Great Barrier Reef bleaching study; Karoly et al (April 2016), Part A.

Guest essay by Bob Fernley-Jones Background: This headline image is for a publically released article (the article) in the Australian university-partnered blog The Conversation in which ‘the study’ cited therein…

Biologists: We need more Money to Forecast Climate Catastrophe

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A group of biologists have demanded more resources for data collection, so they can fill in the missing pieces of biodiversity models which forecast ecological…

Comparison Between Observational Data and Model Projections for Hot Days in Northern Australian Regions

Guest essay by Dr. B Basil Beamish In a recent WUWT post I looked at the number of hot days (Tmax > 35 °C) projected by climate models for Cairns as…

Study essentially says "we are guessing at future global weather patterns"

From the UNIVERSITY OF EXETER and the “but we are certain there’s some kind of effect” department comes this uncertain study: Induced climate change ‘tug of war’ keeps scientists guessing on…