Playing hide and seek behind the trees

Still Hiding the Decline by Steve McIntyre Even in their Nov 24, 2009 statement, the University of East Anglia failed to come clean about the amount of decline that was hidden.…

A first? Climategate enabled political shift in Australia – warmist replaced with sceptic

The Liberal Party in Australia’s parliament has a new leader. Herald Sun Blogger and Columnist, Andrew bolt writes to me in an email: Anthony, This may be a first: a…

China, India, Brazil, South Africa plan joint walkout if pressured at Copenhagen

From the Times of India – a “put up or shut up” moment – “we’ll go along if you pay us”. Excerpts below: BEIJING: In an unprecedented move, India on…

The Climate Science Isn't Settled

Confident predictions of catastrophe are unwarranted. A commentary by Richard S. Lindzen in the WSJ Is there a reason to be alarmed by the prospect of global warming? Consider that…

Climategate turbulence

Russ Steele writes: President Obama will soon be on his his way to Copenhagen and his Bagdad Bob moment in Air Force One.  Climategate is sure to create some turbulence.…

Pielke Senior: Revkin perpetuates a myth about the surface temperature record

A Myth About The Surface Temperature Record Analyses Perpetuated On Dot Earth By Andy Revkin By Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. On the weblog Dot Earth today, there is text from Michael…

What Do We Really Know About Climate Change?

A Guest Post by Basil Copeland Like many of Anthony’s readers here on WUWT, I’ve been riveted by all the revelations and ongoing discussion and analysis of the CRUtape Letters™…

Shocker – CRU's Jones: GISS is inferior

I was working on another project related to the CRU emails and came across this email from Dr.Phil Jones. I was stunned, not only because he was dissing another dataset,…

Quote of the week #25 – Krugman's LOL on skeptics

I don’ t know what sort of world NYT reporters live in, but I am now convinced that some like Paul Krugman have no clue about the real world people…

The Medieval Warm Period – a global phenomenon, unprecedented warming, or unprecedented data manipulation?

Guest post from Von Rudolf Kipp Originally in German here, with some portions translated to English using the Google translator below. [update–translation provided by poster EWCZ ~ ctm] Google translator…

Climategate page added – your help needed

Given the volume of posts here on the issue and elsewhere, I’ve decided to start a repository for reference purposes. I’ve added a “Climategate” page on WUWT and put all…

UK Prove It! poll – still taking votes

From WUWT Tips and Notes comments by Robert E. Phelan: Ric Werme has been tracking the Science Museum “Prove It!” poll since October 29th here: Starting November 2 the…

Hansen: "The fraudulence of the Copenhagen approach" – "must be exposed."

There’s an essay by Dr. James Hansen in the Guardian, the header of which is shown below. Next time people accuse of “big oil” connections for skeptics, point out that…

When Results Go Bad …

Guest post by Willis Eschenbach One of the claims in this hacked CRU email saga goes something like “Well, the scientists acted like jerks, but that doesn’t affect the results,…


From Kate at Small Dead Animals: No U-turns allowed Flashback to April 18th… Dear Tom, I find it hard to believe that the British Antarctic Survey would permit the deletion…

Telegraph's Booker on the "climategate" scandal

Excerpts from the Telegraph: A week after my colleague James Delingpole, on his Telegraph blog, coined the term “Climategate” (Note: Delingpole reports via email he got it from WUWT, commenter…

"Climategate" surpasses "Global Warming" on Google

Note: title suffix – “autosuggest still blocked” has been removed, see update2 at bottom of story. We’ve had the term “global warming” in the lexicon since well before the Internet…

Spencer: Top 10 Annoyances in the Climate Change Debate

From Dr. Roy Spencer’s blog (with WUWT apologies to Roy and  Wayne and Garth) My Top 10 Annoyances in the Climate Change Debate by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Well,…

Mann to be investigated by Penn State University review

This statement was released by Penn State here. Oddly, while mentioning the NAS report, there is no mention of the Congressional commissioned Wegman report, which you can see here full…

Understanding Climategate: Who's Who – a video

Thanks to MagicJava for putting this into a YouTube video at my request:

The Curry letter: a word about "deniers"…

This comment was sent to me in case it was not posted at all or in it’s entirety over at Climate Progress. It wasn’t, so I’m repeating it here because…

How "The Trick" was pulled off

by Steve McIntyre For the benefit of new readers, we discussed some aspects of the “trick” at Climate Audit in the past. Obviously, the Climategate Letters clarify many things that…

The Australian ETS vote: a political litmus test for cap and trade

Many here in the USA got their first inkling of the extraordinary events going on in Australia with the vote that was supposed to happen in parliament on Friday over…

An open letter from Dr. Judith Curry on climate science

I asked Dr. Judith Curry if I could repost her letter which she originally sent to Climate Progress, here at WUWT. Here was her response: From: Curry, Judith A Sent:…

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