Fun with Thermometers

A guest post by David Smith Recently I completed my tenth survey for These surveys are fun, almost like treasure hunts where the clues are good but not always great,…

How not to measure temperature, part 60

A good number of official climate stations of record in the USHCN network used for climate studies are at airports. All have been converted to the automated ASOS systems, and…

How not to measure temperature, part 59

I’ve mentioned this before, but it is worth mentioning again. In the 30 years I’ve been involved in meteorology, I had no idea that water and sewage treatment plants were…

There's a chill in the air

Click for a larger image For example, in America’s heartland (thanks to Joe D’Aleo at ICECAP): Cedar Rapids and the surrounding Midwest has been consistently colder than normal since December.…

How not to measure temperature, part 58 – Sacramento's rooftop weather stations

While looking all over the USA at weather stations, I overlooked an interesting station very nearly in my own backyard. Sacramento. This official climate station, COOP ID #047633 is much…

Gore to press: Stay Out!

Credit: Robert Vamosi / CNET Networks First you have to wonder what global warming has to do with a computer security conference (RSA) in the first place, but then the real surprise…

A German analysis of changes in HadCRUT: Adjustments called into question

There is a WordPress blog called Http:// that recently did an analysis of some changes in the way Hadley Climate Research unit presents its HadCRUT data. They suggest that HadCRUT…

Possible Cycle 24 spot emerging

As I’ve been noting regularly, Solar cycle 24 is late, and has produced only one spot this year, on January 4th. Since then, nothing, except a small parade of near…

How not to measure temperature part 57

One of the intrepid traveling volunteers, Eric Gamberg, has been traveling through Nebraska as of late, picking up stations as he goes. He recently visited the USHCN station of…

BBC before and after

There has been a lot of talk about the edits the BBC made to a story on climate change in response to repeated emails by a single environmental activist. Michael…

UAH Global Temp Anomaly: also slightly above zero

A few days ago I posted the results of the RSS Microwave Sounder Unit (MSU) global temperature anomaly data by RSS (Remote Sensing Systems of Santa Rosa, CA). For March…

March 2008 RSS Global Temperature Anomaly Data: slightly above zero

The RSS Microwave Sounder Unit (MSU) global temperature anomaly data has been published this morning by RSS (Remote Sensing Systems of Santa Rosa, CA). For March 2008 it has moved…

CNN's View of Climate History

Some of you might notice that some other items of interest were left out… feel free to fill in the gaps.   A timeline of climate change science By Matthew Knight for…

Solar Cycle 23 Forecasts – The Movie

Click image for movie – note download is large 2.4MB A guest post by Michael Ronayne Note: Mike has created a movie (solar_cycle_23-24_sunspots.gif large (2.4MB) animated GIF) that shows how the…

Gore to throw insults on 60 minutes

There will be a story featuring Al Gore and his climate views on CBS 60 minutes this weekend. Normally I don’t pay much heed to this program, but Gore is…

How not to measure temperature, part 54: Los Angeles, the city

Please click the picture then continue reading. This is the city. Los Angeles, California. I study weather stations here. I carry a thermometer. My name’s Anthony. The story you are about…

The Solar to Global Warming Connection – A short essay

My good friend Jim Goodridge, former state climatologist for California, came to visit yesterday to offer some help on my upcoming trip, as well as to talk shop a bit about the…

Deja Vu all over again: climate worries of today also happened in the 20's and 30's

Two days ago I highlighted a news story from the Washington Post Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt dated from November 2nd 1922. That brought a flood…

Bristlecone Pines: Treemometers or rain gauges ?

Over on Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre has been making a series of posts that have been putting the final nails in the coffin for Michael Mann’s MBH98 paper. This paper was responsible…

How not to measure temperature, part 53: Find the NOAA thermometer in this picture

Click picture to find the thermometer One of the things learned from the project is how the conversion of standard mercury thermometers in Stevenson Screens to the newer MMTS…

New AMS draft policy statement links Hurricane Katrina and climate

The American Meteorological Society is offering up an opportunity to submit comments on a draft policy titled: AMS Policy Statement on National Weather and Climate Priorities which you can view…

A note from Richard Lindzen on statistically significant warming

Yesterday, in response to the thread on “3 of 4 global metrics show nearly flat temperature anomaly in the last decade” I got a short note from MIT’s Richard Lindzen…

Who Decides?

Who Decides? A Guest post by Evan Jones. We are currently in the midst of a serious policy debate on the highly technical subject of world climate change. What is…

Putting myths about UAH and RSS satellite data to rest

The NOAA-N Polar Orbiting Weather Satellite There have been some questions posed recently about how the satellite global temperature record is created by UAH and RSS from the MSU (Microwave…

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