COP28: China and India Reject Climate Loss and Damage Demands

Everyone agrees the USA should be looted, but China and India want to be recipients of funding, not contributors.

Argentinian Reform: Subsoil Privatization (Javier Milei, meet Guillermo Yeatts)

The case of Guillermo Yeatts for subsoil privatization should eclipse “climate change” as the number one policy initiative of the 21st century.

Not Caused by Climate Change:  The Sinking of Joshimath

Joshimath is a Holy City high in the Indian Himalayas.  It is one of the stops on the route of a Holy Pilgrimage.  Many homes and buildings in Joshimath have…

Another Critical Thinker Reaches The Obvious Conclusion: Intermittent Renewables Can’t Work On Their Own

Most of the reviewed papers assumed that solar and wind will be always supplemented by some form of “firm generation capacity”, which is the obfuscated name of using fossil fuels…

No, CNN, Climate Change is Not Costing the U.S. Billions

Not only has extreme weather not become worse in the United States over time, but the NCA report and CNN both ignore myriad the other factors, like population growth and…

The Young Activists Who Fill Children’s Heads With Lies

Meanwhile back in the real world, sea levels in Alexandria have risen by about an inch during young Hossna’s life.

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