Select Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #584

Quote of the Week: “Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.” – Will Durant  

Number of the Week: 200 Million compared with 2.5 to 4.2 Billion


By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Scope: Topics to be discussed include Earth’s Multiple Climates and Geothermal Impacts on Climate. Also, the “Chevron Deference” will be discussed as well as electric vehicles in the cold weather.


Earth’s Multiple Climates: MIT Professor emeritus Richard Lindzen wrote a clear, brief paper for Net Zero Watch explaining his view that Earth has multiple climates and relying on an “average global temperature” is misleading and far from complete. He goes through the multiple estimates for Global average temperature change, most starting in 1850 when thermometers were largely in the US and Europe and a few elsewhere that had Europeanized settlements.

Lindzen focuses on the issue that average temperature change hides the wide range of variation actually measured at various stations. The range is about 16°C (29°F). This is far greater than the increase of about 1°C (2°F) that is estimated for over past 175 years. Lindzen does not get into the problems of changes in instrumentation, saturation of coverage, manipulation of data, etc.

Lindzen then produces a world map showing the Koppen climate classification 1901 to 2010. [The current classification is now called the Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification and is based on a large number of studies of climate, physical geography, hydrology, agriculture, and biology. The system uses three letters, the first describing main climate, the second precipitation, and the third temperatures.] This classification is largely based on plant life on land and is strikingly different from the global average temperature change used to claim a climate emergency or crisis.

Lindzen concludes:

“Of course, the notion that global average temperature anomaly constitutes ‘climate’ is attractive due to its simplicity.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that it is correct.”

See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy and for detail on the Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification.


Geothermal Impacts on Climate: Earth’s surface land masses do not store energy well. They are bombarded by massive solar energy in the day and give it off quickly at night. The greenhouse effect keeps the land masses at night warm enough to support complex life. Similarly, energy from geothermal fissures, volcanoes, etc., on land are not important in considering planetary heat balance.

However, oceans store energy well. As discussed in previous TWTWs, below, Professor Yim of the University of Hong Kong has made the case that submarine volcanoes must be considered when evaluating the causes of climate change. Usually, these changes are regional, not globa;, however they may have global influences such as changing precipitation patterns as seen with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In a Tom Nelson podcast Yim is joined by geologists Arthur Viterito and James Kamis and physicist Brian Catt in discussing the influences that submarine geothermal activity may have on climate.

In “Mid-Ocean Geothermal Flux: Impacts on the Thermohaline Circulation and Global Climate,” Viterito begins the discussion by using the entire satellite temperature trend record calculated by the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). He shows three distinct steps in warming. The first step is from 1979 to 1995, the second, a warming of about 0.2°C, from 1996 to 2014, the third is another warming of about 0.2°C from about 2015 to today (2022).

He then shows Decadal Temperature trends from December 1978 to November 2023 over five different regions of the globe. The atmosphere over Antarctica is warming the least with a decadal trend of about 0.025°C. The Southern Hemisphere Extratropics are warming at a rate of about 0.1°C per decade. The tropics are warming at a rate of about 0.125°C per decade. The Northern Hemisphere Extratropics are warming at a rate of 0.2°C per decade and the Artic (60-90 degrees north latitude) is warming at a rate of about 0.26°C per decade.

These two distinct patterns of warming are remarkable. Viterito then shows the Monthly Average Carbon Dioxide Concentration taken at Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii and the South Pole as presented by the Scripps CO2 program. The observations are virtually identical. Changes in carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations cannot begin to explain the steps in warming or the different regions of the warming.

Further Viterito shows a slide with 2018 data compiled by John Christy of UAH that demonstrates that all the global climate models are ranging above atmospheric temperature calculations from 4 Reanalyzes and calculations from RSS and UAH on satellite measurements. The gap between the model average in observations is growing.

Viterito then asserts that the vast majority of geothermal heat is emitted by volcanoes and hydrothermal vents in the middle of the world’s ocean basins and there may be as many as 30,000 vent fields in the mid-ocean ridge system. There is very little direct measurement of the geothermal flux in these ridges, but a good proxy may be the number of seismic events in these areas.

“Interestingly, the earth’s mid-ocean seismic activity/geothermal flux, as reported in the GCMT catalogue, has a very similar ‘stair-step’ pattern as the global temperatures. Additionally, there appears to be a two-year lag, in that the changes in global temperatures lag the change in mid-ocean seismic activity by two years.”

Viterito goes through several statistical tests to show a correlation between a 2-year lag in geothermal flux and global temperatures of 0.74. More importantly he shows a minuscule probability that they occur by chance. He then gives references showing direct evidence that bottom waters of the oceans have warmed since the mid-1990s.

He then cites papers demonstrating the geothermal heating significantly strengthens the thermohaline circulation. The greater the geothermal flux, the greater the strength of the circulation. It is the thermohaline circulation that drives the Gulf Stream and brings warmth to Europe. To Viterito it is the principal mechanism for heat transfer, not wind-driven circulation. Viterito asserts that:

“This is well-illustrated when the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillator (AMO) is in its positive, or warm phase. We are currently in that phase and have been since 1995, the year that we saw a major inflection in mid-ocean seismic activity.”

“This rapid change in the AMO Index in 1965 is also reflected in an abrupt change in the phytoplankton populations in the Arctic. Furthermore, this sudden change in the marine flora is tied to a rapid intensification of the North Atlantic Currents in 1996.”

“Commencing in 1995 there was an abrupt change in fall and spring Arctic (>80° N lat.) temperatures.”

[The changing AMO has been a perplexing problem for some time. Variations in Arctic sea ice were observed long before major emissions of carbon dioxide, which cannot possibly explain them. Submarine geothermal activity is a plausible explanation.]

Viterito then goes to the issues in the Pacific Ocean. In discussing the North and South Equatorial Currents he asserts:

“Enhanced thermohaline flow will also cause more warm water to accumulate in the Western Pacific. The physiographic/bathymetric features of that region restrict the flow of the Equatorial Current, creating a vast reservoir of warm water, the driving force behind El Nino events.”

“The Western Pacific Warm Pool, also termed the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, represents a massive store of heat that can be redistributed across the entire Pacific Basin when pressure and wind conditions switch from a “neutral” phase to an El Nino phase.”

“A comparison of the 1993 heat content of the Western Pacific Warm Pool with the 2014 Pool under ‘neutral’ conditions shows a large increase of heat content over that time. The area of the Pool also increased.”

“Further evidence of Western Pacific Warm Pool intensification after 1995 is presented by thermocline deepening of 10 meters in the Western Pacific.”

That the Western Pacific Warm Pool has warmed and strengthened the Kuroshio Current and the Kuroshio Extension, which flow from north of New Guinea past the Philippines and Japan, with the Kuroshio Extension flowing eastward at about 36 degrees North latitude. On a global map, Viterito outlines the main “hot spots” that would be expected from enhanced thermohaline flow.

He then gives a diagram in which he asserts the greater the mid-ocean ridge seismic activity, the greater the mid-ocean geothermal flux. For the Atlantic, increased mid-ocean geothermal flux results in increased thermohaline circulations; and that results in increased heat transport into the North Atlantic and Arctic, less ice, reduced cloud cover, lower albedo, and higher North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean temperatures. For the Pacific, increased thermohaline circulation results in increased heat transport into the Western Pacific. that causes amplified El Nino, Kuroshio current warming and higher Pacific temperatures and Northern Hemisphere temperatures in the tropics and the extratropics.

In general, the other two geologists agreed with Viterito with Kamis emphasizing that the crust on the ocean floor is very thin (about 7 km (4.3 mi)) compared with the crust on the continents (about 70 km (43 mi)). Professor Yim’s presentation was similar to what has been discussed in previous TWTW, linked below. Physicist Brian Catt asserted that fissures in Earth’s mantle open in cycles indicating solid tides under the mantle. The physical evidence supporting this assertion is not as solid as the evidence in changes in submarine geothermal activity. See Link under Challenging the Orthodoxy and the Oct 29, 2022, TWTW for Yim’s first presentation and the December 2, 2023 TWTW for an additional presentation


Clouds: It is generally agreed that no one has a good theory of clouds. The lack of a theoretical basis for clouds renders any long-term forecasts of temperatures meaningless. AMO physicists W. A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer continue to work on developing a theory based on physical evidence from the HITRAN database. Van Wijngaarden posted their latest paper on his website: “Effect of Greenhouse Gases on Thermal Emissivity by Clouds.” It is beyond the scope of TWTW to discuss it. See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy – Radiation Transfer.


Chevron Deference: An unfortunate decision by the Supreme Court in 1984 resulted in what is called the Chevron Deference. In the absence of clear guidance from Congress, the courts rely on the executive branch (government bureaucracy) to provide expert guidance. The deference has resulted in the absurd EPA decision that carbon dioxide, which is required for all green life, is a pollutant. Things may be changing. In the Wall Street Journal two Washington attorneys, David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman explain why. They write:

“Conservatives often criticize liberal jurists for ‘judicial activism’—disregarding laws passed by elected legislators and imposing their own policy preferences instead. On Wednesday the Supreme Court will consider whether to overturn a precedent that went too far in the other direction by surrendering the judicial role of interpreting the law and handing it to unelected bureaucrats and agency heads.

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo is a case about fishing regulation. The National Marine Fisheries Service issued a rule requiring the plaintiffs to pay the costs of carrying federal conservation monitors aboard their vessels. The fishermen argued that the service had no legal authority to do so, but the high court’s precedent in Chevron v. NRDC (1984) obligated the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to defer to the government’s interpretation of an ‘ambiguous’ statute.

Chevron was an ‘accidental landmark,’ as legal scholar Thomas Merrill put it in 2014. At issue in the case was a Clean Air Act regulation interpreting the term ‘stationary source’ to refer to an entire facility rather than a single smokestack. This definition enabled facilities to make changes that didn’t increase their total pollution without triggering onerous permitting requirements for ‘new or modified’ sources. The justices upheld the regulation, deferring to the agency’s interpretation of ‘ambiguous’ text.

For as long as they’d had the power to do so, federal courts interpreted statutes for themselves where necessary to decide a case, including in cases challenging agencies’ positions on the laws they administer. Chevron superseded that approach with a blanket rule of deference.

It’s unclear if the high court intended this fundamental change. Chevron’s author, Justice John Paul Stevens, regarded the decision as ordinary pragmatism: ‘When I am so confused, I go with the agency,’ he told his colleagues as they discussed the case in conference.

By all indications, Chevron’s reasoning was driven by the need to assemble a court majority on a difficult interpretive question. That explains the decision’s failure to grapple with the obvious consequences of its logic. The Constitution vests the ‘judicial power’ in the courts. ‘It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is,’ as Chief Justice John Marshall wrote in Marbury v. Madison (1803). Chevron bucked that constitutional command without acknowledging that it did so.

Chevron deference also conflicts with the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, which provides that a ‘reviewing court shall decide all relevant questions of law’ and ‘interpret constitutional and statutory provisions.’ Chevron doesn’t cite the APA.

While few appreciated Chevron’s import when it was handed down, its potential was apparent to the Justice Department. The Reagan administration seized on the decision as a corrective to the judicial activism of lower courts, especially the D.C. Circuit, in blocking its deregulatory agenda. The Chevron doctrine bulldozed the policy-driven obstacles courts had thrown up to block regulatory reforms. It gained adherents among newly appointed textualist judges like Antonin Scalia and Kenneth Starr on the D.C. Circuit, who favored judicial restraint.

But over the years Chevron became less about judicial restraint and more about agency dominance. With the movement toward textualism, led by Justices Scalia and Clarence Thomas, courts gradually returned to constrained formalism in interpreting statutes. Armed with the Chevron doctrine, however, the administrative state learned to wield its new interpretive power to maximum effect.

Deference might have been relatively harmless if agencies engaged in a good-faith effort to carry out unclear statutes. But beginning in the Clinton administration, Chevron changed the way they go about their business. Instead of asking what Congress meant, agency lawyers and decision makers hunt for ambiguities, real or imagined, to justify their policy objectives.

As agencies relied more on Chevron to pursue policy agendas, judges were forced to confront a greater range of asserted ‘ambiguities’ with no standard to distinguish among them. Judicial review is the essential check on executive overreach, yet Chevron put a brick on the scale by committing the courts to favor the government’s positions. It is all too easy for courts, when faced with difficult or contentious interpretive questions, to waive the ambiguity flag and defer.

By aggrandizing the power of unelected bureaucrats, the Chevron doctrine also diminishes Congress. Witness the unseemly but now-routine spectacle of lawmakers hectoring the president and agencies to enact policy programs—from student-loan forgiveness to the expansion of antitrust law and greenhouse gas-regulation—rather than legislating themselves. The prospect of achieving an uncompromised policy win through executive action has replaced the give-and-take of the legislative process.

But the victories achieved in this fashion are only as durable as the current administration, and each new president takes office with a longer list of ‘day one’ executive actions to reverse his predecessor and implement his own agenda.”

The authors briefly discuss comments by Mr. Trump and his critics, then conclude:

The principal argument of Chevron’s defenders is ‘reliance.’ Ending the deference to agencies, they say, would create regulatory uncertainty and threaten the viability of the administrative state. But what reliance interest can there be in a doctrine that empowers agencies to change course on a political whim, over and again?

The Supreme Court has already been moving away from Chevron deference, which it hasn’t applied since 2016. The Covid pandemic heightened the need for agency flexibility, yet none of the justices’ pandemic-policy decisions resorted to deference. In recent years, 13 states have rejected Chevron-style deference in interpreting state law without consequence.

Chevron’s rule of deference is an abdication of judicial duty, not an exercise in judicial restraint. It has proved unworkable and corrosive to the constitutional separation of powers. Forty years later, the court should correct its mistake.

For an example of the arrogance exhibited by government experts one need to look no further than a recent paper published by members of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) claiming that sea level will rise by 1 to 3 meters (3 to 10 feet) by 2100. Where is the physical evidence of extreme sea level rise supporting the model used? See Article #1 and links under Litigation Issues.


EV’s: Cold weather hampers battery performance. Battery electric vehicle (EV) owners are discovering that the range of the vehicles decreases substantially and charging times increase substantially as cold weather The Artic chill over much of the northern US and Canada is driving this simple physical observation home to many EV owners, particular those who do not have garages. It is well established that cold weather lessens the performance of lead acid batteries where the liquid in the battery may freeze at about minus 40°F (minus 40°C). However, lead acid batteries can be warmed with an electric blanket or even taken inside. Something that is not easily done with an 800 lb. (360 kg) EV battery. See links under Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Vehicles


Seeking a Polite Language: Global warming skeptics are under severe personal criticism for their beliefs. Often, they use impolite language to describe their critics. John Robson has an excellent post “Let’s talk fraud.” In it he states that:

“Drawing partly on [Tony] Heller’s work, he [Francis Menton] has published a series on ‘The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time’. But we take a very different view of all the deliberate and highly unscientific tampering with evidence. We think the zealots at NOAA, and a great many other places, are not trying to scam us with claims they secretly think are untrue. Instead, they are so utterly persuaded that their alarmist theory is right that when the data don’t fit it, as happens often, they conclude that the data must be wrong. For one thing, if they were cheating on purpose, they’d hide it better. And for another we think that after a while the perpetrators of a known fraud would tire of constantly lying.”

TWTW tries to adhere to the view expressed by Robson. See link under Seeking a Common Ground.


Energy Traders Profit: Energy traders are profiting from artificial shortages brought on to the energy market by green new deal, or net zero, regulations. Paul Homewood writes:

“With minimal human intervention, the machines bought millions of euros worth of electricity contracts. Their bet? Short-term power prices in Hungary would climb just after sunrise as the fog meant that solar electricity generation would be much lower than expected.”

“When you create an artificial shortage of something, speculators make a profit!”

“It is inevitable that over reliance on renewables will lead to the sort of shortages of power, which this new breed of traders is making millions out of. Worse still, when there is surplus power and prices fall, consumers still don’t benefit because producers continue to rake in subsidies.”

See link under Other News that May Be of Interest.


Number of the Week: 200 Million compared with 2.5 to 4.2 Billion. According to the presentation by physicist Brian Catt, the oceanic basaltic crust is no more than 200 million years old anywhere. According to Wikipedia, the Canadian Shield has regions dating from 2.5 billion to 4.2 billion years. Clearly, parts of continental masses do not undergo the changes that oceanic land masses undergo.


Challenging the Orthodoxy — NIPCC

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science

Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2013


Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts

Idso, Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2014


Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels

By Multiple Authors, Bezdek, Idso, Legates, and Singer eds., Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, April 2019

Download with no charge:

Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming

The NIPCC Report on the Scientific Consensus

By Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Nov 23, 2015

Download with no charge:

Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate

S. Fred Singer, Editor, NIPCC, 2008

Global Sea-Level Rise: An Evaluation of the Data

By Craig D. Idso, David Legates, and S. Fred Singer, Heartland Policy Brief, May 20, 2019

Challenging the Orthodoxy – Radiation Transfer

The Role of Greenhouse Gases in Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Atmosphere

By W. A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer, Preprint, Mar 3, 2023

Effect of Greenhouse Gases on Thermal Emissivity by Clouds

By W. A. van Wijngaarden1 and W. Happer, Preprint, Jan 5, 2024

Challenging the Orthodoxy

What is climate?

By Richard Lindzen, Net Zero Watch, Jan 18, 2024

Viterito/Kamis/Yim/Catt: Impacts of Geothermal Energy on Climate

Tom Nelson Podcast featuring Arthus Viterito, James Kamis, Wyss Yim and Brian Catt, Dec 20, 2023

#ECS in the real world: Christy and McNider 2017

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

Link to paper: Satellite bulk tropospheric temperatures as a metric for climate sensitivity

By John R. Christy & Richard T. McNieder, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Nov 29, 2017

Nearly 160 Scientific Papers Detail The Minuscule Effect CO2 Has On Earth’s Temperature

By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Jan 18, 2024

Link to latest paper: Revisiting the greenhouse effect – a hydrological perspective

By Demetris Koutsoyiannis &Christos Vournas, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Nov 24, 2023

From abstract: “We conclude that the observed increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration has not altered, in a discernible manner, the greenhouse effect, which remains dominated by the quantity of water vapor in the atmosphere, and that the original formulae used in hydrological practice remain valid.”

The cause of the high temperatures in recent months

By Antero Ollila,, Nov 15, 2023

The increase in solar radiation received by the Earth has not been due to changes in solar activity but to changes in the atmosphere. The most likely reason is a decrease in the amount of low cloud cover. The overall situation can be seen in the figure, which shows the measured temperature and the change in solar radiation from 2001 to August 2023.

Un-educated Climate Alarmists are Dumbfounded to Learn Antarctica’s Record-breaking “Heatwave” Increased Antarctica’s Ice Sheet!

By Jim Steele, WUWT, Jan 19, 2024

Defending the Orthodoxy – Bandwagon Science


By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

“A story popular with the usual suspects is that, as Reuters ‘Sustainable Switch’ puts it, ‘Risk specialists see extreme weather and misinformation as most likely to trigger a global crisis in the next couple of years, according to a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) survey.’ As in the misinformation that the weather is getting worse when the data say otherwise? Or isn’t that the kind they had in mind?”

Wrong, Harvard: Alarmists’ Media Stories, Not Climate Change, Are to Blame for Mental Trauma

By Linnea Lueken, Climate Realism, Jan 18, 2024

Link to: Understanding the mental health consequences of chronic climate change

By Amy Roeder, Interview with Christy Denckla, assistant professor of social and behavioral sciences at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Jan 18, 2024

[SEPP Comment: Now climate change is a persistent health condition or disease?]

States with big climate goals strip local power to block green projects

By Joey Cappelletti and John Hanna, AP, Jan 14, 2024

[SEPP Comment: Could it be that some local residents realize what many state politicians do not: solar and wind power are not reliable and affordable?]

Questioning the Orthodoxy

My U.S. Senate Testimony On EPA’s EV Mandates: “Unrealistic And Unattainable”

My written testimony to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on EV hype, demand, and Chinese supply chains

By Robert Bryce, His Blog, Jan 12, 2024

“In these remarks, I will make three points. First, I will show that EVs have never lived up to their hype. Second, I will discuss today’s EV market, why automobile dealers are pushing back against the Biden Administration’s mandates and show that EV sales are concentrated in a very narrow segment of the U.S. population. Third, and most important for this hearing, I will discuss the EV sector’s near-total reliance on Chinese supply chains for metals, minerals, and high-coercivity magnets.”

New Research Says Doubling CO2 Leads To A ‘Sometimes’ Negative Greenhouse Effect

By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Jan 15, 2024

Link to latest paper: The Cause of Negative CO2 Forcing at the Top-Of Atmosphere: The Role of Stratospheric Versus Tropospheric Temperature Inversions

By Yan-Ting Chen, et al., Geophysical Research Letters, Dec 3, 2024

FOURNIER: Sorry Biden, CO2 Is Not Pollution. It’s The Currency Of Life

By Joseph Fournier, The Daily Caller, Jan 15, 2024

Energy Information Has Never Mattered More—So It’s Time to Reform the IEA

By Mark P. Mills, WUWT, Jan 19, 2024

“something fascinating about science”

By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 18, 2024



“’There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.’ By Mark Twain.”

[SEPP Comment: Does this  apply to the World Economic Forum and its conjectures about Venus??

Problems in the Orthodoxy

China Versus Argentina: Place Your Bets

By Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Jan 18, 2024

China’s 2023 coal output hits record high

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 18, 2024

Seeking a Common Ground

Let’s talk fraud

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

Measurement Issues — Surface

Tokyo Annual Temperature Trend Hasn’t Seen Any Warming In Decades!

By P Gosselin, Charts by Kirye, No Tricks Zone, Jan 19, 2024

The Thermometers Must Be Wrong

By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 18, 2024



2023 “Earth’s Hottest Year on Record” Claims Fail

By Larry Hamlin, WUWT, Jan 16,, 2024

Man-made cooling

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

Changing Weather

What crisis? We put out a trillion tons of man-made CO2 yet global disaster losses are shrinking

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jan 15, 2024

Suddenly cold weather isn’t so cool

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

“Naturally some people are babbling about ‘a direct connection between human-caused climate change and increased occurrences of extreme cold’. But in the real world, it’s always instructive to compare what private firms who pay a significant price say compared to what governments who seem to make a living off it do.”

Freezing Rain or Rain That Freezes? They are NOT the Same!

By Cliff Mass, Weather Blog, Jan 18, 2024


Bu Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 18, 2024

Antarctica is warmer than part of the US right now: When could that change?

By Addy Bink, The Hill, Jan 16, 2024

[SEPP Comment: Parts of Antarctica, at 12:27 am Jan 20, Vostok Station was minus 36F or minus 38C; at 3:30 am local time Jan 21 Oymyakon, Sakha, Russia was minus 60F or minus 51C]

Global Warming? 142 Million Americans Under Dangerous Wind Chill Alerts

By Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Jan 15, 2024

Changing Climate

Temperatures of the past six millennia in Alaska

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

From the CO2Science Archive:

Changing Seas

Ocean Warming Spike Recedes December 2023

By Ron Clutz, Science Matters, Jan 14, 2024

Reading the Rocks, Another Highest Tide Day – More Fun

By Jennifer Marohasy, Her Blog, Jan 14, 2024

King Tides — Not Related to Climate Change

By Kip Hansen, WUWT, Jan 13, 2024

Changing Cryosphere – Land / Sea Ice

Tom Nelson interview with me about the failed polar bear narrative and rapid evolution

By Susan Crockford, Polar Bear Science, Jan 18, 2024

For This Time Of Year, Arctic Sea Ice Has Risen To It’s Highest Level in 21 Years

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jan 14, 2024

Warming faster at the poles

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

Climate Researchers Blame Himalayan Glaciers “Melting Much More Slowly” On Warming!

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jan 17, 2024

Link to paper: Local cooling and drying induced by Himalayan glaciers under global warming

By Franco Salerno, et al. Nature Geoscience, Dec 4, 2024

Lowering Standards

Windshield Wiper Seasonal Forecasts…NOAA Revises Its February Outlook For Europe Downward

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jan 13, 2024

Climate Fraud In New Zealand

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 14, 2024

“How NIWA, New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, lied to their citizens:”

Fed’s first multi-site offshore wind EIS is ridiculous

By David Wojick, CFACT, Jan 16, 2024

“Even worse, the pile driving noise level is for driving a roughly 20-foot diameter pile, which is very small by present and future standards. Today’s 13 to 15 MW turbines use piles around 40 feet in diameter. Moreover, gigantic 20 MW turbines have just been introduced, which might take 60-foot diameter piles.

The noise level is based on the energy of the pile driving hammer, and bigger piles take a lot more energy to drive, so there is a lot more noise. One wonders why BOEM did not measure the noise from the much bigger piles being driven back in July just off Rhode Island. The answer seems that BOEM did not want to put any serious work into this PEIS.”

Communicating Better to the Public – Use Yellow (Green) Journalism?

Winter storms: Why is it so cold if the planet is warming?

By Katie Smith, The Hill, Jan 18, 2024

“Cold snaps, on average, are also becoming shorter. Winter in the lower 48 states warmed more than 4 1/2 times faster between 1970 and 2017 than it did over the past 100 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center.”

What is ‘new denial?’ An alarming wave of climate misinformation is spreading on YouTube, watchdog says

By Rachel Ramirez, CNN, Jan 17, 2024

“These are all false and misleading statements taken from a handful of thousands of YouTube videos analyzed by the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which has identified a stark change in the tactics of climate deniers over the past few years.

Where once climate deniers would outright reject climate change as a hoax or scam, or claim that humans were not responsible for it, many are now shifting to a different approach, one which attempts to undermine climate science, cast doubt on climate solutions and even claim global warming will be beneficial at best, harmless at worst.” [Boldface added]

[SEPP Comment: Should the Center for Countering Digital Hate hire a scientist who understands the scientific method rather than repeating views of authorities?]

BBC’s Pothole Expert Is A Climate Campaigner

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 17, 2024

“If you want to campaign for what you believe to be good causes, fine. But why is the BBC publicizing their propaganda?”

[SEPP Comment: A BBC story that climate change worsens potholes.]

Don’t they know history?

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

“For instance, the New York Times ‘Climate Forward’ wrote ‘It’s confirmed: 2023 was the planet’s warmest year on record and perhaps in the last 100,000 years. By far.’ But nothing of the sort has been confirmed. Indeed, the reverse is true. The Holocene Climatic Optimum was warmer by far than it is today.”

Communicating Better to the Public – Exaggerate, or be Vague?

MSNBC Damage Control: “Yes, it’s cold. Yes, the planet’s still warming.”

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 19, 2024

Now It’s Hurricane Force Winds!

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 19, 2024

“This is all getting beyond absurd. Last month we had media claims of 80 mph winds, then 90 mph during Storm Henk. Now it’s ‘Hurricane Force”!

What is Landification?

By Kip Hansen, WUWT, Jan 19, 2024

Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.

Severe Cold from Global Warming? NOPE (Doug Lewin in error)

By Robert Bradley Jr. Master Resource, Jan 18, 2024

NOAA’s “Billion Dollar Disaster” disaster

By John Robson, Climate Discussion Nexus, Jan 17, 2024

“Pielke Jr. takes readers through the legal requirements binding on an agency like NOAA when it publishes an influential database intended to be used for private and public sector decisions. Among other things, it must be constructed using a transparent methodology, must be accurate and must be relevant to what it’s used for. Pielke Jr shows that the NOAA billion-dollar baby fails on all counts.”

Time Traveling Scientists

By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 17, 2024

“In 1989, NOAA reported that the US had not warmed since 1895. Now they show a lot of warming.”

90 MPH Winds Sweeping Across Britain, Say BBC

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 13, 2024

“But I sometimes wonder whether the Complaints Team, who come up with these responses, actually believe the propaganda they spew? Living in the BBC bubble, and inundated everyday with tales og impending climate doom, maybe the likes of Terry Hughes, who wrote the above response, really do believe that 90 mph winds were sweeping across the country last week.

“But the early runner for Joke of the Year must surely be this gem:

‘Nevertheless, we can assure you that we would never set out to exaggerate or sensationalise a story and we regret to learn of your disappointment with this piece.’

At least the BBC has a sense of humor!”

Creating An Imaginary Climate Crisis

By Tony Heller, His Blog, Jan 19, 2024

Video: “Another example of climate academics hiding critical information needed to understand what is actually going on with the climate.” Glacial changes in Greenland tracking the cyclical changes of the AMO?

Text: “Scientists reveal”

By Tony Heller, His Blog Jan 18, 2024

New Zealand’s “Warming” Is Based On Temperature Adjustments & Artificial Airport Heat Islands

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 19, 2024

Communicating Better to the Public – Use Propaganda

WEF say World’s greatest threat is “Misinformation” — (The biggest threat to experts and billionaires is free speech)

By Jo Nova, He Blog, Jan 19, 2024

“Finally, they admit that Free Speech is more scary than climate change”

Four factors that drove 2023’s extreme heat and climate disasters

By Michael Wysession, The Conversation, Via Phys.Org, Jan 15, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]

Communicating Better to the Public – Use Propaganda on Children

Schools intensify their climate change efforts as temperatures rise

By Lexi Lonas, The Hill, Jan 13, 2024

“Last year was the hottest on record, according to data released this week, and U.S. schools are ramping up their fight against climate change after President Biden announced a $1 billion investment into electric school buses.”

When Climate Change Education becomes Child Abuse

By Kip Hansen, WUWT, Jan 17, 2024

Link to: Climate Kids: Planet Health Report:  SEA LEVEL

By Staff, NASA, Accessed, Jan 18, 2024

Guardian: A third of British Teenagers think Climate Change is Exaggerated

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 17, 2024

[SEPP Comment: The propaganda did now work?]

Expanding the Orthodoxy

WEF Predicts that War Will No Longer Be a Threat

By Kip Hansen, WUWT, Jan 14, 2024

What They’ve Been Up To In Davos

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 19, 2024

Video from Fox News

Gore: If we deploy EV’s, solar/ wind, green hydrogen, and all the rest, temperatures on the earth will stop almost immediately!

Another expert speaker: “Rice production is one of the largest producers of methane which is many times more toxic in terms of greenhouse emission.”

Questioning European Green

Status Report From Another Would Be “Climate Leader,” The UK

By Franics Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Jan 15, 204

“The UK has gone a long way toward destroying its industrial base, but its emissions reductions are so small as to be barely noticeable in the overall world picture, and totally swamped by increases elsewhere, mostly from China.  The rest of the world is getting a good laugh at Britain’s expense.”

[SEPP Comment: The graph from Darwall’s report is clear: in 2022 UK electricity costs to businesses are 2.5 times that of 2004.]

SNP green scheme to cost £3.5m and take almost 1,000 years to recoup costs

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 14, 2024

“The price of decarbonizing a small Victorian Crown Office building in Elgin, which involves insulation and installing a heat pump to replace a gas boiler, has spiraled to £3.5 million.”

Questioning Green Elsewhere

Seeking Green Utopia, the US and EU are Quietly Killing Vital Industries

By Mike Shedlock, Mish Talk, Jan 14, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]

Updates On The March To The Great Green Energy Future

By Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, Jan 12, 2024

The Political Games Continue

Biden’s SEC pressed to yank sweeping climate proposal: ‘Conflict of interest’

By Gabe Kaminsky, Washington Examiner, Jan 16, 2024

Link to letter from Congress to the SEC: FOIA’d Revelations Drawing Congressional Scrutiny of SEC ‘Climate Risk’ Overreach

By Staff, Government Accountability & Oversight, Jan 16, 2024

Progressive lawmakers line up behind costly fix for error they made in renewable energy plan

By Mark Glennon, Wirepoints, Jan 15, 2024

“In 2022, Congress passed the mislabeled Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which will cost an estimated $1.2 trillion, far exceeding initial claims. The IRA actually was the largest energy bill in U.S. history. Tax credits for renewable energy production, among the biggest elements of the law, are estimated to cost $263 billion.

No cap was placed on those tax credits, and they were generous – 30% of project costs. That’s part of the reason for the cost overrun but it also means that new solar and wind production projects are underway. All the better, say IRA supporters.”

Kerry: Stakes for climate ‘as high as they can get’ in 2024 election

By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Jan 17, 2024

[SEPP Comment: Vote for me to stop climate change?]

Litigation Issues

How a homeowners association lawsuit could shape the future of the California coast

By Sharon Udasin, The Hill, Jan 18, 2024

Link to paper: A Model Integrating Satellite-Derived Shoreline Observations for Predicting Fine-Scale Shoreline Response to Waves and Sea-Level Rise Across Large Coastal Regions

By Sean Vitousek,[of USGS] et al, JGR Earth Surface, May 20, 2023

Judge Orders Wind Farm Dismantled in Win for Tribal Sovereignty

By Bonner Russell Cohen, Real Clear Energy, Jan 17, 2024

Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxes

US Proposes Fee on Methane from Big Oil and Gas Producers

By Timothy Gardner, Reuters, Via Natural Gas World, Jan 12, 0224

“Fee is required as part of Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act.”

Subsidies and Mandates Forever

Interior Department adds six states to western solar-development plan

By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Jan 17, 2024

“The BLM on Wednesday updated and finetuned its analyses and added Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming to the plan.”

[SEPP Comment: According to Direct Normal Solar Irradiance map by NREL, Southeastern California and southern Arizona and New Mexico get up to 7.5 kWh/m2/day. Most of Oregon and Washington get less than 5 kWh/m2/day.]

New Biden guidance makes EV charger tax credits available where most Americans live

By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Jan 19, 2024

“Alongside the tax credit guidance, the White House also announced $325 million in new investments to repair broken chargers.”

EPA and other Regulators on the March

New Methane Emission Laws Could Transform U.S. Energy Sector

By Felicity Bradstock, Oil Jan 17, 2024

[SEPP Comment: Praising EPA’s new methane regulations by assuming its claims are correct. The journalist does not know the difference between regulations and laws.]

Energy Issues – Non-US

Rolling Blackouts Narrowly Avoided In Alberta

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 14, 2024

“They seem surprised that it gets cold in Canada!”

“Fortunately during that peak demand, coal and gas were running close to full capacity, whilst wind and solar contributed just 2.6%.”

How did Alberta wind up facing blackouts in the extreme cold?

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 15, 2024

Sickest Economy In Europe: Green Policies Corrode Business, Germany’s Economy Plummets

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jan 16, 2024

N Ireland Close To Blackouts As Wind Fails

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 16, 2024

“’About 43MW of wind power was being generated this afternoon — a fraction of the 1,060MW peak wind generation. Most of the rest of the electricity in the system is coming from gas, with the remainder being imported from Scotland via the Moyle Interconnector.’”

Homewood: “And what will Ireland do when all of those gas plants are shut down?”

Nimbyism will not save the countryside

By Andrew Montford, Net Zero Watch, Jan 15, 2024

Energy Issues — US

Sheridan Shakes the Texas/ERCOT Narrative (fossil fuels did rescue wind/solar)

By Robert Bradley Jr, Master Resource, Jan 19, 2024

“’All summed, thermal generation accounted for 66.1 GW (90.8%) and 66.7 GW (86.6%) of systemwide demand during these [conservation alert] periods on Monday and Tuesday. Yet, if one were to read the analyses of many industry analysts/consultants and the media outlets that parrot them, it’s wind and battery assets… like manna from heaven…. that kept the lights on when things got tight.’”

“To wit, solar contributed nothing at the critical period, as the sun had yet to rise across most of the state. And as they are prone to do during winter storms, wind assets contributed a paltry 5.1 GW (7.0%) and 9.0 GW (11.7%). Meanwhile, battery reserve, the new favorite of greens and in-the-tank energy reporters, contributed about 1 GW (1%) on both days. That’s a grand total of 6.1 GW (8.4%) and 9.9 GW (12.9%), respectively.”

US Natural Gas Supplies Drop, Record Demand Forecast Due to Extreme Cold

By Reuters, Via Natural Gas World, Jan 15, 2024

“The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which operates much of the state’s power grid, urged homes and businesses to conserve electricity on Monday and Tuesday mornings before solar power facilities start producing energy, due to tight grid conditions from freezing weather, high demand and unseasonably low amounts of wind power.”

The state of Texas…

By John Constable, Net zero Watch, Jan 15, 2024

“But only the very innocent would interpret this as indicating that wind and solar are “working” for Texans. Texas is beginning to look like a chronically expensive and fragile system on the European model. Do Texans want that? Outside the city of Austin, the blueberry in a bowl of tomato soup as they call it here, I think not. Push is not yet coming to shove in Texas, but shove, like winter, is surely coming.”

The Texas power grid is on the verge of another fatal collapse. Green energy is absent

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 17, 2024

[SEPP Comment: If not this Blue Norther, then a future one.]

Washington’s Control of Energy

Biden walks political tightrope on US oil boom

By Zack Budryk and Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Jan 15. 2-24

Oil and Natural Gas – the Future or the Past?

International Energy Agency revises forecast for oil demand upward

By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Jan 18, 2024

“This year, the agency projected, global oil demand is set to grow by about 1.24 million barrels per day, up from the 1.1 million it projected in December.” [For COP 28?]

Why the oil market refuses to catastrophise

By John Kemp, Reuters, Jan 17, 2024

“As a young analyst, I was advised by a senior trader to ensure my predictions were always well outside the consensus to ensure they got most attention.

Successful out-of-consensus forecasts would be remembered and build a reputation, he said; failures would be quietly forgotten. From a cynical marketing point of view he was right.”

No End in Sight for Our Gasoline Use

By Levi Russell, Real Clear Energy, Jan 16, 2024

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Solar and Wind

Claim: Socially Engineered Greed Stops Renewables from Solving Climate Change

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 15, 2024

Industrial Wind vs. Deep Ecology: Surface Impacts

By Robert Bradley Jr., Master Resource, Jan 16, 2024

Former Greens candidate now warns wind turbines are lunacy and a scam

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jan 17, 2024

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Other

DOE Selects Consortium to Bolster Demand for Regional Hydrogen Hubs

By Sonal Patel, Power Mag, Jan 18, 2024

“Unique Set of Expert Knowledge

The newly selected H2DI consortium will comprise EFI Foundation (EFIF), a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit headed by former DOE secretary Ernest Moniz, Intercontinental Exchange, a firm that operates financial exchanges, including the New York Stock Exchange, and intelligence company S&P Global. The H2DI, notably, also includes Dentons, one of the world’s largest law firms that specializes in energy regulatory issues, and a modeling and analysis group from the MIT Energy Initiative.”

Another £2 Billion Handed Out To Subsidize Hydrogen

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 16, 2024

Drax Carbon Capture Could Cost Bill Payers £40 Billion

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 17, 2024

“’The project could add about £1.7bn to energy bills every year if the company acts on plans to fit all four of its biomass units with carbon capture technology, or a total of more than £43bn, according to Ember, a climate thinktank.’”

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Vehicles

How freezing temperatures are affecting electric vehicles

By Sareen Habeshian, Axios, Jan 16, 2024

“The big picture: Not only does charging take longer in freezing temperatures, some electric vehicle owners are surprised to find how much their car’s driving range is compromised by winter weather.”

“A Recurrent analysis of 18 popular EV models found that, on average, their range dropped to around 70% in freezing conditions.”

We Don’t Need No Frozen Sparky Cars

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 13, 2024

Video of electricity problems in Alberta

Another EV Bus Goes Up In Flames In London

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 19, 2024

EV’s Are Useless In Winter, Admits AA

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 19, 2024

Electric cars suffer ‘unsustainable’ depreciation in second hand market

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 18, 2024

A cold El Nino winter reveals yet another problem with electric vehicles

By Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, Jan 14, 2024 [H/t Bernie Kepshire]

“If EVs were just another vehicle in a competitive marketplace, I wouldn’t squawk about them. The marketplace would force them to become better, or they’d drop out entirely, except for a small band of enthusiasts. The reason they deserve to be exposed, denigrated, and ridiculed is that our government hasn’t just put its thumb on the scale in favor of EVs. Instead, it’s put its entire jackboot on the scale in favor of a car that’s inefficient, dirty, environmentally corrupt, and dangerous for drivers.”

Charging an Electric Vehicle in Canada’s Deep Freeze

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 14, 2024

EV’s stuck for days unable to charge in frozen Chicago : “A bunch of dead robots”

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jan 18, 2024

California Dreaming

California Landscapers Brace for Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Ban

By Ethan Brown, Real Clear Energy, Jan18, 2024

Oh Mann!

Mann vs Steyn and Simberg discussion thread

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc., Jan 19, 2024

“After 12 years, Mann’s lawsuit is finally being tried before a jury in Washington DC”

Link to Mark Steyn website:

Environmental Industry

Greenpeace Want Wind Power, Not Nuclear

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 13, 2024

Other News that May Be of Interest

You switched the lights on. Traders made billions of dollars

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jan 19, 2024


Claim: Big Mirrors in Space Could Make Solar Panels Useful

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 16, 2024

Friday Funny: Cellist, ballet dancers perform by glacier in Davos to spark climate hope

By Charles Rotter, WUWT, Jan 19, 2024

[SEPP Comment: “Performing Hope” to solve the climate and nature crisis? Does it give the glacier hope?]

Embracing your Inner Communist Can Help with Climate Grief?

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Jan 13, 2024

“’ As a psychologist I have witnessed a surge in climate grief. This is what I tell my clients.’”

Next frontier in government waste: Giant space mirrors could beam the sun onto solar panels

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jan 16, 2024

Pentagon to install rooftop solar panels

By Zack Budryk, The Hill, Jan 17, 2024

“The Pentagon will install solar panels, part of the first round of $250 million of awards to improve renewable energy at federal buildings, the Energy Department confirmed Wednesday.”

[SEPP Comment: According to the Global Horizontal Solar Irradiance map the Pentagon may get up to 4.25 to 4.5 kWh/m2/day.]


1. Chevron Deference Is a Case of Too Much Judicial Restraint

The precedent strips judges and lawmakers of legitimate power and hands it to bureaucrats.

By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman, WSJ, Jan. 16, 2024

TWTW Summary: Covered in the This Week section above.

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January 22, 2024 3:12 am

Civilisation exists… and is being slowly wound down. Having read Joel Kotkin’s article – 

“California: where freedom goes to die”

– all I can say is, well, at least we’re not alone. 

Once governments gave aid to create jobs and opportunities in industries, now they pay handsomely to remove those jobs – and they call it progress*. Governments know full-well what happens when you take away a principal – sole – employer like a steelworks or a coal mine or a shipyard. You get ghost towns, racked with unemployment and all the social ills that go along with that.

Where heavy industries are concerned we can look forward to more ghost towns. But it isn’t going to end there this time. Say you were employed in an industry and lost your job to the green ideology. Your employer was the only major employer in the town and wider area. You might have got on the housing ladder, but your house is old and needs a refurb to accommodate a mandated heat pump (you can’t easily sell an house that fails its designated energy target in nut zero world) , your car has to be an EV (no chance of buying one of those, anyway) etc.

If science were anything other than a useful fig leaf all of this net zero fascism it would be seen for what it is. That’s where a compliant academia and media come in. Grease their palms with silver and they are only too happy to oblige.

In conclusion. The rich will continue to get richer and the poorer will be little more than an essential tax paying pain in the derriere. The ever so embarrassing Grauniad is leading the net zero charge

The UK should invest £26bn a year in a low-carbon economy to revive prosperity instead of planning tax giveaways that will only lead to further stagnation, leading economists have advised.

Now, that’s what I call Champagne socialism.

January 22, 2024 12:35 pm

Story Tip:

Yet another article about EVs not selling well.

John Hultquist
January 22, 2024 1:06 pm

Number of the Week: 200 Million compared with 2.5 to 4.2 Billion

This is topic #97 in any earth-science textbook and has been since the late 1960s.
WorldCrustalAge.jpg (1364×900) (

Reply to  John Hultquist
January 22, 2024 3:14 pm

Do you have a point? Are you insinuating that since most of the crust is less than 200 million years old, that the earth itself is only that old?

John Hultquist
Reply to  MarkW
January 22, 2024 4:45 pm

no, I just wonder why this is news. The ideas became well known in the 1960s after an article in Scientific American. Spreading centers produce new sea floor (bright red on the map) that ages as it is pushed away by new eruptions.
The old rocks in Canada have been known for many years.
With this statement “According to the presentation by physicist Brian Catt, ” . . . it seems the writer is suggesting a physicist has recently revealed something geologists have known since ol’shep was a pup.