LA Times Flawed Year 2022 Climate Alarmist Propaganda Editorial

… in fact concealed highly relevant climate science measured data from public view in its editorial …

Wrong, Washington Post – History and Data Contradict Claims of Worsening ‘Atmospheric Rivers’

WaPo and much of climate science today is overly reliant on projections from computer models rather than looking at trends in historical and real-world data.

Claim: More than half of Antarctica’s plants, animals could disappear due to climate change

Lee said that more action is needed to save one of Earth’s vast, pristine biomes.

Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming – climatologist Dr J Christy debunks the narrative

Christy – who receives no funding from the fossil fuel industry – provides data-substantiated clarity on a host of issues, further refuting the climate crisis narrative.

The Mirror Makes Ludicrous Claim That Large Parts of England Will Be Under Water By 2100

These ludicrous forecasts, based partly on improbably high temperature increases, assume a sea level rise over 30 times faster than it is now.

‘Train Your Brain’ on Climate Change? (debate, don’t assume)

It is a grand intellectual ruse. Part of it is magical thinking: that wind, solar, and batteries can substitute for mineral energies and thus “save the planet.”


Another year, another United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP) on how to persuade the bogeyman of our age, climate change (CC), to cease misbehaving. Time – and money –…

Climate Fear Mongering Bad Analyses Cause Bad Remedies

The media amplifies our fears by promoting unvetted scientific studies that argue climate change is linked to 5 million deaths a year.

Climate Change Weekly #446: No, Melting Greenland Ice Is Not About to Swamp Coastal Areas

The same week as the model-driven study was published, data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) and Denmark’s Polar Portal undermined the claims of accelerating ice loss and provided factual…

Lake Mead Low Water Levels, Part 2: Colorado River Inflow Variations and Trend

Contrary to claims that drought is causing Lake Mead water levels to fall, the Colorado River natural flows into Lake Mead show no long-term trend since 1930.

More Climate Misinformation from the Seattle Times

The folks that should care most about this poor journalism are those most concerned about climate change.

Time Magazine Climate Anarchy

… we may have reached a point where no facts have to be included in a climate fear porn editorial.

Uncivil Society: Climate Alarmists’ Last Stand?

Excerpts from Harris’s column reveal the latest desperate thinking of the Net-Zero-sooner crowd. It goes from current-event alarm to settled-science alarm to ‘climate anxiety’ to …. beware of troublemakers ahead.

The European Heat Wave and Global Warming

Ironically, such an extraordinarily extreme event is a sign that global warming played a very small role in this event. 

New Data Absolutely Destroys Media Claims of ‘Climate Change is Causing More Wildfire’

The lack of any sustained correlation destroys the U.N. and media claims. If CO2 was in fact the control knob for making wildfires worse, wildfires would have increased from 2012…

BBC’s Institutional Alarmism

The study, written by me, reveals that the BBC has been forced to correct a dozen items of false claims and fake news in climate-related coverage after receiving public complaints…

Australia Becoming Unlivable–BBC

This may come as news to the Aussies!


Almost anything one can imagine that is bad in the world, alarmists have claimed, at one time or another, climate change is making it worse.

BBC Climate Editor Made False Claims on Global Warming–Mail

The programme, broadcast last November to coincide with the COP26 climate conference, sparked two complaints investigated by the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU).

Climate Misanthropes Say Fighting Climate Change is More important than Food, Reliable Energy, and Peace

Peoples around the world face many more immediate, pressing, and deadly problems than climate change. That is an indisputable fact. It’s immoral and inhumane for the media to keep giving…

NPR Wrongly Blames Climate Change for Suffering Caused by Civil War, Corruption, and Weather

Taking pictures of people in distress after severe weather events, then attributing their suffering to man-made climate change is uninformed at best, and cruel exploitation at worst.

Sorry, WQAD, Data Shows Climate Change Is Not Making Storms Worse

From climaterealism By H. Sterling Burnett WQAD ran a story reporting climate models predict climate change will make various types of weather events worse, titled “Climate change is spiking frequency, intensity of…

Misinformation about Sea Level Rise

There are few environmental issues with more unsupported claims than the effects of global warming on sea-level rise.  

Sea Level Alarm

US government’s climate alarmists are really scraping the bottom of the IPCC barrel, and richly deserve more ridicule than this post can muster.