UCLA’s Daniel Swain and NPR’s David Romero Collude to Flood Our minds with a River of Climate Fear Mongering!

And once again climate alarmists obscure the real problems and real solutions.

Court Sides with GAO over UCLA, Awards $225,000 in Legal Fees Over Records Fight

These revelations might well have implications for one or more of the “climate” lawsuits the Hollywood money is actually paying for.

UCLA Ordered to Release Records Showing Coordination Between Law Enforcement to Attack ‘Climate Denialism’

While UCLA attempted to categorize many of the requested documents as “not public records,” the court stated that, per a previous filing, “the definition of ‘public records’ is ‘broad and…

Study Calls for Ban on Gas Appliances, Misleads Californians

But the study, Effects of Residential Gas Appliances on Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality and Public Health in California, lacks accuracy and perspective, as discussed in my paper criticizing the…

Tisdale: “Mercury rising”? “Greater L.A. to heat up an average 4 to 5 degrees by mid-century”????

Guest post by Bob Tisdale SkepticalScience recently published a post titled Mercury rising: Greater L.A. to heat up an average 4 to 5 degrees by mid-century. It’s a cross post…

Using leaf veins to hindcast climate

From the University of California – Los Angeles Hacking code of leaf vein architecture solves mysteries, allows predictions of past climate UCLA life scientists have discovered new laws that determine…

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