A New Paper on California Climate Variability

Today I obtained the paper: LaDochy, S., R. Medina, and W. Patzert. 2007. Recent California climate variability: spatial and temporal patterns in temperature trends. Climate Research, 33, 159-169 You can download…

A good year for CO2 in 2006

Just released: new DOE figures showing that the US has reduced CO2 production 1.5% last year in 2006, even without the US signing on to Kyoto.  You can read the…

2007 Hurricane Season ends quietly

November 30th marks the official end of hurricane season. Below is some good news, courtesy of Ryan Maue at Florida State University COAPS : The 2007 Atlantic Hurricane season did not…

How not to measure temperature, part 40

Rounding out a review of California weather stations this week we visit Gilroy, CA, the garlic capital. This COOP station has an MMTS temperature sensor on a pole just a few…

How not to measure temperature, part 39

One of the most surprising things I’ve learned from the surfacestations.org project is that for some odd reason, there are a number of climate monitoring stations of record in the USA at…

How not to measure temperature, part 38

In our last episode, we looked at a COOP station on a roof of a fire station operated by the NWS in San Diego. Moving north, we have another COOP station…

Good News! Pielke is blogging again!

Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. has started up his Climate Science blog again, sans comments, as an informational source only. This is some very good news. See his post below. November 27,…

The scoop on satellite temperature data

There’s a story at the Telegraph UK from Christopher Booker where he states “…the latest US satellite figures showing temperatures having fallen since 1998, declining in 2007 to a 1983…

How not to measure temperature, part37

The National Weather Service office in San Diego, CA operates a cooperative observer network of weather stations, as do all NWS offices. The station in Coronado, CA, is particularly interesting…

How not to measure temperature, part 36

Surfacestations.org volunteer surveyor Russ Steele brings us this gem of a climate monitoring station from Panguitch, UT. I’ve seen stations over asphalt, such as the University of Arizona station in…

Sustainable Bathrooms and Closets

One of the things that (used to) happens around my household is that lights and bathroom fans get left on, a lot. There have been days I’ve come home and found the…

Local newspaper editor replaced with impostor!

  Real                        Impostor This must be some evil plot by media giant “Media News Group” out of Denver. I opened up the print edition of the ER this morning and…

Tucson Update

You may recall the post earlier this year where the USHCN official climate station with the largest positive trend in the USA turned out to be located in a parking…

Odd moments in broadcasting

When I did live TV several times a day, there was always the chance of something happening that would interrupt the show. Live TV is like controlled entropy, there are…

The "Sustainable" Enterprise Record

This morning while I was poking around on the ER website, I finally found something publisher Wolf Rosenburg had told me was coming a few weeks ago ( I have…

License Bidwell Ranch

I’m going to make a departure from my usual climate and science fare to make a comment on the local front. In today’s Chico Enterprise Record, there was an editorial…

How not to measure temperature, part 35

One of the emerging patterns that I see again and again as the volunteers and I survey the USHCN climate stations of record around the USA is that many of…

How not to measure temperature, part 34

I recently made a trip into Oregon to survey several USHCN stations there, including Klamath Falls, Crater Lake, Bly, and Lakeview. I also made a stop at another remote USHCN…

USHCN in the "ass end of nowhere"

There’s a USHCN station out there, in the “ass end of nowhere”. Apologist Eli Rabett (Joshua Halpern) recently lamented that in order for dendrochronologists to update tree ring studies used…

California USHCN Survey – three to go

   After getting some very remote and elusive stations in the past two weeks, I’m left with just three stations to go in California for my www.surfacestations.org project: Blythe, Brawley, and Santa…

Indy test a bust – weather uncooperative

The temperature sensor mounted on the vehicle using “Mr. Bendy’s” window mount The best laid plans of mice and men almost always is a slave to the whims of weather, and…

Test Run in Indy

Yesterday I spent most of the day on the 51st floor (830 feet up) of the Chase Bank building (see arrow) configuring an automated Weather Channel display system. You can see…

Blogging from Indianapolis – Technology is amazing

This picture is where I’m blogging from as I write this. The roof of a parking garage in downtown Indianapolis. My laptop in the foreground, the offices of the Indianapolis…

My work featured in The Arizona Republic

Some of the work done by myself and surfacestations.org volunteer, Warren Meyer, was featured in an article today in “The Arizona Republic” titled Skeptics raise doubts on global warming. They…

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