Ozone hole in Antarctica shrinks significantly, but not a record low as erroneously reported elsewhere

While this is good news any way you look at it,  I note there are a number of news reports saying that the “Ozone Hole Shrinks to Record Low” which…

Fallout from Our Paper: The Empire Strikes Back

by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. LiveScience.com posted an article yesterday where the usual IPCC suspects (Gavin Schmidt, Kevin Trenberth, and Andy Dessler) dissed our recent paper in in the…

Failing to make his case, James Hansen uses children as legal pawns

From LiveScience, another reason for NASA to fire Jame Hansen now: Here’s the basis for his actions in a nutshell:

Deadliest Catch-22

You can’t make this stuff up, really. Crab deaths due to cold according to one authority are now being blamed on….drum roll….climate change aka global warming, by another.   “Thousands…