Republicans Ignore “Climate Crisis” During Deep Freeze “Fueled by Global Heating”

Guest “When did The Babylon Bee take over The Grauniad?” by David Middleton I couldn’t make this sort of schist up, even if I was trying In the wake of…

Cascading COVID-style lockdown: Only way to save the planet!

Guest “we had to destroy village in order to save it” by David Middleton Equivalent of Covid emissions drop needed every two years – studyEquivalent falls in emissions over a…

Carbon dioxide level unprecedented in 15 MY… More evidence it’s not the climate control knob!

Guest “implied face palm” by David Middleton From The Grauniad (where else?) “Beras” is not a typo… I’m a big fan of the late Yogi Berra, and I will try…

2004 Climate Apocalypse Prediction Bites the Dust

Guest relaying of good news by David Middleton It seems like climate apocalypses are experiencing a bit of an apocalypse… Nolte: Department of Defense Predicted Climate Change Would Destroy Us…

Gangs of Pompeii: Volcanologists vs Archaeologists

Guest “you couldn’t make this sort of schist up, if you were trying” by David Middleton Pompeii row erupts between rival scientific factions Volcanologists say excavations by archaeologists are destroying…

Coal Subsidies and Jake Tapper’s Climate Emergency Meltdown… Lions and Tigers and Bears!!!

Guest double-post by David Middleton I probably should have broken this up into two or three posts… But I was rolling… (If at any point you can’t tell if I’m…

Elvis calls for “Space Wilderness” to Protect Solar System From Mining!

Guest ridiculing marveling by David Middleton I had to take a break from writing the sequel to How Climate Change Buried a Desert 20,000 Feet Beneath the Gulf of Mexico…

Grauniad: “‘the end of coal’ in Asia”… Or just an illiterate Grauniad journalist?

Guest slam dunk by David Middleton Energy analysts forecast ‘the end of coal’ in Asia as Japanese investors back renewables Australia’s largest export customer for thermal coal is scrapping plans…

‘Climate Change and the True Cost of Economic Growth’ – A Grauniad Fairy Tale

Guest ridicule by David Middleton This article is a follow-up to George Moonbat’s While economic growth continues we’ll never kick our fossil fuels habit,covered by Eric Worrall in this post: Monbiot: The…

Grauniad: “Water divining is bunk. So why do myths continue to trump science?”

Guest lampooning by David Middleton Hopefully, this post won’t have as many typos as my last post. I just love ridiculing The Grauniad… The news that many water companies use dowsing to…

Plastic is so cool! "Plastic chunks on Arctic ice show how far pollution has spread." Ohhhhhh noooooooo!!!

Guest ridicule by David Middleton The Grauniad: The gift that keeps on giving! A British-led expedition has discovered sizeable chunks of polystyrene lying on remote frozen ice floes in the…