show that the trend has been “significantly falling”. Most weather extreme fatalities were related to cold…less than 2% “heat related”!

A link between climate, ice melt, and volcanic eruptions is found

When the ice melts, the Earth spews fire GEOMAR researchers discover a link between climate and volcanic eruptions It has long been known that volcanic activity can cause short-term variations…

Climate change to flood link – no evidence

Another climate FAIL. Add this to tornadoes and hurricanes not being linked either, and you find that the entire Joe Romm / Bill McKibben alarming industrial complex of doubtful linkages…

USGS enters the weather porn business with ARkStorm

It used to be enough to push worry about El Niño in the news, now the USGS takes it to whole new level. I don’t dispute the historical evidence of…