A Three-University Conspiracy? (Or eight billion supporting fossil fuels)

From MasterResource By Robert Bradley Jr. — December 21, 2023 “This conspiracy theorist needs to check his simplistic, authoritarian, emotional views. Eight billion consumers desiring the most affordable, reliable, plentiful…

Oregon’s Climate Program Overruled

The statute requires actual compliance.

Whatever happened to the Siberian permafrost “tipping point” from 2005?

It seems like yet another climate doomsday prediction has failed to materialize. The goalposts have been moved into the future, again.

Emails Show Biden Admin Coordinating with Enviro Group That’s Suing Them

These emails certainly raise suspicions that there is some inappropriate conduct by the DOJ lawyer,

Fisherman’s Association Drops “Climate Deception” Lawsuit

The legal realm, in this context, seems to be utilized more for activism and narrative-building than for genuine legal redress.

Scottish battery factory goes bust in fresh blow to UK’s net zero industry

Eventually they might work out that you cannot create jobs by government diktat!

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