What a difference a year makes: Another record month for WUWT

Today at 00 GMT (5PM PST) a new month started. Every time a new month of statistics starts being logged by WordPress for Watts Up With That, I say to…

Here's the problem with the sun

Newly discovered evidence that polar bears, CO2, climate change, and the sun are intimately connected in ways never envisioned. No wonder the sun seems to be slowing down.

NASA: Sun is "blankety blankest" it's been in the Space Age

From NASA Science News h/t to John-X Spotless Sun: 2008 is the Blankest Year of the Space Age Sept. 30, 2008: Astronomers who count sunspots have announced that 2008 is…

BS Alert: Polar bear hearing affected to due global warming?

From the BBC, a video report so absurd, you wonder if it is an April fools joke. The premise? Noise from excessive ice calving  and cracking due to “climate change”…

Quote of the week

This sums the banking issue well. “Is anyone even paying attention to these Wing Nut AGW people? With 1/2 of America worried about having to eat cat food during their…

NBC film crew stranded in Arctic on icebreaker 3 weeks

It never ceases to amaze me how people think when it comes to the Arctic. Somehow there is this pervasive belief that “if we just go there and document it,…

Comments thread – AIRS Team satellite CO2 paper published

I’m going to make a formal post on this later, but I wanted to bring it up for discussion now since many people have been waiting for this paper to…

Small sunspecks emerging on both solar hemispheres

In comments, Jonn-X wondered: Dead pixels or new sunspecks (pore-ettes) ? At first I was pretty sure I was looking at nothing, then I saw the official NOAA bulletin http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/forecast.html…

Will September be the month the sun truly transitions to Cycle 24?

Below is a note forwarded to me by John Sumption from Jan Janssens. For those who do not know him, Jan runs a very comphrehensive solar tracking website here. Jan…

Convenience stores under attack by global warming zealots

Now I’ve heard everything. Talk about your “Kyoto protocol”. The original source of this silliness comes from the city of Kyoto. In June, in a bid to reduce greenhouse gases…

Former director of International Arctic Research Center says: "Global warming has paused"

We still need to study nature’s contribution to trend Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Community Perspective Published Saturday, September 27, 2008, Fairbanks AK News-Miner Photo by Anthony – not part of original article…

NASA JPL on Heatwaves: "it's the asphalt, not the atmosphere"

UPDATE: Former California State climatologist Jim Goodridge presents some data that suggests that ocean temperature may be an equal or greater driving force behind Los Angeles Temperature increases, see graph…

Kum Ba Yah

by John Goetz I just ran across the following news article from Pitchfork Media: Jarvis, Feist Sail to Arctic to Investigate Global Warming Laurie Anderson, Robyn Hitchcock, Martha Wainwright, and…

The Day The Earth Cooled

This is a familar set of issues in one article. – Anthony By INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:20 PM PT Environment: The solar wind is…

Wind power

I was in a conversation today at lunch with a fellow who told me that “wind power is better than anything we’ve ever done for generating electricity”. That made me…

NAS reports: 50 million year cooling trend

Warming in a global cool period By Peter N. Spotts| Staff Writer for The Christian Science Monitor/ September 25, 2008 edition Graph above added by Anthony – not part of…

Global Warming causing Cannibalism

by John Goetz OK, I know the catchy headline and picture of Hannibal Lecter got you worrying a little about that neighbor of yours who is stocking up on fava…

Rubber Duckie

by John Goetz Rubber Duckie, you’re the one, You make bathtime lots of fun, Rubber Duckie, I’m awfully fond of you; Woo woo be doo From the Sydney (Australia) Morning…

Adjusting Pristine Data

by John Goetz On September 15, 2008, Anthony DePalma of the New York Times wrote an article about the Mohonk Lakes USHCN weather station titled Weather History Offers Insight Into…

Latest Cycle 24 Sunspot: here today, gone tomorrow

I decided to make an animated GIF of the latest cycle 24 sunspot, dubbed number 1002, which was literally a “flash in the pan”. Credit: SOHO/MDI One thing that has…

NASA's press conference on the state of the sun

I just finished participating in the press teleconference call in for reporters with NASA and their panel of solar experts today. There was a lot of interesting discussions and questions.…

ISO-8000 Data Quality – something climate science could benefit from

I received the following email in my inbox this morning, inviting me to attend the first ISO 8000 data quality conference. Looking at the membership directory for this group, I’m…

New Cycle 24 Sunspot and SSN wavelet analysis

Maybe there is some hope for SC24 ramping up this year yet. This appears to be the largest SC24 spot to date. Previous SC24 spots have faded quickly, we’ll see…

NSIDC' s Dr. Walt Meier Answers 10 Questions

Regular readers may recall some of the posts here, here, here, and here, where the sea ice data presented by NSIDC and by Cryosphere today were brought into question. We…

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