Climate Cultists at The Guardian: This Time, It’s Evil Propane

The Guardian article is merely another symptom of the conceit of luxury beliefs that infect the intelligentsia of the modern West, cursed as it is by a Rousseauesque angst about modern industrial civilization. In…

Modern Scientific Controversies 2024: The Monarch Wars — Part 3

Science.  New studies were done, new findings emerged.  See Parts 1 and  2.   Monarch counts at overwintering sites were called into doubt by the California Monarch Rebound of 2021-2022 –…

Bureau of Land Management takes Comments On World’s Biggest Solar Boondoggle

But the biggest concern by far is not addressed, namely, what this monstrosity is going to cost the poor people who have to pay for it.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues its Stonking Recovery

From the DAILY SCEPTIC BY CHRIS MORRISON Arctic sea ice continued its stonking recovery last month, recording its 24th highest level in the 45-year modern satellite record. As reported previously in the Daily Sceptic,…

Weaponizing ‘The Science’

Pielke Jr. argues like this: “The notion of consensus-as-truth has been operationalized in various forms: journalistic “fact checkers,” academic “misinformation” researchers, and content moderation on social media platforms. The practical…

“Green” Activists Menace Humanity

A thoroughly anti-human philosophy that envisions Earth untouched by people has them blindly adhering to an unscientific theory of a climate emergency.