Kumimanu fordycei: The Giant Penguins of the Paleocene Epoch

Giant penguins thrived in a much warmer world, without year-round sea ice… Yet modern penguins are doomed by warming temperatures and declining year-round sea ice… Right.

From giant elephants to nimble gazelles: Early humans hunted the largest available animals to extinction for 1.5 million years

The study shows that humans always hunted the largest available animals until they became exceedingly rare or extinct, and then went on to target the next-largest.

Younger Dryas Myth-Busting: Flash-Frozen Mammoths Edition

Guest “Pleistocene elephant hunting” by David Middleton “The body of this mammoth was found perfectly preserved in the Siberian tundra with food still in its mouth and stomach indicating that…

Climate changed the size of our bodies and, to some extent, our brains


Paleontologists identify most dangerous place on Earth

Guest “thank God for asteroids” by David Middleton My first guess would have been Chicago, but, apparently it was the Sahara Desert region back during the Cretaceous Period… PALAEONTOLOGISTS REVEAL…

Stromatolites on Mars?

Guest “geological story telling” by David Middleton The Case for Past Life on Mars Gets StrongerBut how much evidence is needed until we can say there’s proof? By Dirk Schulze-MakuchAIRSPACEMAG.COMAPRIL…

Shades of Jurassic Park! Miniature dinosaur “exquisitely preserved in amber”

Guest “amateur paleontology” by David Middleton NEWS 11 MARCH 2020This miniature skull belonged to a 2-gram dinosaurThe 100-million-year-old animal might have been the smallest dinosaur. Giuliana Viglione A miniature creature…

Human ancestors not to blame for ancient mammal extinctions in Africa

Finally we can stop being guilty about SOMETHING~ctm From Eurekalert New research finds grassland expansion drove the decline of giant mammals over the last 4.6 million years University of Utah…

Species Extinction is Nothing New

Letter to the Editor As the global warming bubble deflates, another scare is being inflated – species extinction. Naturally the professional alarmists present this as a brand new threat, caused…