Dumpster Diving NASA Climate Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’ – Admit he has ‘bottomless grief’ because ‘we are losing Earth’ & seeks to ‘end’ fossil fuels

“Here’s why race justice and climate justice are one & the same: The oppressive extractive plutocracies that colonize and kill black bodies and colonize and kill our planet are one…

Wash, blow dry & talk to me about global warming please: Hairdressers trained to talk about ‘climate action’ to customers

During the sessions, hairdressers hear the basics of climate science and get to role play how conversations might go.

Ban on anesthesia next?! Doc suggests ‘lowering the flow of anesthetic gas’ in patients to save planet – 1 hour of surgical anesthesia equivalent to driving as many as 470 miles

…would you go to a cancer treatment center that was worried about its carbon footprint?

Aussie ‘Ambassador for Women’ claims ‘climate change’ causes rape! ‘Exacerbates the risks of sexual & gender-based violence’

As we confront the climate crisis, women and girls’ human rights, must be at the center of our collective efforts.

Climate Madness: Prince Charles Backs Face Masks For Cows In Bid To Tackle Climate Change

From Climate Depot A special kind of stupid: WEF leader promoting cow masks. Screenshot from YouTube # Newsweek: Prince Charles Mocked For Backing ‘Crazy’ Climate Change Face Mask For Cows Reality…

New York City chain saws down 1,000 trees to raise park 8-10 feet to address panic over 3mm sea level rise – Protesters ‘watched in horror’

“What’s the point of paying a parks department that cuts down trees?” asked Karen Kapnick, one of a small group of protesters who watched in horror, peeking through a chain…