3 of 4 global metrics show nearly flat temperature anomaly in the last decade

It has been 10 years since the super El Niño of 1998 helped to spike global temperatures dramatically. Now since it appears we are in the opposite phase, I thought…

Link to weather station photos

Due to extensive traffic today on my main website, which is being deluged and will be taken offline for awhile, I am offering visitors this link to writeups of some USHCN weather…

Interesting plots of temperature trends: the 4 global temperature metrics according to Basil

I don’t have a lot of time today, but I found this interesting. Commenter “Basil” has offered this for discussion. So I’m putting this up without comment on my part.…

Yet another inconvenient story ignored by the MSM.

Mount Kilamanjaro – Tanzania, Africa – still snowy. Photo by Neil Modie, January 2008 Last week, I broke the story of a press release issued by NOAA where they publish…

Big Pacific Storm Headed In: Watch its progress live

Uh oh… You can click on the “animate this image link” under the photo to set it in motion. This photo from last night, the animated loop is current. More at…

NOAA: Hurricane frequency and global warming NOT the cause of increased destruction

From a NOAA press release that came out to me via email just minutes ago: —– Original Message —– From: “NOAA News Releases” <Press.Releases@noaa.gov> To: <awatts@xxxxx_.com> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008…

Decaying spy sat shoot-down may coincide with Wednesday's lunar eclipse

Two big things will/may happen in space Wednesday. A total lunar eclipse visible over much of the United States that evening, and a possible attempt by the NAVY to shoot…

Where have all the sunspots gone?

I’m writing this after doing an exhaustive search to see what sort of solar activity has occurred lately, and I find there is little to report. With the exception of the briefly…

Photo evidence for "possible" eruption of an extinct volcano near the Ross Ice Shelf

UPDATE #3 02/15/08  I have received seismic data from MEVO for 10/24/07, and I’m now satisfied that no significant volcanic eruption occured on that date. So what we are seeing is…


Welcome to my home on the Internet. Everyone who visits here is welcome to post, but please treat your visit like you would a visit to a private home or…

Increasing tornadoes or better information gathering?

John Kerry’s comment about the recent tornadoes in the southeastern USA being caused by “global warming” has caused more than a few dustups on the Internet blogs in the last couple of days.…

Kerry Blames Tornado Outbreak on Global Warming

From the Business and Media Institute here is this blundering gem: Kerry appeared on MSNBC on February 6 to discuss storms that have killed at least 50 people throughout the Southeastern…

UAH Satellite data for Jan08 in agreement with RSS data

University of Alabama, Huntsville (John Christy) just published their UAH lower troposphere data for January 2008. Like the RSS data set, it shows a negative anomaly, and a steep decline…

Love those Tatas

Ok, the title is not what you think. Recently Tata Motors of India announced they’d be offering a fuel efficient vehicle (50MPG)  priced at $2500 USD that almost any family…

Snow, cold, in Saudi Arabia: "worst in 30 years"

According to wire reports, temperatures reached their lowest point in 30 years, reaching to -2°C in the capital, Riyadh, and to -6°C in mountainous regions blanketed by snow.  At least…

UPDATED: Roy Spencer on how Oceans are Driving CO2

NOTE: Earlier today I posted a paper from Joe D’Aleo on how he has found strong correlations between the oceans multidecadal oscillations, PDO and AMO, and surface temperature, followed by…

Warming Trend: PDO And Solar Correlate Better Than CO2

Note: This is my analysis of a new paper by Joe D’Aleo, I’ve tried to simplify and explain certain terms where possible so that  it can reach the broadest audience…

A weeks worth of data from my new MMTS unit

Last week you may recall that I posted about my new self contained MMTS unit that I’m experimenting with as a possible replacement of as a check system for NOAA’s…

Mercury revealed

Click on image to enlarge. Given its proximity to the sun, Mercury is one of the more difficult planets to image. Before today, maps of the planet Mercury were mostly…

A typical day in the Stevenson Screen Paint Test

Experiment config on July 13th. The screens were subsequently moved further apart. Note aspirated air temperature reference in forground. I’ve been sorting through some of the data, and have found many…

Making NOAA's MMTS wireless

This is a custom wireless MMTS with internal data logger that I built, view from my backyard. NOTE: yes I know it is not the best placement, this is just…

How not to measure Temperature, part 46. Reno's USHCN Station

Last summer I attempted to do a survey of Reno’s USHCN official climate station. But I was thwarted by its placement at the Reno International Airport due to security and…

Solar Cycle 24 has officially started

What a day! First a major storm whacks the west coast, now we have the official start of solar cycle 24. Solar physicists have been waiting for the appearance of…

Today's storm is a 9.0

A meteorologist friend of mine, Jan Null, has been keeping tabs on Winter Storms for some time. He’s developed something called the Bay Area Storm Index (BASI) which he uses…

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